Tatika said:^^^ Vainjane-uhm, i think i had skin about as bad as your sis, so this is what i used. At drugstores like Walgreens, eckerd, CVS, ets, theres a brand called University Medical. Thier bottles ar white with blue and orange colored writing. anyway, they have a two step system, i think its called the acne repair kit. Its two steps, two bottles. One is a little white cylinder shaped one, and the other is a blue tube. she has to use them twice a day. Not only does this help with the hyperpigmentation issues, this REALLY helps with the pock marks, the craters/dimples/ whatever else people call them. My skin looks way smoother and less red- she has to use it for 4-6 months in my personal opinion, thatshow long i used it to be really trully satisfied withthe results. And its not expensive, only $20.00 for the kit. check it out, i hope this helps!!!
ok, this is for Vainjane- for your sister this is that kit in my poste....you can by it at drugstores or at their website, www.universitymedical.com
(pic from universitymedical.com)
Check it out!!! i swear it works!!!