Why is Vogue Australia so bad?

Hopefully this months will be good, if not i'm going to give up. I used to re-read Vogue Aus so many times, however i've barely looked through March ed.

Vogue Australia May 2008 : Sasha Pivovarova by Mario Sorrenti
It's a re-print from Vogue China March 2008:(

http://www.isubscribe.com and vogue.cn
Oddly enough ladies, people from Vogue Australia do read these comments we make. One of the staffers emailed me through my site to give me feedback.

One of the points we we often complain about - re prints - are reportedly done because the team thinks the story or shoot is so good an Australian audience should be shown it too.

I guess they have a point on that one, after all not ALL Aus Vogue readers read the international Vogue right?

That's absurd... hello, we have the internet now! We can all see ads from pretty much any magazine at this point.

They probably don't have enough money to really do anything/get top models... :innocent:
That's the same old justification about reprints, and I won't take it. So they don't mind losing their Vogue readers that also buy other Vogues or are interested in other Vogues, The most faithful one I suppose.

It's the same old story, In my opinion, and i agree with Khaotic, they just do not have the money to create a magazine that complies to Vogue standards, it's the same with Vogue Portugal that actually started as a really good mag but now is reduced to being a translation of Vogue UK. I see no point whatsoever for the existence of this mags in this conditions.
Vogue Australia May 2008 : Sasha Pivovarova by Mario Sorrenti
It's a re-print from Vogue China March 2008:(

http://www.isubscribe.com and vogue.cn

Ahh... seeing that this month's cover is a re-print of another country's cover irks me a bit (again), but, hopefully If I get over that fact, and pretend I don't know that, it might make me feel better *tries* I'll have to see what's inside as well, can't judge anything by its cover! well, too early at least!

Of course, being completely original is the best, perhaps there are many other things that need to be taken into account when getting people for the cover etc etc...

:angry:ahhh nooo! I'm not convincing myself here!
Australias Vogue is simply bad. The editor, Kristie Clements, is a terrible editor and she seems lacking in her editorial skills if not passion for style. Anna Wintour or Carine Roitfeld are two iconic women who have seen their edition of Vogue also become iconic. These women really seem to love fashion and this is encapsulated in their editorials. Clements is

I agree with you until you get to Anna Wintour. Carine Roitfeld is PHENOMENAL as an editor and Anna Wintour just seems to be getting lazy or loosing touch. Australian Vogue and American Vogue are both awful and I just can't see how it is possible they have remained awful for so long! I mean for lord sake it's VOGUE!!! No VOGUE magazine should be unoriginal or outdated or less then perfect. Vogue is the head of fashion magazines, it is the first one ANYONE thinks of when you utter the word FASHION!

I just don't understand how Conde Nast or whoever can let the publication loose so much quality and not do anything about it.
Oddly enough ladies, people from Vogue Australia do read these comments we make. One of the staffers emailed me through my site to give me feedback.

One of the points we we often complain about - re prints - are reportedly done because the team thinks the story or shoot is so good an Australian audience should be shown it too.

In other words, it's a cost-cutting measure given a new twist to try to make it sound like a positive thing that's actually going to benefit readers. When I worked as a newspaper editor, I used to have to come out with that type of spin all the time, to account to the wider world for things, when really, there wasn't the unlimited budget to do x or y.

And especially if you're at 'Vogue', it's not very glamorous to say, we're a publication, we're rather poor, and we do the best we can - even if it's the truth.
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Well i bought this months issue and i have to say i'm not going to buy again. I used to read and re-read each issue and this month there's just nothing really in there worth paying $7.95. i would have been better off buying french vogue which I can't read but can look at the great photo's. So Aus Vogue staffers if you are reading this you lost another reader
They always reprint so much material...I don't see why. It's like why even bother making a Vogue Australia if it can't be original.
my parents recently moved house and i had to go through my magazine collection at their house (would you believe they didnt want to cart my collection of a wardrobe of magazine backissues to the new house? sheesh haha) anyhow, i saw issues of australian vogue from 2004/2005 - and i was shocked to see how good they were (comparatively). Original covers, content, really cute stories and lifestyle spreads at the back... wasnt so keen on the fashion eds still but you cant have everything. There seems to be so many people turning against it... i wonder if News would ever shut the doors? I mean New Woman shut down and it only had 20,000 less readers....
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I've said this before - in comparison, I really like Vogue Living Australia, I think it's a great magazine. It comes out with high-gloss, authoritative, original content every two months, I think it's a lot better than many magazines I could buy in the UK. So how can one magazine in the Conde Nast stable in Australia consistently impress me like this - and the other (Vogue) leave me cold?
OMGGGGGG! NO NO NO! its so bad. i feel un australian, but urhhh its so bad.
un original and copies nearly everything. the vogue AUS out now is just like vogue UK out now! so me and my friends did something mean. we waited untill there werent many people and we covered every stack of AUS vogue with UK vogue....
my parents recently moved house and i had to go through my magazine collection at their house (would you believe they didnt want to cart my collection of a wardrobe of magazine backissues to the new house? sheesh haha) anyhow, i saw issues of australian vogue from 2004/2005 - and i was shocked to see how good they were (comparatively). Original covers, content, really cute stories and lifestyle spreads at the back... wasnt so keen on the fashion eds still but you cant have everything. There seems to be so many people turning against it... i wonder if News would ever shut the doors? I mean New Woman shut down and it only had 20,000 less readers....

New Woman wasn't closed just because it kept dropping in circulation, but because ACP didn't have a need for another women's title like new woman - they've already got cosmo, cleo, madison, harper's, shop, etc - new woman wasn't doing anything differently anymore to justify keeping it.

I think it's sad that mags in this country don't have the spending power and advertising pull to be able to justify spending hundreds of thousands on a shoot, or to actually utilise the phenomenal talent we have emerging. However, it's the case across most magazines - you will find most 'mainstream' titles blatantly lift features from overseas titles. I've worked at magazines (yes, v popular ones) and it's commonplace. Sad but true.

VA will never have the advertising revenue and the editorial budgets that vogue roitfield or vogue wintour can demand. I do agree that Kirstie Clements needs to shape VA's own individual 'voice' though - a mag's personality and appeal doesn't lie in its budget. Look how successful a title like SHOP has been..
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Personally I think vogue should head in a completely different direction before Australian Grazia is launched later this year - give it up on the hollywood celebs and the plastic surgery stories, and instead focus on quality, original features relevant to the Australian industry. I'm really interested to see how Grazia affects Vogue's circulation.
Whats Grazia presh? I fits any good i'm sure it will affect vogues circulation. I know that once i discovered Russh i stopped buying Vogue every month.
If it follows the UK model, it'll take shape as a successful women's weekly, covering the same sort of fashion as Elle and Vogue does, with a dose of celebrity gossip and a highlight on health, fitness and other such issues that concern women aged 20-30. An intelligent all-rounder of a magazine with a glamorous edge.
When did New Women close? I saw it not to long ago at Borders with Jennifer Hawkins on the cover. Was that the last issue ever?

I’m looking forward to Australian Grazia. I pick up the UK one if I see it. Australian weekly’s have are horrible now. NW is a piece of crap and Who (Aussie People) has also gone downhill.

I hope Grazia does affect Vogue's circulation. Maybe then, it will light a fire up Kirstie’s *** and get her to actually do something exciting and maybe orginal. I won’t hold my breath though.

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