The 100 Movie Challenge (2012)

^yeah, I loved Rope too. I've watched it in December.

1. Avatar (2009)
2. Green Lantern (2011)
3. Abduction (2011)
4. Panic Room (2002)
5. Beastly (2011)
6. Winter's Bone(2010)
7. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
8. Super 8 (2011)
9. Gracie's Choice (TV 2004)
10. Bridesmaids (2011)
11. Mini's First Time (2006)
12. Charlie St. Cloud (2010)
13. Blindness (2008)
14. The Hangover(2009)
15. The Hangover Part II (2011)
16. Restless (2011)
17. Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
18. One Day (2011)
19. Ratatouille (2007)
20. Playing House (TV 2006)
21. I Do, They Don't (TV 2005)
22. Love and Other Drugs (2010)
23. The Resident (2010)
24. The Smurfs (2011)
25. Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
26. The Breakfast Club (1985)
27. Jane Eyre (2011)
28. Stick It (2006)
012. Arthur (2011) - :sick: I'm pretty sure I lost brain cells when this was over

Oh yeah. What a waste. And I'm a big Russell Brand fan, and I really didn't like it either.
1. The Staircase (2004)
2. Murder on a Sunday Morning (2001)
3. Twelve (2010)
4. Margin Call (2011)
5. BASEketball (1998)
6. The American (2010)
7. Project Nim (2011)
8. Buried (2010)
9. Seeking Justice (2011)
10. The Descendants (2011) x2
11. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
12. Up in the Air (2009)

Can't believe I haven't had time to watch a film this Feb (well besides The Descendants for a second time). I'm halfway through The Artist, but, to be completely honest, it's a struggle :neutral:
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1. The Pianist (2002)
2. Too Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar! (1995)
3. Jumping Jack Flash (1986)
4. Drive (2011)
5. Lady and the Tramp (1955)
6. Top Hat (1935)
7. Ghost (1990)
8. Pretty Woman (1990)
9. Breakfast At Tiffany's (1961)
10. Rugrats In Paris (2000)
11. You Again (2010)
12. Sex And The City : The Movie 2 (2010)
13. Devils Double (2011)
14. Coco Before Chanel (2009)
15. Cabaret (1972)
16. 3 Men And A Baby (1987)
17. Rugrats Go Wild (2003)
18. Coyote Ugly (2000)
19. Batman : The Dark Knight (2008)
20. Saturday Night Fever (1977)
21. The Green Mile (1999)

I would really recommend The Green Mile to anyone, its a great movie, quite emotional... if any of you haven't watched it yet, watch it! its just... phenomenal, its one of those films that you get attached to some of the characters and therefore end up crying = an emotional wreck :lol:.

And again with Saturday Night Fever, definitely watch it if you've never watched it.
It's been one of my favorite films since i was around 12 or 13, everything about it... plus who doesn't love the soundtrack to SNF ? (The Bee Gee's) :heart:.
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Why aren't we counting if we watch the same movie twice?

Anyways, can I count those, if I want? I watch The 40 Year Old Virgin and The Big Lebowski a few times a year :lol: I can see myself watching my favourites a few times, like the BTTF trilogy...
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Why aren't we counting if we watch the same movie twice?

Anyways, can I count those, if I want? I watch The 40 Year Old Virgin and The Big Lebowski a few times a year :lol: I can see myself watching my favourites a few times, like the BTTF trilogy...

I see it as 100 different movies, that's why a movie will only appear once on my list.

What is the BTTF trilogy?
No, you cannot count re-watches within the list, you could perhaps put a number next to that entry with a count how many times you've watched it but no, you cannot could them as individual entries, there isn't much point in the challenge if you're going to do that.
IMO I think it's perfectly fine to include films you've seen before in the past that you've rewatched this year, however, if you've seen it twice this year, then it should only be listed once.
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Oh no, i meant you can't watch a movie on the 2nd of January and then re-watch it on january 31st and count it as 2 entries on your list.

