The 4-5 piece French wardrobe #2

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Oooh you're GOOD! The skirt that died on me that needs replacement was, actually, satin. ;) It really is all-purpose, it took me from work to formal evenings and could even be casual with flats/sneakers and a hoodie or parka, leggings. The only problem was, it was so versatile I wore it every day and wore it out fast, lol. Now I wish I could afford Lanvin...:crush:

The prob with replacing a single versatile item is that sometimes you need two, three or more items to fulfill those needs.

Kind of like with men. :innocent::lol:

That's really interesting all the different ways you wore satin ... This was a really good heavy fabric ... I don't remember the exact price, but I did think it was affordable & would wear like iron. Their dress prices are :shock:, but separates are better ...

I won't ask about your 'French wardrobe' of men :lol:

I do, and I also walk a lot, so I choose my shoes with this in mind, i.e they have to be both comfortable and look like they can stand up to heavy use at least for a few seasons. We have a great cobbler in the neighbourhood, so comfortable shoes or boots get reheeled and resoled, and worn again, even when they look a bit beaten up... :innocent:

That's the key--shoes that can be reheeled and resoled. Right now I'm pretty much not buying any other kind ... but I can understand wanting to have sneakers (or needing them, for sports) in your wardrobe. Shoes that can't be repaired tend to have a shorter lifespan ... and with running shoes, even if it's possible to wear them, you have to be careful that you don't wear them when the soles are worn out, otherwise you're likely to injure yourself. (Used to work with a guy who injured himself this way because he was cheap. You better have more concern for your own body than your wallet ...)
i don't need them. i just find sneakers aesthetically pleasing. a lot of sneakers are actually uncomfortable for me.
^ I love Converse (especially pink! :crush:) on other people ... but I think they're not me, and that's only becoming truer as I get older :lol:

My favorite were ballet-like Candies with a bow-shaped ankle tie. They were absolutely darling, but as with any cloth shoe, a b!tch to keep clean. I think I had an ivory pair and a navy ... wish I could get them again :heart: Too bad I'm not famous, I could have a shoe line :rofl:
I agree with Fashionista-ta on Converse! Very nice but not me, and as you say: that gets truer with age... :D

I use public transport a lot and I also walk about 30 minutes to 90 minutes per day. Some shoes get worn out quickly, others don't but if possible I always take them to the cobbler. I have a pair of black ankle boots that I had resoled no less than four times... Now the letter on top is getting really thin and I fear they have to go soon... :cry: I hate it when something I love has to go :(
Well I walk to and from classes at uni every day and I've noticed that my shoes wear out so much. I would wear these two pair of flats quite regularly and by the end of the year I had to chuck them. I couldn't even attempt to have them repaired. This is in part because I think they salt the pathway to class which really damages shoes and also because the way I walk isn't very good. I scuff my feet (I always have and it can't be changed no matter how hard I try). So while I do invest in a nice pair of shoes (like my wellies) now and then, in my case I know I shouldn't buy super nice shoes. Shame really... because I love beautifully well made shoes.

Anyways, I'm trying to narrow down my wardrobe, and only wear pieces that I truly love. Trying to stick with neutrals, cream/pink colors, and one or two prints here and there. It will make packing for going back to uni so much easier! :lol: I was wondering what people think about accessories with such a wardrobe though? I have a small collection of jewelry and an even smaller assortment of pieces that I wear on a regular basis.
i don't why i have such a hard time giving up shoes. i did a mini purge on my closet and unlike clothes shoes that don't fit now will almost never fit. yet i hang onto them like they're my children.
Aldn, I feel your pain about public transportation. I do a lot of walking to get around, and it really takes a toll on the shoes! I've griped about this before on here so I'll cut myself short this time, but the weather where I live (rain, rain, rain--it even rained all day and night yesterday, in the middle of our summer!) really limits the footwear for those who spend time outside walking to work/class/errands. I've found that Frye boots save my life about 9-10 months out of the year; although they're not very dressy, most of them polish up nicely, are very durable and comfortable, and Frye makes a good waterproofing polish you can put on the leather periodically. Of course, their style is not for everybody.

Has anybody had any experience with Swedish Hasbeens? I hear that they're for narrow feet (which I have), but I'm curious about the comfort and walkability. I work on my feet all day long.
I actually did a purge on shoes recently! so proud of myself (and my friends all love me:) ). As for must have easy pack stuff, YoninahAliza, it has to be scarves. I have every style from huge to stringy, and use them either round my neck, on my head, in my hair, brightening up a bag... whatever, though I normally do one at a time lol. They are so handy.

