The 4-5 piece French wardrobe #4

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^ :lol: I would run too... I go to my neighbourhood's hairdresser. She's been cutting my hair since forever, so I trust her, plus she's cheap ;) But of course, it's only that cheap because I deny all treatments and pampering and because it's a neighbourhood salon.

I don't particularly like the bouclé jacket I posted before in white, as it looks... flat. But I saw two others, also on Mango, that look nice. I posted them on Pinterest. One is sort of a cream colour, which could indeed be nice for summer :)

And EvaH, I'd like to know too! I hope you have protested to no end (but then again I'm known for protesting every time I can... my parents think I do it too much, I just think it's my right to ;) ).
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^I have made a seperate folder on my email account just to save my complaints to various customer services:innoncent: The J crew trousers I ordered were one inch larger at the waist and hip than they listed at their site, so now I have a free international return shipping:P

I almost wanted to ask Eva for her package details so I could complain about the mis-delivery myself:lol:
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Hey all!

I can't believe I've been gone from this thread for so long, I hope you still remember me? :blush: I didn't forget about you for a day, I kept thinking about this thread and how I had to come back, but something always came up and I had some problems ... But it's all better now and I'm ready to start posting again! ^_^

Any updates? I see that Jina has graduated, which is amazing, congratulations!! And I saw that you created boards for recommendations on Pinterest - I would love to have one too! Could someone direct me to the instructions for making one?

I'm so excited to be back, finally! And I will share more of what I've bought and what I'm planning to buy soon. :heart:
@Eva: actually, what you saw is my old do. The picture was taken the day before I went to the hairdresser. Will post a picture of how it looks now.

Hope you will figure out your problem soon. What did you do to your jackets?

@Eizowa: sigh. what is it about webshops these days? Glad to hear you got your return shipping covered.

Welcome back darling - I have missed you! Hope you have sorted life out. I look forward to hearing about your purchases!

To create a recommandation board just make a new board and create it as a group board and start inviting people.

On haircuts:
I used to be really stingy about getting my hair cut but I have realized that I wear my hair every day and therefore I need a nice haircut. Fortunately my hairdresser offers student discounts and sometimes I will be a hair model, and then I will only pay around 20 bucks for a superb haircut.

Me: I finally sorted out my clothes yesterday - seemed like all it took was out internet breaking down ;) I took away almost all of my coloured clothes and a lot of vintage(-y) things. Now I have only got black, white, grey and powder pink. And a few printed dresses. I got coloured shoes (red and green) though. I can do colours on shoes. But not on clothes ATM. Feels really nice.

Also I am considering making my velvet dress into a blouse instead, now that it seems like the odd spot on the back of it can not be brushed into place. I constantly need blouses.

Juliette: Of course we remember you!:D Nice to have you back!

Betina: Love your haircut! So chic:heart: I love bangs like that. If only my hair was straight...^_^

Making it into a top is better than discarding it, that's for certain;)

Are you wearing your printed dress as a top with a skirt? How clever. Wouldn't have known had I not seen the dress before.
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Thank you, Juliette and again - so glad to have you back in here. :flower:

Betina, you seriously made me wanna cut my hair short(er). :blush: I need a new do in June though, my hair is growing like crazy, like I am fertilizing it. >.<

I made a Recommendation board for myself too, but mostly out of curiousity. :) I don't really need anything right now and at the announcement after my presentation this week I heard that we will have a ceremony (diploma awarding) only in January next year ... :shock:
... and there goes my plan for an outfit too. :(
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@Eizhowa: thank you so much! My hair is in no way straight. There is quite a lot of it and it is curly when long. And annoying when short ;) So I will put it in two french braids on the days where I do not wanna bother with straigtening it.

And yes, it is indeed a dress! I suck a buying blouses so I will have to think out of the box :p You are perfectly right about the velvet dress. I just need to figure out how to do it. I am not sure it will be good for wearing a skirt OVER as blouse since the fabric is so thick and I almost always wear my top tucked in my skirt. Maybe I should make it rather short so it will go with my highwaisted skirts without having to be tucked into them.

