The 4-5 piece French wardrobe #5

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What is comfortable depends very much on the shape of your feet. I think trying them on and walking a little Would be the easiest way of finding out.

The Louboutin-saleswoman said that "everyone knows you shouldn't keep the shoes in their box". If everyone does know, they should be able to tell you How to store them. I found that whole incident ridiculous. Why out shoes in å box that Would ruin them?

I think she had the shoes for 2 years though. I think her problem was that she lost the right to complain after two years...
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I have no experience on that matter, Eva. However, I think it sounds insane that shoes should be able to stain from just lying in the box. I have always kept my shoes in their boxes and even those that has not been worn often have never stained. Maybe you could keep them in cotton bags in the boxes?

However, I would not buy shoes 2 years before you have to use them. You can change your mind a millions time in the meantime I think.


Finally; my cardigan. It is from the danish brand Sibin Linnebjerg and I looove it already. I think it will be my favourite item this winter. Goes with everything and is very nice and warm.


Great cardigan Betinapple, looks comfy. Is it soft?

@EvaH I agree with Betinapple. You have to be pretty sure of your choice to buy shoes 2 years in advance.

I keep most of my shoes in their original boxes and I have never had any problems whatsoever.

And concerning the fit of shoes: you have to try them. Sometimes shoes look uncomfortable and the fit is great and the other way around also applies. It's the shape of the shoe and your foot that has to match and you can only know this by trying them on.

I bought a chic winter hat, happy!

Great cardigan Betinapple, looks comfy. Is it soft?

@EvaH I agree with Betinapple. You have to be pretty sure of your choice to buy shoes 2 years in advance.

I keep most of my shoes in their original boxes and I have never had any problems whatsoever.

And concerning the fit of shoes: you have to try them. Sometimes shoes look uncomfortable and the fit is great and the other way around also applies. It's the shape of the shoe and your foot that has to match and you can only know this by trying them on.

I bought a chic winter hat, happy!

It is super soft! I have never worn as soft wool as what this cardigan is made oft.

Love the hat!
Beautiful cardigan, Betinapple! Congratulations! Looks so comfy!

EvaH: I agree with the others... Buying shoes two years in advance sounds like a pretty sure way of buying disappointed with the choice later. Personally I wouldn't do it. How many bridesmaids do you have? Will you let them try the shoes on? Personally, I guess I could hardly walk in that shoe (Jimmy Choo are too narrow for me, except for the sneakers) and besides, the very thin heel would look awful with my rather chunky legs. I just think what a waste it would be to buy Jimmy Choo's for someone who wouldn't appreciate your choice ;) But that's my perspective. ;)

I listened to your advices (THANK YOU!) and decided not to buy anything extra (especially not a dress) for the two weddings that are about to come. I will just wear something I have. I actually recently wore a black wool trouser and that yellowish "Eizhowa-blouse" to a dinner with a nice belt and nice shoes and looked great. Since trousers are totally okay at Swiss weddings I might wear that combination again.

I decided to spend on something I really needed instead: a pair of bad weather fall / winter boots. I followed Eizhowa's advice (it was Eizhowa, wasn't it?) and bought a pair from Fiorentini & Baker. Seemed a reasonable price and lovely quality. To answer your question from Pinterest, Betinapple: I plan to wear them with jeans (which I wear a lot). When I wear dresses in fall / winter I wear my pistols or the Tory Burch boot that you can see on my pinterest board. I agree it's not the best boot for short legs when you wear a dress / skirt but it's the Kind of boot I love for long walks and playgrounds and woods etc.



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^I like that you have an eizhowa-blouse;) I don't think I was the one giving you the great advice. I seem to remember not replying, as everything I wanted to say had already been mentioned.

