The Business of Magazines

Vogue in Turkey

Condé Nast International is to publish Vogue in a license partnership with Dogus Media Group.

“Condé Nast is pleased to begin publishing in Turkey, a dynamic market with a population of more than 70 million and a growing appetite for upmarket magazines,” said Condé Nast International chairman Jonathan Newhouse.
i saw someone today with a seventeen magazine that said something about "last issue" , i was just wondering if they were going under.
Interesting to see a Vogue Turkey.

there is memeber here with the signature "Vogue Turkey is coming!!!!" I think he will be very glad.
Media Guardian explores how tabloids manufacture the endless soap opera:

The Brangelina industry

24 June 2009

In October 2007, at the unpoliced border between truth and invention where most weekly celebrity magazines have their headquarters, a rumour began to take hold: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were splitting up. "The romance is over," declared the US weekly In Touch, though its cover showed the world's most famous couple looking generally content. "Jen blamed for wrecking marriage," Britain's Grazia explained a few weeks later, illustrating the story with a paparazzi shot of Pitt's ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston, wearing an irritated expression.

By then, though, In Touch already had a new scoop - "A wedding to keep Brad!" - and by the spring of 2008, things were looking official: "Yes, they're getting married! The emotional moment Angelina knew she had to marry Brad." (A special edition of In Touch soon followed: "Brad and Angelina: the wedding of the century.")

Curiously, the happy news never made the cover of the US edition of OK!, which focused instead on "the wedding of the year" - a "backyard ceremony" between Aniston and the singer John Mayer. Within months, the Aniston-Mayer union had flowered into another OK! exclusive that seemed to put to rest, at last, the long-running drama of the then 39-year-old Aniston's hunger for motherhood. "Baby time for Jen," the magazine announced. In the Jolie-Pitt household, by contrast, things were no longer rosy: in fact, the relationship was over. "Brad walks away," revealed In Touch.

Of course, from a traditional perspective on the nature of reality, there were problems with these stories. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had not separated, and did not get married. Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer did not get married either. As far as can be ascertained, Aniston is not pregnant. "These weeklies no longer have any interest in actual reporting," Aniston's publicist, Stephen Huvane, told me via email. Richard Spencer, the editor-in-chief of In Touch, insists that all his stories are double-sourced. But maybe these disagreements over journalistic ethics miss the point. The weeklies are their own world, with their own rules. Their priority is to keep the rollercoaster of a star's life - romance, betrayal, marriage, separation, reunion - moving as quickly as possible. Real facts play a role, but not always a leading one. "A tabloid version of a fact isn't exactly a lie," is how one editor at a prominent celebrity weekly puts it. "But it isn't the truth. You know what I mean?"

And nowhere does the rollercoaster lurch more rapidly than in the narrative of the Aniston/Pitt/Jolie love triangle, now entering its sixth year - an astonishingly long time in the fast-turnover world of the weeklies. Even the verifiable facts about the three, the ones we can all agree on, seem too good to be true. A personable, blonde, all-American girl next door, cherished for her role in Friends, marries the leading heartthrob of his generation, who leaves her for a mercurial, almost freakishly beautiful star whom he meets on a movie set. He adopts her two children, they adopt one more, and have three of their own, including a pair of predictably perfect twins. Their expanding family - effortlessly combined with their humanitarian work - stands in perpetual affront to the all-American blonde, who makes no secret of her desire to have children, but instead bounces from one unsuccessful liaison to another, happiness always just out of reach.

But the verifiable facts will only take you so far. Fuelled by panic over falling magazine circulations, the challenges posed by blogs and a desensitised readership hungry for authentic emotion, the storyline of Brad, Angelina and Jennifer has achieved escape velocity. It seems, somehow, to exist independently of its real-life protagonists, even as it draws on the facts of their lives. And its inner workings - the web of relationships between stars, publicists, editors, paparazzi, "insider" sources and bloggers - show the machinery of modern fame operating at its most combative, absurd and intense.

The frenetic state of today's celebrity news industry stems from one inescapable fact: the lives of real people - even people as volatile and wealthy as A-list movie stars - simply don't unfold fast enough to meet the appetite for information about them. Weekly magazines need weekly scoops, and preferably scoops different enough to distinguish them from their rivals. Sales of celebrity magazines are plummeting (newsstand sales in the US fell 11% in the second half of last year, and the situation in the UK is similar, though Grazia is an exception) but the decline seems only to have increased the desperation for exclusives.

