The 4-5 piece French wardrobe #7

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Nymphaea, I think you asked for a Porselli/London sole review a while back, so I thought I'd post some pictures:) I've had the porsellis resoled, so what you see is not the original undersoles.

I've worn my London soles for 5 days to work, and I have been very plesantly surprised by them. The first day I did switch back to my other work shoes, but from day 2 I had no issues with the fit of them. I think I bought them half a size too big. I have the 38 in Porselli and London soles, but the London soles are much looser and don't hang onto the foot as well. I think the curved sole of the Porsellis help hold the foot. However, I got used to the fit of the LS. The Porsellis grip the heel of my foot better, but the Toe box of the london soles is more substansial and stiff, so they hold the toe better in their own way. It is difficult to describe, but when I put the porsellis on again after 5 days of wearing LS, it felt very odd, and the soft toe of the Porsellis felt bizarre... Wearing Porsellis is like wearing very comfortable 150 euro socks with soles;) I have mentioned it before, but I think what will eventually kill my Porsellis will be that I wear through the toe box (I recon it will take 2-3 years with heavy use). I don't think that is how the LS will end. They will probably just loose their pretty shape after much wear like most shoes.

The gold sole of the LS wore staright through, to reveal a orange-red layer, as you can tell by the pictures. The white of the porsellis wear through (revealing the brown leather beneath) after a while as well, but it takes longer. Both shoes have functional laces, which is a great detail in my opinion:) I think the sole of the Porselli is broader, but the leather of the LS stretch enough to make up for it in my case:)

The leather in the LS looks less "grainy" (if thats the correct word) and is overall quite stiff. I personally prefer the butter soft, crinkled and more grainy leather of the Porsellis, but I tend to prefer things that do not look new:innocent:

I did have once issue with the LS which I have not had with the Porsellis, and it is the fact that they do noth breathe as well. (TMI warning!) If my feet get warm and sweaty I sort of slip around in the shoes, and sometimes out of the shoe. I think it is because the sole is not leather...

When I go on a hiking trip through London again, I will wear my Porsellis, but I do like the French soles as well:)





my own pictures
Ta-ta: I've seen a few Lanvin wedding dress styles I really really liked. They are surprisingly not too expensive either, as far as evening gowns go.

Incidentally, I know someone who wore a long khaki brown dress down the aisle at her own wedding...

Eizhowa: what do you wear on your feet/legs when wearing ballet flats in the winter? Sorry if you've already mentioned it, I've been away from the thread a while.
Comme ça:


my own picture

If the ground is dry and the temperature is 5+ degrees celsius, then I don't get cold wearing ballet flats on bare feet:) I have very warm feet though. I have some schoolmates who thinks it is silly to wear open shoes with bare feet in february. Thats their problem, not mine:innocent:

I did see someone wear ankle cropped black jeans with black sheer stockings and blue patent ballet flats the other day on instagram, and it looked pretty fab:cool: I would replicate it if I had blue patent flats.
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Awww, it looks lovely on you!
How silly to think it's silly, we all have our own body temperatures!!
Ballet flats look best on bare feet, but I like how they look with fishnets too. In certain cases it can work with contrasting colour as well, as in your example.
Last week I saw a knitted blazer somewhere and it seems like a really good addition to my (summer) wardrobe. So I'm on the hunt for one in either navy or grey. If any of you happen to find a good looking one while lost in the mens department please let me know. :wink:

I also need new summer shoes and I came across Rivieras. I never considered espadrilles for some reason, but they seem to fit all my needs. And I will be able to wear them to work on hot days (ah, the joy of working in a casual workplace). I'm not quite sure about the color yet, but probably (light) grey or navy as well. Hope they are comfortable though..



Updated wishlist:

  • Shorts (in a solid color)
  • Sneaker replacement
  • Knitted blazer (navy or grey)
  • Summer shoes (probably the Rivieras)
Awww, it looks lovely on you!
How silly to think it's silly, we all have our own body temperatures!!
Ballet flats look best on bare feet, but I like how they look with fishnets too. In certain cases it can work with contrasting colour as well, as in your example.

Haha is it my pale pale feet that are a contrasting color?:lol: I think the light makes me look paler than I am though. I do like the idea of fishnet stockings. I've never owned a pair yet though.

Fewormany, I really like the idea of a knitted blazer!

For summer, I would personally prefer the grey/white espadrilles, but of course it depends on a lot what you are wearing with them and where you are wearing them:)
Thank you all for your advice about white jeans/trousers, love them all. ;)

eizhowa, thanks for your elaborate review + pics on the French Sole flats and Porsellis. The French Sole looks indeed a bit sturdier/more solid leather than the Porsellis. And more toe cleavage I think for the French Sole. I have to say I love a little bit sexiness. When I'm in Paris and come across them I will try them, also the Repetto ones.

I like also like the grey/white ones more Fewormany.

Just arrived a pair of New Balance sneakers black, looks nice, atm contemplating which size the best size is.
Haha is it my pale pale feet that are a contrasting color?:lol: I think the light makes me look paler than I am though. I do like the idea of fishnet stockings. I've never owned a pair yet though.

:lol:Nooooo I was referring to the blue shoes with the black stockings, lol!!! I've always been a huuuge proponent of fishnets. They go with many shoes that would otherwise not go with other socks/tights, and give the outfit a retro look, especially with flared below-knee/midi-length skirts and pearls and even twin-sets if that's your thing. I just wore grey fishnets today with a flowy olive green silk skirt. ( My huge pet peeve is when people think fishnets are skanky. Oh they of little imagination and skanky brains :lol: )
@Fewormany: I couldn't seem to find your recommandation board on pinterest, even though I recall that you have one?