Well ... I was looking at shoes on Barneys' website to see what was new for fall, and I saw that these are now 60% off. I have tried to talk everyone who's complimented my other pair into buying these. I couldn't justify them at full price, but these babies are on their way to me now :p

My black cargos turned out to be a lint roller for the universe, so they are going back. The rumored return of my favorite white T appears to have been just that ... only a rumor :( Ah well ... I'm sure I'll find something somewhere ...
Fashionista-ta, I saw those on the Outnet (I think it was) on sale and thought about you! Glad to hear that you scooped up a pair.
shoestring. i had some moto boots that were amazing for me except maybe they were a little too big.... i want to get some frye's but have to make sure they fit right.
as far as hasbeens go my friend snatched a pair up from the h&m collab and they ran big... i'm not sure whose last they were made on. h&m can sometimes run a bit bigger.
Shoes, shoes, shoes... :heart: You know, I used to be a person who bought a lot of tops, dresses and skirts and then ended up with the "nothing to wear" feeling because I didn't have any nice shoes to go with them. I used to wear black shoes all the time, one pair in the summer and a warmer pair in the winter. Now when I see those people with black shoes all the time I feel it's such a dull look. (Not on everyone, but black shoes with a floral summer dress look weird to me in most cases).

So, while I've become really good in limiting myself when it comes to buying tops, skirts and dresses I am now a passionate shoe fan. And dressing has become so much easier ever since! Shoes are the coolest thing on earth and I think it's the only item that I don't really count when I try to have a small wardrobe. Cause a nice collection of shoes is what makes everything else work, in my opinion.

And now I'm going to tell you something... I ordered myself a pair of shoes online, even if I told you two weeks ago that I won't buy shoes online again... :D But I've seen a pair that... well... it looks so perfect for fall! And I really need a pair of fall shoes. I ordered them at a store with a good return policy so I think it should be okay. And it's a pair of booties and I have made the experience that for me, it's so much easier to find a pair of booties or boots that fit than a pair of sandals or pumps. So, forget my rules, I broke them :lol:

I'll post a picture when they arrive AND fit :rolleyes:
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I have a serious shoe addiction, I have shoes I've never worn because they don't go with anything but I had to have them, and shoes I can't walk in.

In the winter here though it gets so wet that I wear short riding boots (to the ankle, half-boots) in black, so they're like a chelsea boot but comfortable, more practical for the weather (rubber soles) and they look chic with everything. I always get compliments on them. Just a tip for those of us who want to look good but not get soggy feet when walking around!
I'm a big shoe-fan too. I think the rights shoes can make or break an outfit. I especially love special over-the-top shoes.

I'm contemplating on wether to buy a cardigan or not. I've been eyeing it for a while, and it is a knitted cardigan/jacket, and I do not have any knitwear. The problem is, though, that it is quite expensive 200 dollars on sale approximately - new price was 300 dollars. I'm not made of money atm and I'm going on vacation next month, so I should let it go, but I just hate regretting..

Also, I do not know wether the size small (the one I'm wearing) is too big, so that I should go for the size xs.



pics by me and from
crappy pic - I know ;)
Betinapple, it's a nice cardigan but in the pic it looks a bit boxy... :blush: I think that's always a bit of a problem with this kind of cardigans. Maybe if you try a size smaller it could work. I think you have a very nice curvy body that you should show off. It's hard to tell from the pic but I think it could make you look too "straight". But do try it on in a smaller size. What was your feeling about it?
Betinapple, it's a nice cardigan but in the pic it looks a bit boxy... :blush: I think that's always a bit of a problem with this kind of cardigans. Maybe if you try a size smaller it could work. I think you have a very nice curvy body that you should show off. It's hard to tell from the pic but I think it could make you look too "straight". But do try it on in a smaller size. What was your feeling about it?

That is why I'm thinking about buying a smaller size. But the things is, that I do not think I would be able to close it then, because my boobs are quite bigger than the rest of my bigger. Also, I can't try the other size on before buying if, cause if I go for the xs my girlfriend in another town have to buy it and send it.

My feeling is that I WANT it. It was so nice and soft, I'm looking for a chanel inspired cardigan/jacket, and it is stripy - and I'm a stripe-o-holic. However, my sensible site says now. Just feel like spoiling myself atm ;)
I'd honestly say no, too. It seems like it's just not perfect enough... If you feel like treating yourself maybe you could just buy yourself a new lipstick or a bottle of a perfume you've always wanted or a nail polish. I try to do that when I have that feeling that I just "deserve" something or need to spoil myself a little. Or you could take the 200 from your bank and put them into a piggy bank where you save for the perfect bag...

(in such moments I love the thought that sometimes the best feeling is actually SEEING something great - not owning it and then realizing it's not perfect enough and you're nearly broke).

(And if you buy it I'm sure you'll find a way to make it look good, as you always do ;))
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Thanks girls. And you are right, 200 is a lot. Acutally I do have all the money for the dream bag. I just can't make myself by a 400-500 dollar bag right now, because I know I have to buy books for school soon. Sigh.
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