Outside the traditional markets, meanwhile, OK! India or OK! Middle East ("Dubai's premier celebrity magazine") may be hunting for their own angle. Thousands of blogs crave multiple daily updates, and the biggest -, - can afford to pay for paparazzi pictures. And yet one person can only adopt so many Cambodian children in a given year, no matter how intent on breaking records Jolie may sometimes seem.

Editorial meetings at celebrity magazines, therefore, may not always resemble those elsewhere. "You build the story around an emotion," says a celebrity weekly editor, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "What's happening with poor Jen this week? Well, John Mayer's seeing someone else, and for a woman of her age, that must be awful ... So you construct a narrative of what a woman her age may be feeling." Stories may start with nothing more than a set of photographs: Aniston looking happy, or sad - or happy one moment and sad the next, since if you take multiple shots of anyone, with a fast shutter speed, you can capture a range of expressions. "The question is: how can we construct a story around a set of emotions that our readers are going to relate to? It can come from a genuine tip, or a photo. Or it can come out of our ***."

Despite this freewheeling approach to the facts, the resulting stories stick to a narrow range. Aniston must emerge with hope, the editor says: despondency must be short-lived, because it's depressing - and, just as importantly, dull. (It would be just as dull were Aniston to find lasting peace with being single or childless. Stable couples are boring, too, however great their Hollywood clout: Kate Winslet doesn't sell magazines, and neither do Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal, so they rarely appear on covers.)
There are only really seven Brad/Jen/Angelina stories, endlessly recycled: Brad and Angelina in love; Brad and Angelina obtaining more children; Brad secretly meeting or texting Jen; Angelina's fury at Brad for meeting or texting Jen; Angelina looking dangerously thin ("scary skinny"); Jen in love; Jen alone again. "You develop the narrative because you know it sells," the editor says. "And because selling is everything, you have to come up with the next chapter. But things don't move on that quickly."

Intuitively, you'd think the stars must ultimately welcome such coverage: surely even the pitiable image of Poor Jen is valuable exposure for an actor whose recent movies haven't been blockbusters? But while undoubtedly true lower down the food chain - "the Hayden Panettiere level", as one magazine writer described it - at the highest level of the celebrity ecosystem, if Pitt, Aniston and Jolie do benefit they don't acknowledge it. When I put the matter to Huvane - who represents Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, Demi Moore, Meg Ryan, Julianne Moore and Kirsten Dunst - he declined to be interviewed, but then sent several lengthy emails. "I don't think lies and complete fabrications serve any positive result," he wrote. "We were doing just fine before the weeklies even existed ... All they do is distort and damage the dignity of the private lives of actors ... I have never represented a client who enjoyed being followed by paparazzi or having fabricated stories about their lives in those magazines."

Huvane is notorious for refusing to dignify stories in the weeklies with a response; Aniston confines her interviews to more respectful monthly magazines, and has been known to wear the same outfit for days, to reduce the market value of paparazzi shots. Huvane is scornful of the notion that this total non-co-operation only lets the rumour mill run wild.

"If you co-operate with one of the magazines, their competitors become vengeful and attack clients," he emailed. "There is no upside to working with them ... Their tactic is to make up stories that are so damaging, in the hope that we would engage in a dialogue that gives them access to the talent." Contempt seemed to radiate from my laptop screen. "We don't respond to that kind of behaviour," he concluded.

Which is not to say that the stars don't fan the flames by discussing their private relationships in the interviews they do give: Aniston famously told Vogue she thought Jolie's public comments about falling in love with Pitt, on the set of Mr & Mrs Smith, had been "totally uncool". At one recent film awards ceremony, Aniston even mined the love-triangle story for laughs, telling the audience that the titles of her movies (The Good Girl, Derailed, The Breakup) mirrored her life: "If anyone has a movie called Everlasting Love With An Adult Stable Man, that would be great!"

