The Acne Thread

i always get spots on my chin.always.theres hardly a time when theres not one.i heard once it could be a defiency?i dont know
Kimkhuu said:
I bought a drugstore brand version (exact same ingredients!) of the Clean and Clear Daily Pore Cleanser (I think that is how it is called) which contains small exfoliating beads. I bought it because I often have whiteheads stuck in my pores and sometimes blackheads that I hate extracting because it can easily cause me to break out.

I was just wondering if the Daily Pore Cleanser works as a scrub, which is basically only to remove dead skin cells on the surface of the skin or does it really contain ingredients that go deep down INTO the pores to keep them clean? Or is it just basically a scrub that is mild enough to use everyday and therefore does not really clear pores? :unsure:

Mechanic scrubs are really not that good, you may try Avene Clenance K or Diacneal, becouse of AHAs and BHAs (Cleanance K) and Glycolic acid (Diacneal) they also work as a peeling, plus they both contain salicylic acid, which is great against spots.
I'v said this before a while ago, but if you are really desperate go to a dermatologist. It isnt as expensive as you might think. I only go in once a year, and pay about 50 dollars every two months for the perscription.
Toulouse Monroe said:
Really, you have to pay to visit dermatologist?:o

In my country it's free.

yeeeaahh...the US is a little behind with making health care accessible and it does not seem like it will be a priority any time soon! My prescriptions have unfortunately been a little more than $50 total...its more like $50 for each thing and I use about 4 different things, but they are a miracle for me!!

I know there is debate on whether or not people should use egg whites for facials (b/c of bacteria or whatever) but I started using this soap that seems to work pretty well for me: (

Victoria's "Eggwhite Facial Soaps" have been a part of healthy caring of the skin in Sweden for generations. Originally prepared by Swedish women in the home, an eggwhite facial was weekly tradition to maintain pure, glowing skin. This practice was applied to soaps by Victoria at the turn of the century by introducing "Lanolin - Agg Tval", a six month supply in every box, a facial in every wash.
Work up a good lather then smooth the protein-rich egg white foam on the face and neck and let it stay for 5 minutes. Impurities will be drawn from the pores naturally. Upon rinsing, a rosey glow appears on the skin.


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^ wpow sounds great!@ cutepackaging too! in vicotira beckham?

ive been getting pimples a lot laetly too i think cause im 15 and stuff but im getting it like beside my nose and then 2 days later i have another one near my nose and then another day i get another one beside that one next to my nose like pimple parade gosh!
bad thing is i have dry skin too so amuthing too harsh will make my skin red cause its snseitce and dry and if i moostruize it TOO Much i get pimples. gossssssssssh
I was searching through the forum a little and i found this thread so i was wondering if you could help me.

whats the quickest remedy for a pimple thats kind of big and if I squezze it no fluid comes out but it just gets bigger and even more bloody red that it already is???

I have a job interview tommorow soo im pissed as hell because i have like 3 of them "gracing" my face:unsure:

Any help????????:cry:
from reading the views on here last night i went out this morning to buy some products for my skin because its in a really bad condition at the min,spent quite a bit of money on daily exfoliating wash,day wash, cleanse and toner.
Just come on here again reading some stuff again only realised i have spent money on the wrong product(gutted) i have bourght clear skin products,which i wanted was Clean & Clear .Am not happy! but i will have to let you guys know how it goes. Fingers crossed.
high maintenance said:
I have a problem, and Iam embarrassed to say that I was one to believe that black girls did not get sun burn, I guess because most of us don't tan out in the sun, but as anyone who lives in philly or surrounding areas know that it has been damn near 105 degees outside. But I have not been laying in the sun, just the regular outside movement (getting in and out of car, going into store,etc) Then all of a sudden, I have all these reddish bumps on my cheeks and a little breakout on my chin, and I don't have acne. So Iam buying all this sh*t to put on my face and nothing is working. Iam recently trying the fake proactive stuff called acne free, and all it is doing is burning when I apply it. My mom said stop and put peroxide on it, but I don't know what the hell it is and what to use. Everyone keeps saying its sun burn, but I have no idea. Iam 25 years old and never had acne my entire life and I can't believe this is happining now. I don't know the diff between soliyic acid or whatever and benzoyl peroxide to no what to use. If any one has any suggestion they would be greatly appreciated, please help any way you can, thanks

