The Acne Thread

greeen said:
i knew they were lying to the world..i like that fact that they use natural ingredients but there's alotta crap in their stuff too

but it seems to work pretty well even if it's not "all natural".

Do they really claim to be 100% natural or is it just that their line and the primary ingredients are based on natural ingredients?
vinylsticker said:
I pretty much only get whiteheads on my arms. I guess it's genetic, because it was the same for my mum. It can be pretty annoying though, when I want to wear singlets in summer. Could anyone give me any recommendations to get rid of them?

Proactiv body wash works pretty good.... it has salysilic(sp?) acid
LucindaMay said:
Actually Origins products are not natural at all. That is just the way that they market themselves. If you take a look at the ingredients you will see a whole bunch of synthetic ingredients.

well, synthetic or not.... it works like a dream^_^
Bonchic said:
^^I'm using the Philosophy on a clear day line and I just wanted to warn you to be careful in the sun because the products make your skin sensitive to it and very easy to get sunburn (ouch I did:doh: ) also if your skin starts to dry out too much just use the serum once a day and then gradually work it up to 2-3;)

thanks for the warning. should i start to use it 2 times a day? currently i use it only in the morning and dr brandt at night.
Hello, Im 17 and I have acne, I have very little acne on my face, it it mostly on my chest, upper arms, shoulders and higher back. I am on oxytetracycline, and have been for around the last year.

Can anyone tell me how or what I can do or use to get rid of it all? Products, food, drink, life style, etc...Thanks a lot, hope you guys can help :)
can someone tell me how to get proactiv body wash? only heard of the face stuff...
happyguy said:
thanks for the warning. should i start to use it 2 times a day? currently i use it only in the morning and dr brandt at night.

Yes I suppose twice a day (in morning and then at night).. It won't dry you out too much if you use a good moisturizer (I like Jasons Aloe Vera gel for my skin right now it's soothing).
Bonchic said:
Yes I suppose twice a day (in morning and then at night).. It won't dry you out too much if you use a good moisturizer (I like Jasons Aloe Vera gel for my skin right now it's soothing).

so what did help my skin for letting it stay healthy now is this:
i drink warm water with some fresh squeezed lemon in it every morning and i do love my lemon toner. it is very simple to make, i got the receipe from the internet: boil some water until it is hot, put some sliced lemon in it and let it stay over night. basically i just use 1-2 pieces of lemon and let it only rest for about 2-4 hours. than sieve the water and put it into a bottle or something(best is to keep it in the freezer....)
i apply this tonic once a day to my skin, wash it of two hours later or let it stay on overnight. you just have to try on how sensitive your skin is so useing the smallest amount of lemon is the best for it won't be too harsh......

i hope my posting is understandable for i am very bad in explaining things in english ^^'''

I get acne on my chest and back, and have used Tersaseptic and Benza Gel 5 while washing in the shower..but it seems to be making NO difference whatsoever. Also the spot treatment I have bleaches I can't spot treat my back. Any reccomendations of body washes, creams or routines I could do?
^Betsey, I'd reccomend Brevoxyl-4 Creamy Wash. It's prescription stuff with 4% benzoyl peroxide. Use it once/ twice daily in the shower. It's really worked for me ;)
I've never had a problem with breakouts. But on my nose cheeks and chin I have huge pores. I've tried a ton of different things from Bath and Body Works and Kiss My Face. But whnever I use something they get bigger. Does anyone know of anything to help with reducing pore size?
^Nothing can reduce pore size, sorry. :(

I don't believe I have actual full on "acne" but I do have issues with blemishes. I'm considering visiting a dermatologist. I tried visiting one a couple years ago but it didn't really help. Should I try again? Have any of you had success with prescription antibiotics and creams? (in particular, I recall the creams being useless, plus I have sensitive skin).

Also, I am kind of under the belief that using strong products on your skin does more damage than good (particularly my sensitive skin). Because isn't it true that if you dry your skin out it will only produce more oil?
Should I avoid alcohol denat? My cleanser (lancome) and the moisturizing emulsion i use (shiseido) both contain it.
I have a regular doctor's appointment coming up to see what I can do about my problem (my blemishes) because I wanna see if I can fix the problem internally rather than topically. The blemishes only seem to be taking place on one side of my chin so I don't know exactly what's going on in that particular region, but I plan to find out. I'm not on any other medication other than my birth control (can that cause cystic acne?) but maybe I ened a stronger dosage or need to be taken off it completely. I take really good care of myself: no smoking and hardly no drinking, I've cut out fast food and I drink lots of green tea and water. I hope my doctor is able to figure it out because I'm tired of looking like a pimply faced teenager :-(.

^ Me too! on my right side, weird (and it's not the side I hold my phone on). If he gives you any ideas, I'd love for you to pass them along (if you don't mind)!.
I have a kinda strange problem with my skin. One day I have nearly great skin, maybe just one spot. Then the other day I have 5 and it takes a week to get rid of them. Then I have good skin in a week, and then it's back with 5 spots, sometimes more. I week is good and the other is bad.. And I get them at the same areas nearly everytime.

Any ideas what I should do? I use DDF salicylwash, Murad Perfect Skinloation, Murad Clarifying Mask and sometimes DDF BP 5% gel on blemishes.
henrik said:
I have a kinda strange problem with my skin. One day I have nearly great skin, maybe just one spot. Then the other day I have 5 and it takes a week to get rid of them. Then I have good skin in a week, and then it's back with 5 spots, sometimes more. I week is good and the other is bad.. And I get them at the same areas nearly everytime.

Any ideas what I should do? I use DDF salicylwash, Murad Perfect Skinloation, Murad Clarifying Mask and sometimes DDF BP 5% gel on blemishes.
You might be just doing too much to your skin. How often do you use the mask?

I used to use a salilic acid (sp?) cleanser in the morning and at night and it made my skin horrible and red all the time. I switched to using it in the morning, every other day and the rest of the time just using a basic gentle cleanser. That seemed to help alot. I rarely break out now.
_Angelica said:
You might be just doing too much to your skin. How often do you use the mask?

I used to use a salilic acid (sp?) cleanser in the morning and at night and it made my skin horrible and red all the time. I switched to using it in the morning, every other day and the rest of the time just using a basic gentle cleanser. That seemed to help alot. I rarely break out now.

I use the mask 3times a week. But I will try the idea of use the DDF cleanser less. I have a Ole Henriksen cleanser too. Latly I have also used a Clarins Scrub and I think that product can be the problem...My skin is too senstive for scrubs I think. But I dont really now, and that's my problem:blush: Thanks anyway.

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