Amid this environment of low-level war between publicists and magazines, Jolie cuts an exceptional figure. The 34-year-old employs no publicist, and for years at a time has had no agent. She arranges press and TV appearances herself, using a team of assistants, and last year, according to the New York Times, personally orchestrated the bidding war for the first pictures of her twins, Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline. The sale of rights, which went to People magazine in the US and Hello! in the rest of the world, raised $14m for the Pitt-Jolie Foundation, breaking all records for celebrity baby photos. The agreement, the New York Times reported, specified that the winning magazines were "obliged to offer coverage that would not reflect negatively on [Jolie] or her family". (In a statement, People denied making such a deal, but has been unsparingly positive in its coverage since.)

In a manner reminiscent of Princess Diana, Jolie has openly exploited the appetite for pictures to highlight her humanitarian work, which involves significant Washington lobbying efforts as well as the usual foreign trips. It's not clear whether her motives are entirely philanthropic: the focus on refugee issues may also serve to displace unwanted coverage, such as the potentially damaging portrayal of Jolie as a marriage-wrecker, which is known to have distressed her. But her approach shows how far a strategically minded star can still wrest power from the ravening media.

The record-breaking sums, however, may be a thing of the past. "It was uncanny, the way [celebrity photo deals] mirrored the economy," says the weekly magazine editor. "You just felt like you were on the edge. I remember saying to a friend: 'We're fiddling while Rome burns!' The highest amount ever paid for a celebrity child - and then, literally weeks later, Lehmann Brothers goes bust."

Francois Navarre came to Los Angeles from France to cover hard news: as a photojournalist for Le Monde, he chronicled the race riots that exploded on America's west coast in the early 1990s. "I thought gossip news was not serious at all," he says. But he proved unable to resist. Navarre founded X17, now one of the world's biggest paparazzi agencies, employing around 60 photographers who work in team pursuit of the stars. When a newly bald Britney Spears attacked and damaged a sports utility vehicle with an umbrella in February 2007, it was an X17 photographer's vehicle that she targeted.

We're accustomed, with good reason, to thinking of the paparazzi as the lowest of the low, unworthy of being called journalists. But the irony of celebrity media is that the pictures sold by X17 and others are the only part that is solidly, indisputably real. How those pictures are interpreted by magazine writers, on the other hand, is anyone's guess. "Today we had this exact thing," Navarre says. "Hugh Grant, in New York, leaving a restaurant. In one picture he looks really upset, and in another, he's smiling. I'm sure we'll see 'look how angry he is, he's a loser,' and also, 'look, how happy and charming!' For Angelina, too - they totally take it picture by picture, to illustrate different angles."

Pitt is one of the paparazzi's least favourite subjects. "It's almost an obsession for him, not being photographed," Navarre says. "He's a photographer himself, or wants to be, and it bothers him that people take pictures of him and make money - he's crazy about that. It's not about privacy - he can say it's the kids as much as he wants, but I knew him before, and he was like that when he was just a guy with his guitar."

Pure fabrication by magazines is rare, Navarre maintains. "Coming from hard news, we had this idea that in gossip, everything's fake. But now I'm on the gossip side, I'm surprised by how most of the time it's not. You'll have a little bit of news - a hint. I thought the fight between Angelina and Aniston would be totally fake, but it's not. Ninety per cent of the time, it comes from something true." Besides, he says, sounding briefly like a French poststructuralist philosopher, "there is this idea that there is only one truth, and that you have to stick to it. But maybe not."

The blogosphere has greatly exacerbated this what-is-truth-anyway? approach. At sites such as Gawker and Defamer, Hollywood gossip is breathlessly consumed, but also marinaded in a rich sauce of cynicism. Readers are happy to engage with the narrative - and even buy ironic Team Aniston and Team Jolie T-shirts - without assuming any particular story to be true. The same is surely true of many readers of the weeklies. But the blogs, unlike the magazines, can admit it.

Richard Spencer at In Touch is adamant that quotations attributed to "an insider" in his magazine always come from "someone very close to the celebrity, or someone the celebrity employs - anyone from a bodyguard to a nanny to a friend to a hairstylist", and that they're never paid. (They share their gossip, he says, because "it's human nature".) But he's happy to acknowledge that truth can be kaleidoscopic. "Different friends tell different people different things," he says when I point out blatant contradictions between his magazine and others. "It's not a question of anyone being wrong. If you were having divorce trouble, one friend could say, 'Oh, they're solid, nothing to worry about.' Another could say: 'You didn't see the fight I saw last night. She was crying in the bathroom.'"

