Let me write my story on how I got rid of my bad and oily skin.
It all began after I lost some weight (bc. I found out I was allergic to dairy products,and therefore had to cut them out of my diet - I am naturally skinny, and losing 2-3 kg. was enough for my hormones to get confused.). My periods stopped and I quickly saw the skin which had always been perfection going bad.
I wen't to see a doctor, and she gave me Antibiotics, It helped tremendiously (sp?) and after a week my skin was yet again perfection. I was approached by a model agency and started working as a model (2 months ago).
But...after some time the acne-bacterias got resistent...buhu. and it all came back, maybe even worse than when it had first started.
My agency was pushing me to find a quick solution. I knew that birth-controll prbably would help me, but I wouldn't take the risk of confusing my body with extra hormones. Therefore I decided that I would find a more natural way of dealing with things....and if nescesarry take a break from modelling. After all, Acne is almost ALWAYS about the hormones. Inner doings.
That is the reason why your friend can eat 10 Snickers a day, and still have peachy-skin, and for you, even looking at a potato-chip, means a giant break out.
Your friends hormone-system (I am no doctor) and internal organs are doing a better job at "cleaning" out. This could be genetic, but is almost always something you can change by taking the right supplements and eating right.
So...I started searching the net for solutions. I have always had problems with my stomach - and since >I was a kid had pains anfter eating
I found out that I had a lot of the sypthoms on CAndida. A yeast infection.
It is VERY normal (doctors assume that 60 - 80 % of the western population has it..more or less severe.)
I started eating after the CANDIDA DIET: WHICH MEANS:
- no sugar (this includes: honny, syrup, molasse fruit-sugar, everything that tastes sweet!!!)
- no fruit
- no grains (wheat, oat, bread, pasta, rice etc. etc.)
- no yeast
- no dairy whatsoever
- no vinegar, soy sauce, ketchup, mayo, thai-sauce, chili-sauce, HP-sauce etc etc.
I started this diet 5 days ago. And I couldn't be happier. I am NOT lying. I promise promise promise. My skin is perfection again. I got my first period in a year just yesterday and My booker was just like WOW when she saw me and immediately sent me to 3 different castings and some go-sees.
There is a LOT more to this diet and I recommend bying a book on the subject or visit one of the billions sites there is on the net.
It is a fact that eating right reclaim the balance in your body and help you feel good again. It is really worth the try!!!! REALLY!! YOu owe this to yourself.
Just make a search on : Candida Albicans acne on google or just google candida diet or something. There is heaps.
Oh yeah - one last advice. Go buy some virgin coconut oil from you local health food store. Use it on the troubled area before you go to bed. It sounds CRAZY and to begin with, you feel really bad about adding oil to your oily skin. trust me. It'll help. I won't give the explenation,,,but again google it and acne and read all about it.
I wouldn't say this if it hadn't worked. REally.