, Really pretty cardigan. I like the textured look and the color. I think you suit darker greys like that very much.
Betinapple the cardigan is gorgeous. i would love one myself.

does anyone have any recommendation for good denim? i'm a bit out of touch with denim these days....haven't bought a pair for about 4 years - the last pair were Nudies, which i loved, until they faded and stretched and now they look like cool boyfriend jeans but that's only an occasional thing for me. i'm fairly short....5' ideally i'd like something cut fairly short (no cheap mondays), something simple (ie. no crazy designs on the back pockets) and not super low waisted. i have a pair of white jeans i bought a few years ago from citizens of humanity that fit really nicely, i was thinking possibly to check out their darker denim. they hit right at the ankle and are nice and simple.

i've heard good things about Acne and current elliot too but have no experience with them. would love some suggestions. :heart:
^I'm afraid I can't help you with suggestions, but I too would love some:D I struggle to find jeans just like that myself... I tried Acnes jeans, but they were very loose around the knees:doh: I don't have particularly narrow knees either. Baggy knees does not help the silhouette when you are already vertically challenged like myself:P

Adorefaith: Have you any experience with Current Elliots t-shirts? I have fallen in love with one, but I have no way of trying it on before I buy, and I am not sure about the quality. considering the price tag after import taxes, I'd rather not it die after one wash:innocent:
Red, it was me actually :flower: And the boots look really cool. It is nice that you were able to get those instead of 2 dresses for social functions :) I am sure you will get more wear of the boots :D

Denim: I am in love with the 811 J brand mid-rise. Best jeans ever hands down. I really like Paige denim, R13, Rag & bone and current Elliot. I think some Mother jeans are cool too but nothing fits like the 811.

Re the shoes: the designer needs the shoes by January 2014 (all the fittings are done with heels on) and those shoes are exactly what I envisioned (but never thought I would find them, same for the dress). My 3 bridesmaids + 1 matron of honor live in different continents and they all have appt at their closest Choo boutique next week so I can go to the designer with some concrete idea the following week. They all are working professional (26-30 years old) and spend their lives in heels. I just wanted to know if the peep-toe look was okay for 10hours - I know 10cm is not much for them :) and I won't allow them to change shoes and go for shorter or the dress will look ugly and not fall properly at least not before the photographer stops taking pictures ! -
As for appreciating the Choo, unlike me they have had a terrific wardrobe & high quality one for years now. I don't need to buy the outfit for them, I just want to as in Africa the bride always take care of her bridesmaids outfits from lingerie to jewellery. That's the tradition :)
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Thank you for the nice words about my cardigan. I am planning on wearing it soon although the weather is still nice and summery. I just can not wait.

Redandnavy Those boots look so lovely. Bet they wil be great with jeans. I would not wear them with dresses neither but they are a perfect casual boot.

Jeans: I do not wear jeans very often so maybe someone has better advice to give than me, but I would not buy expensive jeans like ACNE and current/eliott since it has been my experience that cheaper jeans will do the job just as well. I have been very happy with the Gina Tricot silvia model. It is quite cheap (200 DKK) as i remember.
Eva: Oh, thank YOU for the Fiorentini & Baker recommendation then! Sorry I mixed you up with Eizhowa! I wore the shoes the last six hours and they are so comfortable! Really a perfect casual boot for me...

Well if the Jimmy Choo shoes are exactly what you envision, why not? Personally, I just have problems with Jimmy Choo heels (not with heels in general, Miu Miu or some cheaper brands seem to work for me). But if they can handle them, that's great. I mean I wouldn't mind someone buying me a pair of Jimmy Choos anyway, I guess :lol: They are lucky girls!! What are the dresses then?
@EvaH I sooo enjoy it how you share your thoughts about your wedding, please continue! :flower:
Concerning the shoes, I've got the Jimmy Choo Vamp sandals and they are wonderful. I've got only one pair of really peep toes, Salvatore Ferragamo, and it's not a problem to walk in these for hours except my right foot is a bit smaller than my left, so the right big toe chafes against the opening a bit, but that's clearly due to a slightly off fit. On the rest I agree with RedandNavy.

@adorefaith I don't buy many jeans each year, maybe one each year, because I can wear them for more than 10 years. When I go jeans shopping I go to a big store which carries a lot of different brands. I ask for the shape I want, the last time normal waisted fitted jeans, and try on about 5 different brands. The last time I went for Paige skyline skinny, very nice stretch fabric. Other brands I have are Replay, Diesel and Kuyichi. Good luck with your search.

Great boots guys!
Thanks for your nice comments on my hat! :flower:
I don't have a definite wishlist: there are some things I could use and there are some things I like - ideally I will find both these categories in some items ;)

Things I really could use:
- A pair of trousers. Another black pair would be handy - but I'm not sure if I would prefer a gray or navy pair to spice things up a little. Not sure if navy trousers would do with my colour scheme, of how neutral they are.
- Short sleeved blouses. It's summer most of the year here.
- Some 3/4 or long-sleveed blouses to help the transition from fall to winter (to be worn on their own or layered with knits).
- A pair of shoes, as the only non-ballet-flat shoes I own is one pair of oxfords.