@Jina: awww, you are so nice! I am not sure that I really understand the issue about your diploma awarding - please explain!
^I think her problem is that it is very cold in January. Summer ceremonies are more fun and a lot easier to dress for.
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^I think her problem is that it is very cold in January. Summer ceremonies are more fun and a lot easier to dress for.

Ah - I get it now. It has been a loooong day.

I aggree though. Formal events are hard to dress for in the winter.
Of course. ;) I graduated (had a thesis presentation and got a degree) this Wednesday and on Monday I will receive only an official certificate that I graduated,
but the ceremony, which includes getting an actual diploma, will happen no earlier than in January 2014.
It's quite annoying since I expected for the ceremony to happen in June or July.

Edit: I'm a little late. ;)
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I almost wanted to ask Eva for her package details so I could complain about the mis-delivery myself:lol:
Just yesterday I was telling a friend of mine I should start a business... where I'd complain for other people :lol: Maybe you should be my associate ;)

Hey you! I most definitely remember you, nice to see you're back!

And yes, it is indeed a dress! I suck a buying blouses so I will have to think out of the box :p
Haha, I do this too... more often that not because some dresses aren't even long enough to cover my butt :ermm: so I buy them as blouses to tuck in. And your hair looks lovely! Such a great haircut on you :)

I need a new do in June though, my hair is growing like crazy, like I am fertilizing it. >.<
I feel ya! Also, I'm pretty sure you'll manage to be the most stylish in the diploma ceremony ;) I think I'll have mine in November... Not sure.
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I hate to double post, but I was thinking... how do you all feel about wearing trench coats when it's not raining?

I have a short black trench that I rarely wear. It has a very nice cut and is very flattering on me, just it's thin and I'm a bit sensitive to cold, which is why I don't give it as much wear as I should. I was thinking maybe I could wear it instead of my blazers so that I won't look too "suited up", but I'm not sure it'd be weird since it's usually very dry here in the summer months.
@Jina: ah, I see! However, I am with Barbaraa. I am sure that you will figure out how to look great.

I am really short so I rarely have that problem :p I just do not have enough blouses, appearently.

Thx for the nice words about my hair.

I am not sure wether I have missed something but I did not know that trenchcoats were for rain :p Well, maybe originally, but mine is cotton - it would not be pleasant to wear it when it is raining cats and dogs (or at all). I use mine primarily in the spring and for fall. At the moment mostly open, so I think you could use it instead of a blazer, absolutely.
I wouldn't say trenchcoats are just strictly for rain... I used to wear mine all the time in the spring, before it got ruined. So I say go for it. ^_^

And thank you for all the welcomes, girls! You made me feel great & so excited to be back. :blush:

Now, I've made some purchases since I last wrote in here ... I actually discovered thrift shopping, which I though was nonexistent here in Slovenia, but I was so so wrong! I already have a new favourite vintage store and I've been to a few now, and always bought something! Now I have two three thrifted skirts, and two blouses, which I love!

I've also made the successful transition to wearing longer skirts. I used to wear strictly minis, but now that I'm almost 22 and I don't have the best legs anymore (I gained a lot of weight), I really love midis. I have three now, but I'm mostly in love with two: a fuchsia pleated one that is a bit above the knee and a floral pleated one that hits right below the knee. Also got a sheer maxi skirt from H&M which I adore, and have already worn a few times, before it got so cold! I plan on wearing these all the time in the summer! :heart:

Also, I've fallen in love with waistcoats. I have two right now, both in black. One is faux leather and has a few silver studs, the other is also black, but very soft material, a bit sporty looking, but it has a blazer-like cut, which I love! I also have my eye on a gorgeous white tailored waistcoat from Zara, and I think I might get it tomorrow as my bigger May item. I've been looking at it for a month, I think that's a sign that I really want it! :D

As far as shopping goes, I've actually been pretty good. I find it works best when I give myself a budget and spend accordingly. In May, I only bought two trifted things, a blue blouse, and the floral pleated midi skirt. I'm also planning on getting the waistcoat. Then in June, I will get a few smaller items from my board To buy next, and maybe a bikini (but probably not).

