The Acne Thread

farico said:
just doesthe actual asprin procedure work? like the recipe and the in how long should u leave it on the blemishes and so on?..

asprin when expired or degraded, turns into salicylic acid, a common acne treatment.
OMG...I"m so depressed. Another one of these damn pimples/marks/blemishes had popped up right next to the others. It's like a cluster of them now. It's depressing me and now I have to go get this checked out my a derm. I wonder if it's something clogged in my chin area, because this is the *only* area where this is happening.

^^i have the same problem on my lower left cheek. How old are you? i'm' eating a really pure, high-raw and healthy diet rightnow and my skin is slowly but surely improving. in my opinion... derms dont do much but prescribe crap that will mess you and your body up in the long run. alot of times they don't even help! my mother ended up w/ candida just from being prescribed antibiotics to help her skin by a derm:(
btw... stressing about it only makes it worse. i find that my skin improves mildly when i just try my best not to think about it... and embrace the fact that i'm not the only one whose skin breaks out. i suggest not stressing about it and try seeing what you could be doing internally that's aggravating it. don't overdo it w/ the products, but maybe (if your pores are congested) that you find a mild, oil free, and natural scrub and gently scrub the area once every 9 days or so;) good luck and relax!
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amorousluna said:
^^i have the same problem on my lower left cheek. How old are you? i'm' eating a really pure, high-raw and healthy diet rightnow and my skin is slowly but surely improving. in my opinion... derms dont do much but prescribe crap that will mess you and your body up in the long run. alot of times they don't even help! my mother ended up w/ candida just from being prescribed antibiotics to help her skin by a derm:(
btw... stressing about it only makes it worse. i find that my skin improves mildly when i just try my best not to think about it... and embrace the fact that i'm not the only one whose skin breaks out. i suggest not stressing about it and try seeing what you could be doing internally that's aggravating it. don't overdo it w/ the products, but maybe (if your pores are congested) that you find a mild, oil free, and natural scrub and gently scrub the area once every 9 days or so;) good luck and relax!

I really really don't wanna go to the derm ( i have issues with paying a huge copayment and they still don't know what the problem is) , but I don't know another way to solve this. I must admit though, I have been eating a *LOT* of fast food and that might be contributing to the problem. 1 out of the 4 clustered pimples have been there for over 6 months and 2 other showed up like a month ago and they haven't diminished yet. and this new one literally showed up today and it's annoying because i've had otherwise flawless skin. I bought biore ice blemish cleanser and we'll see how that goes, but right now it's depressing me. I'm gonna try the steam treatment everyone has recommended.
I come to share my story of multiple products, insecurity, and recovery.

I got acne for the first time in the summer of 2004.
At first I was like,"Eh, it'll go away."

Oh no. This was not the case.:ninja:

It started mainly on my forehead where any bump would usually show up. (I had perfect skin and when I did get pimples.. it was usually on the hairline).
Well, those little buggers decided to move south.... and west.
So, before I know it.. I have white heads and deep pimples all along the right side of my face and cheek around my mouth. It didn't occur anywhere else:huh:

After trying Proactiv, I saw some results so I just stuck with it. But, as the months went by, the acne slowly came back, full force. I had built up a tolerance the the peroxide face wash!:angry:

So, I just figured this was something I had to suffer through. I remember going to work and keeping my head down as my co-workers talked to me... because I had about 7 whiteheads and errupting pimples on my right cheek. When he left my office, I broke down in tears:cry:

I told my mother I needed a solution.. and fast.
So we saw a dermatologist. He prescribed me 200 mg of Minocyclene (an antibiotic)... and Plexion (a topical lotion to use at night).
My skin went through absolute hell. Not only was the proactiv aggravating my current acne... the plexion combined with the peroxide ingrident of the proactive dried my skin out like severe chapped lips.:yuk:

I was sick of this.. so I went to the store and bought some Ponds cold cream cleanser and moisturizer. I stopped using proactiv for good and just used that. In just one day, I saw results. Less red skin, swelling of the pimples went down. I was satisfied.. but the Ponds left my skin really greasy and I soon developed disgusting black heads on my nose.

It was then that I went for a facial. A 2 hour facial. It was for the upcoming Gene Juarez shoot I was in. They gave me some "DermAware" products... and my skin cleared up at an amazing rate. I did still have some new break outs here and there so I wasn't completely satisfied.:innocent:
My dermatologist said my skin was "cured"..... what did he know:blink: ... so I stopped using the anti biotics.

After the samples were empty.. I was in search of a new product once again. It was then that I saw, in the Gemma Ward thread at TFS, an article about what she uses on her face. She said "I'm addicted to Origins spot remover!"
I looked at a picture of her face and said,"Well, if Origins will give me her skin, I don't care how much it costs!!:woot: "

So, I went out to Nordstrom's and went to the Origins counter... the lady there told me I had combination skin and told me which products to buy.
I got:

-Checks and Balances Frothy Face wash

-United State Balancing Tonic

-Balanced Diet lightweight Moisturizer

-Spot Remover (salicylic acid acne treatment)

-A Perfect World antioxidant lotion (PERFECT!! evens skin tone and protects against free radicals which cause aging and discoloration!)

And that's all I've gotten SO FAR!:D

I love Origins so much... and as you can see, it 'clearly' works:p


^would you believe that I'm not wearing make up?:blush:
And that's the right side of my face!

I recommend these products to everyone who is struggling with acne or just want their skin to glow with health.