As for the Brangelina wedding that never happened, Spencer's argument runs as follows. The weeklies report the current state of rumours. A wedding was rumoured, so it was truthful to report that. "We're not the type of magazine to just wait until it's confirmed," he says. "People closely involved were talking about it. Pretend you had a sister in the same situation. Do you only want to know when your sister has got married? Or do you want me to tell you I had dinner with her last night, and she told me she thinks she might get married this summer? You can't just sit back and say 'when it happens, we'll report it with everyone else'."

"Angelina's birthday ends in tears," reports the current edition of In Touch. "A friend" explains that "too much togetherness has taken its toll". The magazine adds: "While Brad did go to a lot of trouble for Angelina's 34th - presenting her with a specially commissioned painting of their family, as well as lingerie from Angelina's favourite store, Agent Provocateur - it wasn't long before the troubled couple erupted in a fight over Brad's ex-wife ... 'Things were going fine, and then Angie started accusing Brad of meeting Jen in LA,' says an associate."

When you spend too much time poring over celebrity magazines, and interviewing their employees, odd things start to happen to your brain. You catch yourself wondering: might the magazines' hunger for new storylines somehow exert an influence on reality itself? According to the laws of some strange physics, unstudied by scientists, might the narrative necessity of a Brangelina divorce lead to one actually happening, in real life?

Well, not for now, according to last week's People, which unsurprisingly offers an entirely different take from In Touch. Angelina's birthday celebrations, it seems, went flawlessly - and happened not at the couple's Long Island mansion but on the set of Jolie's latest film, Salt. (In Touch agrees that Pitt visited the set of Salt, but quotes a "pal" who says "they're just going through the motions for appearance's sake".)

For Mother's Day, which is celebrated in May in the US, "Brad gave Angelina inscribed jewellery," People adds. An unnamed friend provides the article's closing quote: "They are very, very happy."
WWD investigating the situation at Interview

Memo Pad: Tumultuous at Interview

In September, Interview threw a splashy party for its relaunch at the Standard Hotel in New York’s Meatpacking District. At the time, the hotel was still under construction. Models, editors and other downtowners had to tiptoe on planks to avoid snakes of electrical cords around the unfinished penthouse, where the magazine’s owner, Peter Brant, and his wife, Stephanie Seymour Brant, held court at one end and co-editorial directors Glenn O’Brien and Fabien Baron at the other. Nine months from completion, the Standard was a shell of the chic hotel it was to become. But at least the foundation was there.

The reverse appears to be true of Interview. The title is now a shell of its former self, hardly the provocative glossy it was even 18 months ago under then-editors Ingrid Sischy and Sandra Brant, Peter Brant’s first wife. When in February 2008 Brant bought his ex-wife’s stake in the company to gain full control, he plotted to bring a mix of intelligence and downtown glam to a publication launched by Andy Warhol in 1969. Instead, Brant has withdrawn from the day-to-day operations of Brant Publications Inc. as he focuses on his contentious divorce battle with Seymour Brant.

Ryan Brant, Peter and Sandy’s son, has now taken over at the publishing company as acting president, and O’Brien was forced out early this month to be replaced by Baron, who himself was fired last fall but has returned as sole editorial director of Interview.

Given all the turmoil and a recession that has seen advertising at even behemoths like Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar and Vanity Fair tumble by more than 20 percent, many wonder if Interview will be able to weather its storms.

After more than a decade of profitability, Interview, as Ryan Brant has recently described, has dipped “significantly” back into the red — although a company spokesman claimed it is “more profitable now” than in 2008. The firm’s smaller titles, Art in America and The Magazine Antiques, are, according to sources inside Brant, profitable, with significantly less overhead than Interview. But they also bring in much less ad revenue. Brant Publications, meanwhile, plans to launch a quarterly design magazine, Modern.

Clearly, ongoing financial support from Peter Brant will determine Interview’s future. But with its financial position, and a mind-numbing divorce to battle through, time will tell how much patience — and money — he will have to spend.