All in all, I'm super happy with the purchases I've made since I joined this forum, it has really helped me a lot. I buy nice things and I wear them a lot, and I have a better understanding of quality, even though I am on a budget, since I don't have a lot of money to spend now.

And this is what I will be buying for next month, I think:


Which totals around 200€. And please don't hate me, but I also really like this bra for wearing under sheer shirts when I go out in the evening:


Is it really bad? Is it super tacky? If you think it is, please convince me not to get it. :blush: But I think it would look amazing peeking out of that black sheer blouse and worn with the denim shorts ...
I thought trench coats were made to endure all kinds of weather, not just rain. I saw lots of stylish people wearing their trench in town yesterday. It was sunny, no rain.

I tried on a Burberry trench yesterday. Guess what, the sleeves are too long...:angry: My arms are still in perfect proportion to my height (which is greater than the mean height of British women)...:(

Just yesterday I was telling a friend of mine I should start a business... where I'd complain for other people Maybe you should be my associate

I'll have my people contact your people;)

Juliette, nice to hear the method is working for you:) How is your black skirt holding up (the one Ta-ta found)? You mentioned that it was prone to wrinkling? Is it too hot for the summer?

I'm not sure how I feel about the bra:unsure: You are already showing a lot of skin if you wear shorts and a sheer shirt. I think that your gut feeling telling you that it might be a bit too much is correct;) I think a pretty lace underneath a sheer shirt would be more sexy. All the sequins and beads would distract from your own beauty, and I don't think clothes should overshadow the person.
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Juliette, nice to hear the method is working for you:) How is your black skirt holding up (the one Ta-ta found)? You mentioned that it was prone to wrinkling? Is it too hot for the summer?

I'm not sure how I feel about the bra:unsure: You are already showing a lot of skin if you wear shorts and a sheer shirt. I think that your gut feeling telling you that it might be a bit too much is correct;) I think a pretty lace underneath a sheer shirt would be more sexy. All the sequins and beads would distract from your own beauty, and I don't think clothes should overshadow the person.

Thank you! :heart: The black skirt is actually a little bit problematic, because it's very very wrinkly ... I have worn it to a few events where I had to stand up and I got two compliments on it! But whenever I have to sit down, it doesn't end up looking too well ... I am still thinking about what to do with it. But thank you for remembering! ^_^

Oh, you put that so nicely, I really appreciate it. :heart: I actually found myself agreeing with you as I was reading your post. A simple black lace bralet would be much better. I actually have a really beautiful one at home that might work perfectly. You kind of opened my eyes here! :D Thank you!

By the way girls, where is fashionista-ta? I miss her! :)
I too want to go into the business of complaining! I am goood at complaining - my friends often bring me when they have to take items back :D


so happy to hear how everything is working out for you. Sounds like some nice items - would love to see your vintage finds.

I was a bit ... hesitant when I saw the sequined bras on your pinterest. Mainly because I have only seen them on danish teen bloggers. Anyhow, I probably would not wear them with shorts but with a classy white shirt and a pencil skirt I think it could work. I would probably go for something lace instead, as Eizhowa said.
Betina I know, I know, it's not something I would normally pick out, but the hype got the best of me. :blush: I don't think I'm brave enough to wear one, and I'm not sure that it's my style, really. So your opinions have, once again, really helped me! ^_^

Oh, and here is the other floral skirt, in an unifinished outfit, I was just trying on what I got.

Betina I know, I know, it's not something I would normally pick out, but the hype got the best of me. :blush: I don't think I'm brave enough to wear one, and I'm not sure that it's my style, really. So your opinions have, once again, really helped me! ^_^

Oh, and here is the other floral skirt, in an unifinished outfit, I was just trying on what I got.

Sometimes it is nice to think outside of the box and I do not consider it a total no-go depending on the price.

Really nice skirt - I like the outfit as well.


I spend an hour this afternoon/evening making a draped A Wang like skirt. Really happy with the result and the materials only cost me 5 bucks.
^Did you learn to sow on your own, or did you take classes? My mother is always telling me I need to learn how to sow.
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