The Acne Thread

Biondina said:
thanks! :flower:

yeah, differin was the one I was worried about most cos I'd heard it is really strong. I'll give it a go though. how long was it before you saw any results?

I have tried differin and it did more damage than good, for my skin. but I hope it will work for you.
Biondina said:
thanks! :flower:

yeah, differin was the one I was worried about most cos I'd heard it is really strong. I'll give it a go though. how long was it before you saw any results?

Um...roughly a month give or take.
Personally I have seen better results in a week with a raw diet then any meds have given me.
But I have grown comfortable with my Differin, haha, even if it doesn't work, I like putting something on my face at night.
sasseestefanie said:
Origins are made with ALL natural ingredients... and I got to thinking... why did I waste a year and a half on all these harsh medicines.. when I could've just reached for something in nature?

Actually Origins products are not natural at all. That is just the way that they market themselves. If you take a look at the ingredients you will see a whole bunch of synthetic ingredients.
"I have tried differin and it did more damage than good, for my skin. but I hope it will work for you."

Henrik: would you mind telling me what happened?? I read that it can discolour your skin and even make acne flare up worse! What do you use instead?

Von: yeah, I'm confused. I asked the derm if I should cut things like coffee, fried foods etc. out of my diet and he said that that would have no impact at all! I don't believe him, however, and have alreday started cutting down on . I guess I'll just have to try the stuff he gave me and see how it goes although I am sceptical about using all these harsh products, especially as he said I only had "mild acne"!!!
Biondina said:
"I have tried differin and it did more damage than good, for my skin. but I hope it will work for you."

Henrik: would you mind telling me what happened?? I read that it can discolour your skin and even make acne flare up worse! What do you use instead?

My acne flare up, and my skin got oily and "dirty".. it just didn't worked..I used it for 6 months I think.
Now I use DDF Salicylwash 2% and Murad Perfect Skinloation + Murad Clarifying Mask, and my skin is way better..
Biondina said:
Von: yeah, I'm confused. I asked the derm if I should cut things like coffee, fried foods etc. out of my diet and he said that that would have no impact at all! I don't believe him, however, and have alreday started cutting down on . I guess I'll just have to try the stuff he gave me and see how it goes although I am sceptical about using all these harsh products, especially as he said I only had "mild acne"!!!

What you eat directly effects acne, once derms can sell you a diet, trust me, all of a sudden, diet will effect everything...

sugars+salts=insulin spike=sebum production=acne=no good
I have a question...:blush:
Does anyone here use proactive? well, I do and I was just wondering if it really does more harm than good. I've been on it for quite some time and my skin hasn't cleared up at all, it got a bit better, but not completely. I also uses differin gel at night.
My question is, will my skin get worse if I go off proactive? and does the differen gel really work...?
WHAT works???
thx so much in advance! :flower::heart::flower:
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I was on Differin and Clindamyacin recently for mild acne and let me tell you Clindamyacin made me super oily.. I was using the lclindamyacin lotion in the morning and differin at night... and I was my face with Cetaphil

In terms of acne, my face is relatively clear, it wasn't that bad to begin with.. I just went to the derm because I wanted perfect skin.. didn't happen of course :doh: ...

So recently I stopped using Clindamyacin, its been a week and a half now and I have not broken out or anything, but I still am on Differin. I've been on differin for around 4 months now and its made me red, but its gotten better, and I use Aveeno SPF 15 moisturizer with feverfew to reduce redness (not really sure if it works though.. but it hasn't made things worse thats for sure)..

One good thing about differin is that its made my face a lot smoother, I love the texture on my face now, but I am not a fan of the coloration.. Its made me a little red, like I just got a light fake tan or something, but yeah its gotten better over the months. And Von .. I agree with you, a part of me does like putting it on at night.. I'm not sure why though :lol: ..

And I also think theres SOME relation to food and acne... and drinking water and getting sleep and not stressing yourself out over life also helps
Biondina said:
I've just come back from the derm who, for what he described as mild acne, prescribed:
clindamicina gel
differin gel
clarifex facewash
hydrafina cream
zaic 20 cover cream

Wow in my opinion thats a lot of products to be putting on your face. I've only used clindamyacin (lotion) and differin (gel) though.. so I can't comment on the rest... you can read my comment above for what I think about those two though.
This is a pic of me before I had my skin treated for acne scars :ninja:

And the second one is a recent picture of me, two years after my treatment, with no makeup on.


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i hate my face... once i have it almost clear... here comes another pimple... i hate them... pimples should die....

where do you find the ice wash thingy..... i want some...
hi everyone!
I was just searching the web to find out more about the antibiotic Doxycycline, which i am on at the moment and its showing some results (still waiting for major results ow and if anyone has any comments about it please tell me). While searching i came across this site
I was just curious if anyone has come across this site and actually ordered this so-called miracle-book-of-info-that-helps-clear-acne-forever?! If so, i would love to hear some looks like a fairly authentic site and i may even purchase the book cause im scared all these products and antibiotics im on and trying may do more harm that good...:shock: . Love to hear from u all!:flower:
oh my god i saw this book in flea market the other day. well it wasnt really a flea market it was just a really old book store with a lot of cheap books. i regret not buying it now. but if any of u live in new york check out downtown broad way maybe the book will still be there. ask this old guy who sits in the front he should know
Alejandro said:
This is a pic of me before I had my skin treated for acne scars :ninja:

And the second one is a recent picture of me, two years after my treatment, with no makeup on.

Your skin looks fabulous, Alejandro! What treatment did you use?
I had two chemical peels done, one for the surface to get rid of the acne scars, the second one was to refinish what was already left over, plus kill the residual tissue. I was in recovery for two months, no sun at all. Afterwards I kept it up with proactiv, although it didnt work for me after a while, but at least following a regimen seemed good for me, so I stopped proactiv.

To this day the only thing i've been using is Cetaphil to wash my face twice a day, Idealist from Estee Lauder in the morning and night, and I drink Vitamin A and E every day.
Alejandro said:
I had two chemical peels done, one for the surface to get rid of the acne scars, the second one was to refinish what was already left over, plus kill the residual tissue. I was in recovery for two months, no sun at all. Afterwards I kept it up with proactiv, although it didnt work for me after a while, but at least following a regimen seemed good for me, so I stopped proactiv.

To this day the only thing i've been using is Cetaphil to wash my face twice a day, Idealist from Estee Lauder in the morning and night, and I drink Vitamin A and E every day.

Ah.. thanks for answering.. unfortunately I dont' think a chemical peel is practical for me though... a question though.. how do you avoid sun for 2 months?
Alejandro said:
To this day the only thing i've been using is Cetaphil to wash my face twice a day, Idealist from Estee Lauder in the morning and night, and I drink Vitamin A and E every day.

is vitamin a and e supposed do be good for skin? oO and can you just buy such...urm i dunno the english word just such....stuff to put into water?
I've gone through acne myself and my biggest mistake was picking! I ended up with acne scars and more acne, which is almost gone now, thankfully!

These have probably already been posted, but some basic steps to banishing acne are: do NOT pick, drink lots of water, exfoliate (about 1-3 times per week, depending on your skin type), follow a set routine (again, appropriate for your skin type) and eat a well-balanced diet.

I don't believe that cutting out wheats and grains is healthy though.

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