The 'Authentication' Thread

bjorkina said:
I don't know a lot about the manolo's... but...check the difference about this pictures (That I think, they aren't authentic)...
you can also search about the characteristics of the model you want (If they have swarovsky cristals on them...etc etc) and be very very careful with the tag!!!, the font of the tag, the size of the tag!!! very very careful with the seewings, and the material of the shoe...the sole... watch every detail... don't miss any... and ask for the receipt or anything to prove it's authenticity!!!...I tell you this, because someone cheat me!...first... he cheat on me because of the price (expensive like in the official stores), and the pictures that he sent me...and when my shoes arrived...ohh surprise!! they aren't what I expected... be careful!!! and don't miss any detail...!!

check this out...

I don't think those are authentic, the tag isn't the same as other Manolos I've seen, although if it were an older shoe I wouldn't say that because I'm sure the tag style has changed in the past...I'd be very suspicious about the's more rounded than it should be. Also, I bought the pair I was looking at on ebay and it's very similar to those but the part with the crystals is different. I'm thoroughly convinced that mine are authentic, and I don't know why there would be a Manolo that similar but different.

I wouldn't buy from this guy again...sorry to hear you're not being delivered what you expected. :(
bjorkina said:

I bought a pair of jimmy choo's from a store in venezuela (internet) arrived my shoes, and when I opened the cage they weren't jimmy choo!!! they're supossed to be manolo blahnik (a model very similar to the jimmy choo's elan), but I don't get convinced at all...because of the 'sweeings', the sole, and the 'plastified' tag... I think they aren't authentic... and I haven't seen a model similar to the elan...
Could anyone help me, please?, because that 'mr.' sold me an authentic pair of jimmy choo... or if it is manolo blahnik I want to be authentic because I didn't pay 50 bucks for that shoes...understand me?...whatever... I called that mr. , today, and he told me that he will send me the receipt, bla bla bla...
Please anyone! I can send to your mail the detailed pictures of the shoes, and tell me if they're authentic...if it's not, I want to contact the manolo blahnik store and I will give all the information about that 'seller' because he's selling a lot of 'supossed' designer shoes, and that's a crime, and if the shoes he sell aren't this very moment he's cheating a lot of people of the world...
Please... help me to recognize the model of the shoes that I have...because I'm very confussed...
I'll post you a pictures of the shoes he sells, and in a couple of hours I'll post you the pictures of my shoes...
you can also check an compare the shoes he sells, with the pictures of the shoes that he have in his webpage...
he doesn't sell them like fakes... check the prices and the pictures...
since I received my shoes... I was very suspicios about the seewings, the not many words... the quality of the shoe!!!
and because I am a shoe addict... I always search all the catalogs and bla bla bla... and I've never seen a manolo blahnik model VERY VERY CLOSE to the JIMMY CHOO ELAN (the pair I bought and I receive the ''manolo's'')
But I don't know, I'm confussed...maybe they're authentic... I just want your opinioon...for me, It'll be great that you tell me: Girl, don't worry, your shoes are authentic...they costs every penny you spent on them...
but If they don't, I'm shure that I won't have my money back, I just want to stop him, and stop him to cheating on people...understand?...
That's why I need your help...
please check the pictures... and later I'll send you more...please check manolo blahnik expert! ^_^ and tell me your honest opinion...

Also, those heels look too high compared to most of the Manolos I've seen. Occasionally he'll do a higher heel but most of his heels seem to be 3 1/2 inches or lower.
Here are some pictures of my shoes for comparison:


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^I agree that those manolos look authentic, the rhinestone buckle thing on the first pair looks way off.
Versace Authentic??

Is this Versace Authentic? If I take it to a Versace Boutique would they tell me? Even though that is kind of embarrasing.

And no im not selling the shirt, Im jut dont wanna walk around with a fake shirt.
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Honestly I highly doubt that it's authentic. It's a very commonly faked design, the price is too low, and they have tons of the same thing.

also...links to ebay are not permitted ...
please see tFS guidelines...

softgrey said:

also...links to ebay are not permitted ...
please see tFS guidelines...


My Bad...
Here is the Pic Versace Jeans Couture

Is this really a common knockoff shirt?


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Those 1st Silver Manolos are so fake...sorry :S

But do you think these Chanels are Authentic?



Please let me know...
GalleriaResident said:
My Bad...
Here is the Pic Versace Jeans Couture

Is this really a common knockoff shirt?

Although VJC and Versace Sport make horrific pieces, not all are fake.

That being said... if the price is too low, then it's likely fake.

Anyways, it's a disgusting shirt full of logos and all sorts of junk. It doesn't look good at all. Save your money. Anyone who wears a shirt like that is a fashion victim my friend... paying a lot purely for a label and throwing it in peoples faces.

This is exactly what counterfeiters thrive on. Notice that only the signature Vuitton bags ever get faked. You don't see their Taiga leather faked for the most part (i've actually never seen a fake taiga), but always the monogram. If you're going to fake something, you want it to be "mistaken" for the real thing. What better way than by plastering the name brand all over the clothes?
hello :p
Can anyone tell me if these D & G clothes are fake :sick: or authenticB) ?
Hope they are, but i want to make sure, cuz i found them on a site like ebay.


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and 2 more pics, yepp i know pics dont have the best quality but plz try to...
thanx :) :flower:


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Marc by Marc Jacobs

Well, I am really kicking myself today ... I saw a Marc by Marc skirt on, didn't order immediately, and now it's sold out. I called the Marc by Marc store in NY, and they knew the skirt & thought they were getting it, but probably not in my size. There's a chance I can special order.

I called Nordstrom's. They are getting another Marc by Marc shipment soon, they think, but don't know anything about this skirt. I called Neiman's--they didn't get this skirt in the stores.

Anyone know who might have it? I already checked Saks' site, and Froogle as well--so I don't think anyone has it online. So I'd be looking for a brick & mortar that gets priority from MJ like Neiman's does.

TIA :flower:
fashionista-ta said:
Well, I am really kicking myself today ... I saw a Marc by Marc skirt on, didn't order immediately, and now it's sold out. I called the Marc by Marc store in NY, and they knew the skirt & thought they were getting it, but probably not in my size. There's a chance I can special order.

I called Nordstrom's. They are getting another Marc by Marc shipment soon, they think, but don't know anything about this skirt. I called Neiman's--they didn't get this skirt in the stores.

Anyone know who might have it? I already checked Saks' site, and Froogle as well--so I don't think anyone has it online. So I'd be looking for a brick & mortar that gets priority from MJ like Neiman's does.

TIA :flower:

Bloomingdales, Barneys, Saks, Everyone and Their Mother.

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