The magazine’s travails stem from a clash of business cultures and of egos among the top brass, as well as poor timing. Sischy and Sandra Brant had produced Interview since 1989, when the Brants bought the magazine from the Warhol estate for an undisclosed sum. Sischy’s Rolodex provided content for the magazine — friends like Elton John would interview their peers and other friends like Bruce Weber would photograph them. Sandy oversaw ad sales, and with her then-husband’s art world heft and her and Sischy’s contacts in the fashion world, brought in a steady stream of ad pages. The duo ran a tight ship — they didn’t pay their contributors much money, but they didn’t have to. Talent flocked to Interview because, for photographers and stylists, it was a creative outlet with few boundaries, unlike typically more structured — and higher-paying — commercial assignments. That formula drove Interview into profit from 1994 on — the title made $2 million at its peak — and to a rate base of 200,000.

But when Peter Brant took full control of the business, out went Ingrid’s and Sandy’s contacts and a new network had to be built. Among them, Christopher Bollen from V magazine became editor of Interview, and Karl Templer joined as creative director. Alan Katz, who had been publisher at Cargo and Vanity Fair, was named group publisher. Stephanie Seymour Brant was given a token title on the masthead: contributing fashion editor. O’Brien and Baron joined Brant Publications as co-editorial directors overseeing Interview, Art in America and The Magazine Antiques, and also reportedly received a small stake in the company.

The model seemed perfect: O’Brien brought connections in the art world and his editorial expertise to the table — he was an editor at Interview in the Seventies, and later wrote for Rolling Stone and GQ. Baron — a well-respected creative director, most recently at French Vogue, and founder of his own ad agency, Baron & Baron — brought deep connections to photographers, stylists, designers and luxury brands that would help boost Interview’s image among advertisers. “A photographer wants a good relationship with Fabien because he does all the ad campaigns,” said one creative director at a fashion title. “You want to work with him because maybe, perhaps you’ll work on the Calvin Klein campaign.”

Nonetheless, despite the buzz around the new team, observers took Sischy’s and Sandy Brant’s departure as a blow to Interview. “Losing Ingrid was akin to losing Jane Pratt at Jane,” said George Janson, managing partner-director of print at Mediaedge:cia, who handles media planning for Chanel, VF Corp., Gallo and Macy’s Inc., among others. “Although she wasn’t the namesake, she was so akin to that magazine.”

Things started off well. A sharply redesigned September issue, with an image of Kate Moss shot by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott, marked the new era. The issue carried 142 pages of advertising from the likes of French Connection, Rolex, Chanel, John Varvatos, Graff, Michael Kors and Missoni.

But the expensive relaunch came just as the economy tanked. As the Dow shrank from 12,000 in February 2008 to 8,500 by December, advertisers cut back on spending across print, and trimmed nonessential media properties from its media plans. Interview, a small niche title, often fell into that “add-on” category of magazines for fashion brands. Through 2008, the title’s ad pages — despite the September issue — fell 27 percent, to 656 pages.

Meanwhile, the partnership between Baron and O’Brien soured. “We were supposed to be equal partners and that only works if you get along and see eye to eye, and we didn’t,” said O’Brien. According to several insiders, O’Brien wanted to create an art magazine spotlighting a combination of his friends or small indie artists. Baron wanted a high-gloss fashion magazine with sexy photo spreads and well-known celebrities. They differed over “how many pages to devote to what, who’s going to be on the cover, all kinds of stuff,” according to O’Brien. The differences can be seen in the covers — the issues Baron helped oversee featured cover subjects such as Marc Jacobs, Kate Moss and Eva Mendes, while O’Brien’s had covers featuring the likes of Zac Efron and Björk.

Additionally, O’Brien’s camp complained Baron’s shoots were too expensive. Baron, a former creative director at Harper’s Bazaar and French Vogue, comes from a world where photo shoots aren’t done on the cheap. “Baron would fly hairdressers to Paris first class, when there are perfectly good hairdressers in Paris,” said one member of O’Brien’s camp (that said, one creative director in the business commented that “top stylists and hairdressers are all flying first class, no matter who they work for”). Sources claimed the issues Baron helped oversee ran anywhere from $100,000 to $300,000 over budget. Baron declined to comment for this story, but a spokesman admitted to the cost overruns while stressing the budget was controlled by the chief executive officer, who was O’Brien, and not by Baron.

