I thought I replied to this thread when I first joined, but I did a search, and I guess I didn’t reply. I guess I’ll share my experience with acne. I had very clear skin until I was about 15. When I started getting acne, it would not go away. They would get huge and really painful. I asked my parents if I could go to dermatologist, but they thought that it was just all part of growing up. When I went to the doctors for a check up, I asked my doctor to look into it. She referred me to a dermatologist. I started treatments, and started to get better, but after about a month, I would get immune to whatever they gave me. Right when we were in the middle of a treatment, my parents’ insurance changed, and I had to go to a different doctor. But because I had to wait to get a check up, they made me get another referral. I went through the same cycle of trying something and getting immune to it.
After about another year of trying things, I was put on Accutane. I was doing fine with it, but then my parents’ insurance changed, AGAIN. (I went from Kaiser, to Blue Cross, back to Kaiser). I went in for a check up and asked if I could go to a dermatologist to have them take care of my acne. But, they told me that I wasn’t bad enough to get a dermatologist.

After a few months, I started to get the huge painful acne again. So finally, they let me go back to the dermatologist. I went through the same procedures, again! I probably went through 2 years of trying things, until I was put on Accutane again. This time, my reaction to accutane was a lot worse. I had dry skin the first time, but this time, I got eczema. I was told that Accutane would remain in my system for a few months, and then it'll go away (along with the eczema). It’s been years since I quit accutane, and I’m still getting eczema.
I also tried proactiv; which I hated. It felt like it was burning my face. In addition, I started to notice that the necklines of my shirts and my pillow cases were bleached. I stopped using it because of this, I figured something that was bleaching my clothes/pillow cases and also “burning” my face probably isn’t that safe for me. I spoke to other people who uses proactiv, and I’ve only had one other person who has had the same problem.
I’ve been through years of pretty much trying everything OTC and prescribed. I think that my acne isn't as bad as it used to be. However, I accumulated a lot of acne scars and hyper pigmentation, which makes it look a lot worse than it is. I went back to the dermatologist in June, after maybe 2 years of not going. They gave me medication that didn’t really do anything. I’m 23 now, I thought that acne problems would be gone by now.
Last year, I gave my mom a gift card to get a massage at a spa. She didn’t want it so she gave it back to me. I didn’t really want a massage, so I used it for a facial. I didn’t really know what kind of facial I wanted to do, so I went for a consultation. The esthetician seemed very good. Just from looking at my face, she summed up my condition and problems without me saying a word. She gave me a brochure of the products that they use (Cosmedix). She told me that the most beneficial thing for me would be a facial peel (purity peel). She also told me that my face is very oily, and if she were to do a peel with my face this oily, it wouldn’t do much because the peel wouldn’t hold as well. So she told me to buy 4 of the products (purity clean, purity balance, clarity serum, and lightening). They were $30-45 for a tiny bottle. I wasn’t sure if she was just trying to sell me these products, or if they really work. But after going through years of treatments that failed to work, I didn’t have very high hopes for this. And I wasn't willing to spend money on something that wouldn't work. So I told her that I'd buy the most important two. So she told me to get the purity clean and lightening. She gave me samples of the other two. I was EXTREMELY skeptical about these working on me.
I noticed a change after 2 days. I was really happy after noticing the change. I was glad that I didn't waste money on another useless product. I mentioned it to my bf, but he made fun of me because he said nothing would work that fast. But I was watching it closely and I KNEW it was working. I went about a week with these two products and noticed a significant change (less oil and hyper pigmentation was lighter). My bf also said that it
does look a little better. The week after, I got the peel and also purchased the other two products.
I was really glad that I finally found something that worked for me. I've been using cosmedix for a month and I would say that I'm already about 70% better. I usually visit my parents about once a week and they commented on how much better my face looked. (They usually don't comment on things like that). I went back to my esthetician yesterday. She wanted to clean my pores this time, so she did a regular facial, a ton of extractions, and also did a mini-peel. She told me that I could try doing another peel in about two weeks; which I'll probably do.
I’ve mentioned Cosmedix in another thread, and I’ve been talking non stop about it lately. I probably sound like I’m advertising for them. But I’m not. (I wish I was - maybe they’d give me free products).

I guess I’m just very happy that after YEARS of failed treatments, I finally found something that works. I have to warn that Cosmedix products are not cheap. But, If you're willing to spend the money, I would definitely recommend Cosmedix.
(Sorry for the long post)