Origins are made with ALL natural ingredients... and I got to thinking... why did I waste a year and a half on all these harsh medicines.. when I could've just reached for something in nature?
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congratulations!!! am hoping to get rid of my acne with Dr. Brandt 'Poreless Effect' and Philosophy 'On AS Clear Day'. Just started. Brandt mademy face breakout a little but its clearing now. slow and steady<touch wood>.

hope all goes well.

p.s:you have really nice lips.
Wow! That's quite a recovery you made! I'm so happy for you that it all cleared up. I'll check out that spot and Gemma have gorgeous skin.
sasseestefanie-Your skin looks beautiful!! It's so funny because I just ordered Origins acne products yesterday--This gives me hope!!!
nicolr02 said:
sasseestefanie-Your skin looks beautiful!! It's so funny because I just ordered Origins acne products yesterday--This gives me hope!!!

You'll love them!!:woot:
daddyslittlegrl8 said:
^ Can they be rid of?


Microdermabrasion is what you need.... I had some of those too... you could try the microdermabrasion from Loreal:flower:
Wow your skin's in a wonderful condition sasseestefanie! :mrgreen: I wish I could say that I saw the same result from Origins, but I haven't:doh: I remembering stumbling across a clump of Origins Never a dull moment scrub on here, so I decided to give it a shot. But the ultra-pushy SA at the counter kind of got me in the verbal equivalent of a headlock and pushed the cleanser on me. I didn't see much difference with both products and none of the fabulous dazzling soft-like-a-baby's-butt-and-just-as-radiant glow reflected on my face. Guh, I probably got the wrong type for my skin (combination). The problem I have with products is that there are just way too many to choose from. They're so confusing, and I find most of them are only different by the smallest uber-minute fraction and especially after research on each of the products, I find that the more I learn, the less I know:wacko:
I found that using a Dove sensitive essentials brand wash (I use the cleansing cloths) along with a light layer of BP, and moisturiser keeps me feeling good. I think the vitamins in the Dove products are really good for your skin. And I love the Almay Skin Stays Clean makeup- it's a beta hydroxy formula that apparently keeps dirt out of pores. I dunno, but it does seem really good and even prevents my breakouts moreso than if I were wearing no makeup at all!
Well Every one wants to talk about acne treatment and blemishes, and yes there are many many differnt product out there... but the products that I can say definetly work for me are... proactive Solution, Coupled with Neutrogena's Advanced Solution Acne Mark Fading Peel! This Secret combo Really Works!!

I had not exactly perfect skin throughout my teen years, and coupled with my acne breakouts were dark blemishes that Marked up my face. I began to use proactive on a regulare basis, and I can honestly say that I would be lucky to even see one acne breakout every two months. But proactive only stopped acne from occuring and did not make my dark blemishes Vanish, So I went on a product Hunt and after a long long while I stumbled upon Neutrogena's new solution to Blemishes. The neutrogena acne mark fading peel uses celluzyme technology and works at the moleculare level cleaning the marks away like magic!!

Take a look at what It can do
I guess saying this makes me a dermatology nerd, but all of these posts by people finding their "cures" and great ruitines is really exciting! I guess since I had such bad skin once, and i'm fine now, i can relate. But I can totally sympathize with the hardships bad skin comes with. My skin was soooo red and bumpy it looked like that was my normal skin, and soft tan was the rash...

I'm glad Neutragena is at least helping Armanisilk. For some reason, their products, especially their cleansing bars make me break out in hives.

I've found using the following has helped my skin be the best it's ever been

Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
Clean and Clear Dual Action Moisturizer (The salicylic acid in this stuff does enough to exfoliate to skip other exfoliators)
Aveda Toning Mist
Aveda Exfoliating Liquid (just for fun when I feel like it)

and every now and then Mario Badescu's drying mask.
My stuff isnt' expensive (I'm a poor college student), but my face feels like a million dollars. :D
sasseestefanie said:
Microdermabrasion is what you need.... I had some of those too... you could try the microdermabrasion from Loreal:flower:

So this is something that I could buy at the store? I'm thinking for my birthday, which is coming up, that I am going to get a facial. I've heard positive thing about facials and maybe it would help with some of my recent skin developments. I will definately try origins spot remover as soon as I get paid.

daddyslittlegrl8 said:
So this is something that I could buy at the store? I'm thinking for my birthday, which is coming up, that I am going to get a facial. I've heard positive thing about facials and maybe it would help with some of my recent skin developments. I will definately try origins spot remover as soon as I get paid.


Facials are a godsend!!! I'd get one every two weeks if I could!!
at the moment im on doxycycline antibiotics along with washing my face with cetaphil cleanser and neutrogena gentle scrub followed by ACV and for the spots i use oxy 5 vanishing cream and my skin seems to be clearing up pretty well actually.

I've just come back from the derm who, for what he described as mild acne, prescribed:
clindamicina gel
differin gel
clarifex facewash
hydrafina cream
zaic 20 cover cream

Have any of you every used any of these products? I have to say that I'm reluctant to put all of that on my face as my skin is quite sensitive....
any advice....pleeeease?
Biondina said:

I've just come back from the derm who, for what he described as mild acne, prescribed:
clindamicina gel
differin gel
clarifex facewash
hydrafina cream
zaic 20 cover cream

Have any of you every used any of these products? I have to say that I'm reluctant to put all of that on my face as my skin is quite sensitive....
any advice....pleeeease?

my derm prescribed Differin for me about 3 months ago, its worked so far.
It never made my skin peel or turn red like Retin-A did.

Never used or heard of any of the other stuff though.
Von said:
my derm prescribed Differin for me about 3 months ago, its worked so far.
It never made my skin peel or turn red like Retin-A did.

Never used or heard of any of the other stuff though.

thanks! :flower:

yeah, differin was the one I was worried about most cos I'd heard it is really strong. I'll give it a go though. how long was it before you saw any results?

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