Not that O’Brien was that fiscally austere himself. “He installed a lot of people that were expensive,” said one Interview staffer. He recruited, for example, photographers who charged $5,000 to shoot an item for the Web site, the kind of job an average photographer would charge a few hundred dollars for. “Ingrid was smart about getting people to work for free,” said one insider. “Glenn would say, ‘OK, I have this friend; talk to this person about coverage,’ but then wouldn’t discuss rates. We were in the position of always defending our rates to his friends.”

O’Brien also alleges that Baron intended to seek new clients for his ad agency, driving a wedge between the two editors. “We went on many sales call that turned into a Baron & Baron pitch. He would go so far as to criticize the advertisers. If you’re going to engage in both fields there has to be a fire wall, a line you don’t cross,” O’Brien said. Peter Brant’s increasing withdrawal from the company as his battle with Seymour Brant escalated in part contributed to Interview’s woes. By January, Ryan became involved in the family business (sister Kelly runs the online operations), first working with Art in America and The Magazine Antiques. Ryan, however, came with his own baggage: He founded Take Two Interactive, a gaming company that developed the “Grand Theft Auto” franchise, but was later investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission over backdating stock options and falsifying business records. He eventually paid $10 million in fines.

During the transition, staff turnover ensued. Group publisher Katz was fired in January, and Peter Brant dismissed Baron, blaming costs, and Templer left with Baron. O’Brien tried to woo former Condé Nast Publications Inc. sales executive Samantha Fennell to become the new publisher, but she withdrew shortly after accepting the position. To replace Baron and Templer, O’Brien hired French design duo M/M Paris to oversee art direction.

Interview’s bottom line continued to struggle after Baron’s departure. This year’s first six issues carried 205 ad pages, 38 percent fewer than in 2008. “To be an independent magazine in America is a hard place to be when ad budgets shrink,” said David Lipman, ceo of his own ad agency, arguing that larger, stable titles do better in tough times. “When budgets shrink, [advertisers] go to what’s true and what you know. When you have a magazine that lacks confidence, as Interview has shown by the changes in the last few months, [an advertiser’s] confidence is shaken.”

By spring, the decline in revenue and increasing expenses caught up with Interview. Freelance photographers, stylists and others claimed Brant Publications had not fulfilled payment for their services. M/M Paris and Templer were among those complaining of slow payment, and one source claimed Templer even considered legal recourse (the spokesman said Templer was paid). Sources said one printer withheld issues of the June-July edition from newsstands until Interview paid up; subscribers claimed they never received their copies (printer Brown Printing confirmed Interview was a client, but did not comment on specifics of Interview’s account).

Indeed, even Ryan Brant recently acknowledged, “There were a couple of months where we weren’t as good as we could have been, but we’re looking to get it resolved.”

As Baron returns, changes continue at the title. Bollen, Interview’s editor in chief is being pushed aside in favor of executive editor Stephen Mooallem, who has been there since 2003. A new president of the magazine is being sought, a search led by Ryan Brant, to whom the person will report. The incoming executive would have complete financial control over Interview. Templer is returning in a package deal with Baron. Ryan is expected to stay on at the company, but the company intends to search for an outside group president to oversee sales for all four titles once the financials turn around. Meanwhile, Brant Publications has filed a lawsuit against O’Brien in the State Supreme Court of New York for allegedly breaching his contract. The company claims O’Brien’s on-the-record interviews with several media outlets following his firing broke a confidentiality agreement he had signed. But O’Brien said he never signed such an agreement.

Baron’s return was warmly received by fans of the magazine. “Ultimately, what he does will turn into ad revenue for Interview,” said Bill Fine, president of online art e-commerce site Artnet Worldwide, who served as vice president of Brant Publications in the Nineties. “But they have to give him a free hand.”

Fashion advertisers believe his return gives Interview more credibility, but it won’t guarantee a flurry of advertising back to the magazine, especially in the current economy. As the magazine’s editorial changes continue, as one media planner who works with fashion clients expressed, “the last thing a media buyer wants to do is put pages into a book they think might close. That’s like running an ad in the last issue of Domino.”

source WWD
Hoping to be the last changes ...

Even more changes at Interview...
Friday, June 26, 2009

Karl Templer is returning to Interview as fashion director.

Stephen Mooallem, formerly executive editor at Interview, has been named editor-in-chief. Christopher Bollen, formerly editor in chief of Interview, is leaving the title.

