I have a pair of rock & republic jeans that I'm 99% sure are fake. I could post pictures, but I don't know that it would make a huge difference. All the buttons and tags have the right markings, but they fit poorly- they have a huge waist and they're too short for me to wear with heels.
I'm not posting to ask if they're authentic because I'm so sure that they're not. I bought them at a "sample sale" in NYC that was held in a bar. They were selling rock & republic, Joe's Jeans, Sevens, Citizens, True religion, etc all for $75 a pair. I went with friends and we were pretty excited about getting a good deal
Later, I noticed that the people who set up tables with designer jeans on the street that sell them for about $40 had the exact same selection that the place I went did. I've always known or at least assumed they were fake. It's especially suspicous that as soon as the Victoria Beckham jeans came out, they had a huge selection of them and were selling them for $40 when they retail for $300.
I'm just looking for anyone who could tell me about how this whole jean wholesale thing works and if they're fake. Where do the people get them? Are these the same that are sold on ebay? I see so many people selling designer jeans on the streets every day and I really just want to know what's going on there.
I've always been very careful and thought I was well-educated, so this kind of upsets me. I found out about the sale from an email that my school's fashion club sent out.