also it could be a heat rash in which case proactiv or any of those products wont help. If it's a heat rash just put some cortizone cream on your skin at night and use a moisterizor with spf in it during the should clear up on it's own. What you have doesn't sound like acne.
What do you girls with blackheads on/around your nose use? I already scrub every other day, keeps blemishes away but those blackheads are still there, it's not a pretty sight! :)
barbiegoesbad said:
What do you girls with blackheads on/around your nose use? I already scrub every other day, keeps blemishes away but those blackheads are still there, it's not a pretty sight! :)
I have the same problem, so I definitely feel you there.
Two things that will help if used frequently:
- Kao Biore Clear-Up Strips (twice a week)
- mix coffee grounds with a tea-spoon of olive oil and use as a peeling on damp face (again, twice a week)
i have a good tip for people who want their whiteheads to fade pretty quickly:

-pop it, then wipe area w/ rubbing alcohol
-put neosporin on it
-before going to bed put Retin A on the spot (you'll need a prescription for this dries out the area you put it on and it comes in two strengths)

trust, it will look a ton better in the morning...if its still there put some neosporin on it again and then retin a before bed
for blackhead advice it'd be worth your while checking out the householr beauty recipes.there are posts about sea salt and water and just today one about coffee and olive oil =]
satin chic said:
I have the same problem, so I definitely feel you there.
Two things that will help if used frequently:
- Kao Biore Clear-Up Strips (twice a week)
- mix coffee grounds with a tea-spoon of olive oil and use as a peeling on damp face (again, twice a week)
Thank you! Do you by any chance know if Biore and Nivea are the same brand? Because when I google it I get both Nivea strips and Biore strips (depending on the country of the website!)

And Stacyyyy I'm gonna check that out thanks!
barbiegoesbad said:
Thank you! Do you by any chance know if Biore and Nivea are the same brand? Because when I google it I get both Nivea strips and Biore strips (depending on the country of the website!)
It's the same, I believe.
Which country are you from?
sulfur soap cured my acne!

I've had acne since I was 12 years old. It began discretely and I'd get about 1 or 2 pimples on my forehead. Gradually, my acne got worse, it progressed on to my cheeks! About a month ago, my acne got so bad I refused to leave the house! Thank god it was summer and school was out. I've been to the doctor's and derm's many times, each visit, they'd prescribe a medicine for me. The medicine always worked, but once I finish I prescription and go back to get it renewed, the second time my skin would become stubborn and immune, and the medicine would have no affect. Anyway, that's enough of my history...

About 3 weeks ago, my mom's friend suggested sulfur soap for my acne. I've been using it ever since and it has worked wonders on my skin! However, I still use my prescribed medication, even though they stopped working before I used the sulfur soap. Here is the kind I’m using:
You can get sulfur soap at most drug stores. It’s VERY cheap.

Here's my daily routine;

-apply the sulfur soap on a facial towel and gently scrub (scrub harder if your acne is stubborn)
-apply my prescribed Retin-A Micro

-wash face again with sulfur soap, this time use hands instead of towel. Don't scrub, just massage.

-shower (wash hair with a bit of shampoo)
-again, wash face with towel using sulfur soap. Scrub
-apply my prescribed Benzamycin

Important tips:

-wash hair daily!! I know some may say it's bad for your scalp, but use a dime size of a gentle shampoo everyday. Washing your hair does improve your acne because you're getting rid of all the accumulated oil.

-shower twice a day. I guess once would also work, but I go to the gym every morning so I have to shower twice a day.

-any medicine with Benzoyl Peroxide is almost guaranteed to work. I read somewhere that BP has a 99% chance of effectiveness. Use medicine with BP at night.

-my derm said the Retin-A Micro in the morning is for my scars. I do see a decrease of scars when I started using the medicine. So, if you can't get a prescription of Retin-A, just use a scar treatment in the morning.

-watch your diet. Avoid sugar, eat lots of veggies and fruits, drink LOTS of water. I drink 10 glasses a day.

-get some form of exercise. I run 2.5 miles a day (minus weekends)

-stay out of the sun!

I know it's a lot to ask for, but I've been following this regiment for less than a month and my skin is almost flawless. I went from the worst acne imaginable (at least to my experience), to almost clear skin. So, just try it for a month, you'll see such a big difference.

Leave a comment if something wasn't clear. I'll try to get back as soon as possible.

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