I've decided I'm not really a dress person (I have weird, tall proportions, and dresses will more often than not look off... and I don't even like dresses that much - so why bother?), and I'm definitely focusing on my colour scheme - black, white, gray, burgundy, red, powder pink, dark green.

I've also been looking at my "wishlist pins" and unpinned things where maybe I like the print, but the cut not so much, or vice versa. I also don't need two jumpers in the same colour and things like that... So I think I am definitely moving in a good direction, even if I don't feel ready to do only one piece per month yet (I will need a more solid work wardrobe first... no news on that front yet, btw, but it is normal).

The trousers I will have to try on. These are the shoes I have in mind in case the boots don't suit me so well:


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I don't have a definite wishlist: there are some things I could use and there are some things I like - ideally I will find both these categories in some items ;)

Things I really could use:
- A pair of trousers. Another black pair would be handy - but I'm not sure if I would prefer a gray or navy pair to spice things up a little. Not sure if navy trousers would do with my colour scheme, of how neutral they are.
- Short sleeved blouses. It's summer most of the year here.
- Some 3/4 or long-sleveed blouses to help the transition from fall to winter (to be worn on their own or layered with knits).
- A pair of shoes, as the only non-ballet-flat shoes I own is one pair of oxfords.

I've decided I'm not really a dress person (I have weird, tall proportions, and dresses will more often than not look off... and I don't even like dresses that much - so why bother?), and I'm definitely focusing on my colour scheme - black, white, gray, burgundy, red, powder pink, dark green.

I've also been looking at my "wishlist pins" and unpinned things where maybe I like the print, but the cut not so much, or vice versa. I also don't need two jumpers in the same colour and things like that... So I think I am definitely moving in a good direction, even if I don't feel ready to do only one piece per month yet (I will need a more solid work wardrobe first... no news on that front yet, btw, but it is normal).

The trousers I will have to try on. These are the shoes I have in mind in case the boots don't suit me so well:


Sounds like you're headed in a really good direction.

I think navy could be a neutral for your colourscheme, but it depends on the colours of your tops.

I like the shoes! Actually I think I like them better than the boots, that I thought were great too.
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^ Thanks :) It is the colour of my tops that worries me, but navy would look good with most I think... but I doubt that it would go too great with purple, red or green. I also have a navy blazer that could use some bottom company. Will have to see if I find any good navy trousers - trousers are always a hard fit ;) As well as shoes - will have to see both irl and try them on before making a decision.
@EvaH I sooo enjoy it how you share your thoughts about your wedding, please continue! :flower:


Barbaraaa, I love those shoes as well! And I too was thinking about grey or navy coloured trousers instead of black, because I have quite a few grey and navy tops (actually I disliked navy till the last year, I thought it was boring, but found the love for it finally).
I tried on Mango wool trousers I had my eye on in London but they are ridiculously thin for what they are supposed to be (well fall/winter wool trousers, d'oh :D), so I passed. They were extremely itchy too, almost unbearable, so I am glad I had a chance to try them on (they closed all the Mango stores in my country, what a shame ...).
Don't have any idea where to look for thicker pair though. :/

I have my fingers crossed that I receive the swimsuit tomorrow, because I am leaving for Dalmatia. Asos has so slow shipping sometimes. :rolleyes:
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^ Navy is the only shade of blue that doesn't make me look bad, but I still try to avoid it :) And I hate ASOS delivery these days... they're changed to a courier here a little less than a year ago and I actually preferred it when things came by post :ermm: hopefully you'll have your bikini by tomorrow!
eizhowa i don't have any experience with the tshirts. sorry! i'd also like some nice simple tshirts... black and grey. i think i'll try to find something cheaper!

evaH thanks for the 811 recommendation. from what i can see, they look good! i like the look of the 'pure' wash. i'll try to find a pair to try on! :flower:

i'm in need of some fall/winter trousers as well... hopefully something that hits at the ankle and is tapered nicely. i feel like i might have to spend more money on these, but maybe Zara will have something this season. i think navy is a great idea. :heart:
@Barbaraa: I think navy would look great with those colours! It would make for a more vibrant colour scheme than by adding grey or black.
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