This could be the premise of a very good tv drama show.
hey, i even feel a bit ashamed not to know that, but could someone explain me about the monthly themes of the magazines like vogue, others. is that for example the body issue or the age issue goes out at the same motnh every year or no? why is it so big to be on the cover of the september issue? what other issues are there? maybe idk, because i live in a country there i cannot get each number of every magazine i want... i'm really interested in that, so i would say big thank you for the help!
^ Yes, every theme has it's month and every year there're issues with same theme at the same time.

You can see some types of the issues here.
hey, i even feel a bit ashamed not to know that, but could someone explain me about the monthly themes of the magazines like vogue, others. is that for example the body issue or the age issue goes out at the same motnh every year or no? why is it so big to be on the cover of the september issue? what other issues are there? maybe idk, because i live in a country there i cannot get each number of every magazine i want... i'm really interested in that, so i would say big thank you for the help!

well for vogue US
jan: spring preview and best dressed issue
feb: (not sure about the theme)
Mar: power and spring issue
Apr: shape
May: Met tribute
Jun: summer, travel, bride
july: fall preview, met pics
aug: age
sept: fall issue (the bible)
oct: couture, fur
nov: resort
dec: holiday special
^According to the MEDIA KIT OF US VOGUE
February: Spring Fashion Preview

SOURCE: CondeNast Media Kit
Magazine Publication & Release Dates = The Fashion Spot
^According to the MEDIA KIT OF US VOGUE
February: Spring Fashion Preview

SOURCE: CondeNast Media Kit
Magazine Publication & Release Dates = The Fashion Spot

are you sure? :huh: I thought spring preview is on jan based on my 2 jan vogues 08, 09
January's theme is spring fashion preview and focuses on the best of the collections.

February does continue the spring preview in a sense but also focuses a lot on Amercican designers if I'm not mistaken.

Q&A: Hearst's Michael Clinton


The company's CMO explains plans to lure advertisers.

After nearly eight years as Hearst's executive vice president and chief marketing officer, Michael Clinton has taken his act on the road with a 10-city tour, which started in mid-April, to visit major advertisers (Procter & Gamble in Cincinnati, Starcom in Chicago, Coca-Cola in Atlanta. Next: "the Southwest, here we come!"). Among other things, Clinton is selling Hearst's cross-title advertising, where a single ad can be placed in several magazines with slight changes according to the audience. For a Chevy Traverse promotion last year, different versions ran in eight titles. Spokesmodels were black, middle-aged or trendy, respectively, for ads placed in O, Redbook and Cosmopolitan. The result: 1.5 million page views on the related Web site and a half-million sweepstakes entrants. Advertising pages in the company's portfolio of 15 titles were down 20% in the first quarter, a sign of relative health--the decline at Condé Nast was 29%, while the industry as a whole lost 26%. The company has also had its share of mourning, including layoffs and the loss of CosmoGirl and Quick & Simple. O absorbed O at Home and Teen was cut back to an annual.

Forbes heard out Clinton's pitch.

Forbes: Hearst has a stable of practical, accessible titles. Will this be as desirable once the recession recedes?
Clinton: Always! We have a very diversified portfolio, but I think what consumers focus on, ultimately, is value. We have six magazines that are over 100 years old. We have weathered many downturns. Town & Country is 162 years old. It weathered the Civil War, the Spanish-American War and the Great Depression. We like to say we've been at it a long time. Good Housekeeping, Harper's Bazaar, House Beautiful, Popular Mechanics and Redbook are all over 100. Esquire's 76; Seventeen is 60. I think if you keep the voice relevant to the reader, you'll come out stronger.

How should traditional media companies view the Internet?
... As a way to redefine their business model.

You've transitioned into completely digital production. How has that changed your working relationship with advertisers?
We've taken two weeks out of our production cycle, starting with Cosmopolitan, which gives advertisers longer lead time for decision-making. The Web-based portal to for advertising materials is faster, less expensive and more efficient. The digital format is now allowing an advertiser to produce 10 different versions of an ad for 10 different magazines. Instead of the same beauty ad running in Seventeen and Redbook, they can now run things that are more contextual to that magazine.

