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JJohnson said:CDG should collab with LV!
bearbrick said:tht wld IMO damage CDG cool quotient beyond repair.....
Scott said:^i agree with that actually. That would totally homogenise CdG,immensely,imo.
It's shocking enough that idiosync. stylist/accessory designer(and collab. of CdG) Judy Blame is collaborating with them.
Pastry said:no kidding...i'm glad to have stumbled upon the last page of this thread because i felt alone in noticing a definite trend of cdg or cdg esque stuff going very very mainstream; much like the mcqueen skulls.
i saw a TAO dress featured in Teen Vogue for cryin' out loud! funny/tragic, isn't it?
JJohnson said:Hmmm Mutterlein have you checked itunes?