However, we've just got this new cool Dutch/Italian jeanswear brand at my job (I work in a men's clothing store), and we have a knitted blazer from their SS collection, and I can see that there are more on the website. I thought of it immediatly when I read your post yesterday, since I was at work and just had been posting pictures of that cardigan to Facebook

Btw, love the shoes. I would go for the grey ones :) men`s sw_1050-indigo?color=1050-indigo
Thank you all for your advice about white jeans/trousers, love them all. ;)

eizhowa, thanks for your elaborate review + pics on the French Sole flats and Porsellis. The French Sole looks indeed a bit sturdier/more solid leather than the Porsellis. And more toe cleavage I think for the French Sole. I have to say I love a little bit sexiness. When I'm in Paris and come across them I will try them, also the Repetto ones.

I like also like the grey/white ones more Fewormany.

Just arrived a pair of New Balance sneakers black, looks nice, atm contemplating which size the best size is.

You are welcome:flower: I will jump at any opportunity to talk about Porselli:innocent: I think the repetto ones have leather insoles, so they are probably better than French Sole in that regard.

Melisande: I don't think fish net stockings are inherently skanky at all, but on the wrong person..*shudders *. They look very chic when worn well:) When I was a young teen I saw a girl in a black romper paired with neon green stockings with yellow fishnet stockings on top. It was the coolest thing 11-year old me had ever seen:lol:
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You are welcome:flower: I will jump at any opportunity to talk about Porselli:innocent: I think the repetto ones have leather insoles, so they are probably better than French Sole in that regard.

Melisande: I don't think fish net stockings are inherently skanky at all, but on the wrong person..*shudders *. They look very chic when worn well:) When I was a young teen I saw a girl in a black romper paired with neon green stockings with yellow fishnet stockings on top. It was the coolest thing 11-year old me had ever seen:lol:

Yay, I'm always thrilled to find someone who appreciates fishnets too. Yes, they're great fun to layer too :flower:
Caramel: Have you considered buying a blazer second hand? I know there is a lady selling a 12 000 NOK Stella Mccartney blazer for 3000 NOK on Finn. It is a size small/XS. You can probably find some measurements of net-a-porter to compare to your own. This exact one might be too long, but there are tons of designer clothes sold on Finn.

I had completely forgotten how many treasures there are on No taxes/duty fees is probably the greatest treasure of all^_^


I am on the hunt for new jeans, so I have ordered a pair of cropped grey (shocking!) Siwy Hannah jeans to try. It will be exciting to see how it fits. I haven't tried anything this low waisted since I was 13 and had no hips:innocent:

I also managed to get my hands on a black cashmere round neck sweater from Uniqlo! I am really pleased with the fit. I still love my sweaters from the mens department, but I kind of think you can't have too many cashmere crewnecks:innocent: Now that the womens model has passed my inspection, I am eyeing three other colors as well... :angel:
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Eizhowa I loved your summary of the ballerinas. Could you post more outfit pics, your style inspires me.

Caramel Second hand shopping is my hobby, I've bought my favourite jackets second hand. I have four designer jackets now, I love them so much. These are my 5-piece items. My basic items are also almost complete.
^Thank you, you are so kind!:flower: I do occationally post outfits in the "4-5 wardrobe combinations" thread, but I feel a bit like I am spamming you with all my posts:lol:
Thanks Melisande for your suggestion!

Yes, synthetics aren't bad always, but I find it difficult to judge when it's a good addition. A lot depends on how the fabric feels I think.

Are there some people over here who have white jeans? How do you keep them clean? I don't have any white trousers, because I'm scared as hell they get dirty and stains can't be removed easily. How do you cope with this problem? Buying cheap jeans and just wear them for one year for example?

All my white jeans are either ASOS or Topshop and they stain all the time, but always come out in the wash. Just don't let the stain linger too long on your clothes..

BTW: I am trying to get my hands on a pair of Porselli flats for winter here, but can't find any stockists :(
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Not shopping has proved to be very effective in regards of using things, that has been just hanging in my closet. I tend to repeat the same few outfits, that I feel 100% comfortable in, and only adding new combinations to me repetoire when adding new things to my wardrobe, but since I haven't bought anything for nearly 2 months now, I've been forced to think outside of the box, when I wanna try something new. Which have actually been very nice.

A couple of days ago I wore my Stine Goya brush dress with my short ACNE pistol boots, the grey, long mohair cardigan and my white Malene Birger partisan scarf. I really liked that combo, and it was nice to wear the dress again. I don't think I've used it since last summer, since it has been too cold to wear during the winter - no problem now that I got the cardigan. I think I'll wear the dress again when I am going out with my co-workers in a couple of weeks - I forgot how flattering it is.

Another nice side effect of not buying anything has been that I have had good time to consider what I really want to add to my wardrobe, and what is not as neccesary anyway. I think my first purchase when I am allowed to shop again will be a new breton blouse, and I think I have decided on which one now.
I like the contrast of the grey/white ones as well, fewormany. betina, which breton are you getting?
I've been bad, have ordered a lot of stuff from my wishlist to try out. :ninja: :D
Also booked my holiday week in Paris! :stuart:
@Ta-ta: I think I'll be getting the classic "Nørgaard på Strøget" (danish brand). It is actually one-size but the fit is perfect semi-tight/semi-loose on me, the stripes are the way I want them and it is made in Denmark. I've pinned it to my wishlist board. I might get one with more narrow stripes though.
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