What part do television shows, branded books and housewares play in your business model?
It's all part of putting the brand into "liquid content." I'll use Country Living as an example. If I'm really into Country Living, I can read the magazine, [go] online, shop at the Country Living online store, buy Country Living books, and go to Kmart and Sears, where Country Living home furnishings will replace [the] Martha Stewart [product line] this summer. I can also go to the Country Living fair, which is an event. I can have a full experience with the brand.
Television is a part of that. We have two shows that just came off the air, Running in Heels with Marie Claire and The Fashion Show with Harper's Bazaar, which is on Bravo. And, of course, Project Runway comes back in August with Nina Garcia of Marie Claire.

Do more people really buy those magazines after watching those shows?
Absolutely. Not only are they buying more Marie Claire, our applications for internships have increased tenfold.

Everybody wants to be a TV star.
Everybody wants to be an intern; they're coming out of the woodwork.

Hearst has mentioned the desire to cooperate with other magazine companies to maximize resources. What does this mean?
We own a distribution company with one of our competitors [Condé Nast Publications], Comag. There are lots of economies of scale for publishers to do non-competitive joint initiatives in all parts of our business. We'd welcome a phone call from any publisher.

A "kumbaya" in publishing?
Exactly. Lots of other industries have done this in the past. Creating consortiums can be good for the business.

How have the innovative Esquire cover gimmicks, such as the mix-and-match perforated cover, the Shepard Fairey Obama cover with the advertising flap and the e-ink cover performed on newsstands?
Both the Obama cover and the mix-and-match cover were up double digits on the newsstand vs. last year.

What do people do with them?
When we did the Esquire digital cover, it sold out in a couple of weeks. People were selling them on eBay for $70. They have a shelf life. It became a collector's item. It's probably still trading on eBay, for all I know. [Editor's note: It is, for $39.99.]

You're increasing newsstand prices, increasing the size of some titles and keeping content exclusive to the printed magazines. Why?
We have done a variety of brand enhancements. Enlarged the size of Redbook, House Beautiful, now Good Housekeeping, and we're testing Country Living. We launched Food Network in a larger size. Not [for] all, but [for] some magazines, we think consumers want higher production values and they're willing to pay for them. The full run of Good Housekeeping will be enlarged Jan. 1, and we will increase our newsstand price from $2.49 to $3.49. The value's there--and the consumers are willing to pay for it, according to all the testing we did.

Your fourth book of photography, American Portraits, comes out later this year. Are you preparing a fallback occupation?
It's a great hobby, but it it's never going to pay the rent.
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'Elle' Takes The Lead


Style magazine tops ''Vogue'' for the first time in ad page count.

For the first time in its 24-year American history, women's lifestyle magazine Elle banked more advertising pages than elite competitor Vogue in the first half of the year. The most recent six issues of the Robbie Myers-led publication held 970 advertising pages, a 22% decline year-to-year, compared to Vogue's 956 pages, a 32% decline. Time Warner's InStyle remains the leader in pages in the group, posting 1,151 year-to-date. The entire category is off by an average of 25%.

In 2008, Vogue had 10% more advertising pages than Elle. But there's been speculation in recent months that Vogue was slipping, citing February cover choice Blake Lively as too down-market, as well as the loss of spinoff publications Vogue Living and Men's Vogue.

But thanks in large part to the Michelle Obama cover in March, Vogue's newsstand sales are up 5% so far this year compared to the same period in 2008, while Elle's newsstand sales through April are down 16%. According to the Audit Bureau of Circulation, Elle's paid subscriptions are up 21%, compared with 8% for Vogue.

While Elle will surely enjoy its view from the front of the pack, it's still too soon to know if they can hang on there. The big test lies ahead, as publishers close their all-important September issues this month; the issue is traditionally the year's largest and an industry litmus test. Elle spent five years climbing to the No. 2 spot in terms of market share and, while its relative positioning is clearly benefiting from the attitudes of both consumers and advertisers in a bleak economic market, the real test will come when luxury retailers resume ad spending.

Elle and other category contenders such as Marie Claire and Harper's Bazaar now enjoy larger profiles than ever thanks to their involvement with television reality shows and other forms of promotion which Vogue continues to disdain. But the big screen remains infatuated with Vogue, from Devil Wears Prada to the upcoming documentary The September Issue.

The question is which will be more valuable in the near future: approachable or aspirational?

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