Doesn't matter if you've watched it before.
I've made two very poor movie choices in the past few days, so I recommend that people avoid these two at all costs:

36. Tourist Trap (1979)
37. The Toolbox Murders (1978)

Horror movies from the 70s are such a guilty pleasure of mine, but these have to be two of the worst ones I've ever sat through. :lol:

20. Black Swan(2010)
21. Paris When It Sizzles(1964)
22. Goodbye, Again(1961)
23. Amores Perros(2000)

24.The Lion King(1994) :wub:
25.Love and Other Drugs(2010)
27.Pride & Prejudice(2005)
28.The Adjustment Bureau(2011)
29. 50/50(2011) loved that it was filmed in Seattle!
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I loved 50/50....I was hesitant to watch it because of Seth Rogen, but it was nice, actually. Anna Kendrick was great as a therapist.

Here's my list...

1.-the international
2.-drive (Ryan Gosling is so hot in this movie. Hated the 80's theme and music, though)
3.-super 8
4.-young adult (I loved hating Charlize, she was perfect for the role)
5.-50/50 (Not too sorny, not too sad, really liked it)
6.-bridesmaids (Kristen Wiig is spot on)
7.-Friends with benefits
8.-forces speciales (Cried like a baby, I think I wasn't supposed to but hey)
9.-the iron lady - Meryl will probably get the Oscar but the movie was just blah
10.- Midnight in Paris - It's been a long time since I've enjoyed a movie this much
11.- one day - loved it, totally unexpected turn of events.
015. Park Benches (2011) - foreign/french
016. The Girl on the Train (2008) - foreign/french
017. Apollo 18 (2011)
018. Hangover 2 - (2011):mowhawk:
019. Pirates of the Caribbean 4 (2011) - they really REALLY should've stopped after the first one:blink: but Gemma Ward looked stunning:woot: but i kinda wished she just had a bigger part:(
020. Red Riding: 1974 (2009)
021. Red Riding: 1980 (2009)
022. Red Riding: 1983 (2009)
023. High Anxiety (1977) - I though I wasn't gonna like this cuz it spoofs my fave director, Hitchcock, but I was quite funny:lol:
024. The Help - :clap: looooved this movie:clap: people say that it left out, made light of, or skated over a lot of racism but I thought it was prefect:buzz:
025. Super 8 - :mowhawk: finally JJ Abrams gets it right.. Those kids were badass:clap:

• I definitely recommend seeing "The Help" & "Super8". Initially, I was hesitant to see them cuz they got such good critical reviews & for me, a LOT of the times, the movies don't tend to live up to the hype but the praises were well deserved:clap:
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I'm in! This year I've seen:

1. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo | The best movie released in the last years in my opinion, I admit I wasn't a big fan of Rooney before, but she really nailed it, plus the soundtrack is great as well, Trent did a great job [even including Enya :rofl:]
2. Into the Wild | I had always heard tons about it, so I finally decided to see it. I certainly don't regret it, it's one of the best movies I've seen the last years, really worth-wacthing it.
3. Trainspotting | Same with above, I mean how could I not love Ewan :heart:
4. Scarface | Finally decided to watch it, it's a bit long, but I'd recommend it.
5. Un Cuento Chino | Beautiful Argentinian movie, Ricardo is great again!
6. Donnie Darko | Probably my favorite movie with Jake Gyllenhaal.
7. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows | Quite amusing!
8. Annie Hall | Loved it!
9. Control | It's a good one for Joy Division fans, I think it might not interest those who don't like the band, it's nice to know where all his dark, depressive inspiration to his lyrics come from.
10. A Clockwork Orange | Re-watched it since it had been a long time since I last saw it, I think it's not necessary to talk about it.
11. Vicky Cristina Barcelona
| Saw it twice this year, Penélope Cruz is amazing in it, probably my favorite 'light' movie of the year.

That's all I remember of.
^Into the Wild has one of the best soundtracks in movie history imo! and I´m not even a Pearl Jam fan...
I'm a huge Vicky Cristina Barcelona fan. I'm always trying to get people to watch it. Penelope Cruz is a wonder.

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