The Face with Naomi Campbell

^^ Zhilin has a language problem she's been modeling in China for many years and only took the chance to go international after she was in the Miss Universe 2011 pageant.
^ I get an error message :/ But I seem to have found a website that uploads them weekly now! (If anyone wants the link, let me know ;))
^ They don't work as in they doesn't load, error message, you don't like the hosts? :unsure:

The links still work for me, and thanks for posting them. I use them every week to watch each new episode. I'm in the US, though -- maybe they don't work outside of the US? :unsure:
any links for today's episode please? thanks!!
So pleased Stephanie wasn't sent home. She's just adorable and can see the drive she has to continue in the competition. For someone who hasn't had experience within the modeling industry, I find her walk to be fantastic. She was the best model during the bridal show in the previous episode. I thought she should have won the movement task at the start, though. She was so composed compared to the others. Although I do think Ebony needed that push.

I must admit that I'm enjoying this tons more than Tyra's Top Model. With this, there's multiple exciting elements - Naomi Campbell in particular. Noami's so blunt, I admire that about her. I was pleased Jocelyn stood up for herself when Noami asked what was going on during another one of Sandra's outburst. Naomi does give Sandra more attention. You could see how friendly they've become.. compared to how Noami acts with the other two. Sandra is Noami's favourite from Team Noami, for sure. I cannot wait for the next episode.
I'd disagree that Naomi favors Sandra. Sandra does get more of her attention but that's because she is the biggest head case. Sandra is like the naughty child in class that draws most of the teacher's attention. Living with her can only be exhausting; watching her on my television is certainly tiresome enough. The constant screeching would drive me insane.

You'll notice that Zi Lin is the only one Naomi refers to as "My Zi Lin." Not once has she used this word before the names of Sandra or Jocelyn. You'll also notice the editors have only shown Jocelyn's reaction to Sandra's constant noise. I refuse to believe that Zi Lin has not rolled her eyes from time to time. However, we only see Zi Lin trying to mediate conflicts between the two. Mark my words, Zi Lin will be the last one standing from Team Naomi.

Naomi pretty much admitted she kept Stephanie because Madeline was the stronger competitor. I am just glad poor Margaux, who is my fave next to Zi Lin, was not left alone on Team Coco. It would have been so harsh to Coco to have 1 while the others had 3 each.

Much like the dance instructor on yesteryday's episode, I am totally digging Ebony. She did fab job at the individual challenge and she is just so gorgeous. She was not really on my radar until this week. She can be the last one standing from Team Karolina and I would be quite satisfied.

Can I please say how much I love it when Naomi cuts through the B.S.? The preview from next week with her b*tching out Sandra looked awesome! I can't wait!
@~PinkCouture~@ thank you for posting link each week :flower:

Sandra is so obnoxious, I hope she gets send home soon.
I must agree with Naomi, Madeline was not memorable to me.
And I like how Stephanie dodges the bullet each time, she may not be the best model, but she sure can speak and I think she really does want this.
I'm hoping Margeaux wins, she's my favorite.
Only these 3 will be in the finals: Zhilin (Naomi), Margaux (Coco) and Devyn (Karolina). My guess is that because Naomi is determine to have her team win and favors Zhilin that the other coaches and contestants won't have a chance.
Only these 3 will be in the finals: Zhilin (Naomi), Margaux (Coco) and Devyn (Karolina). My guess is that because Naomi is determine to have her team win and favors Zhilin that the other coaches and contestants won't have a chance.
Is that your opinion or a spoiler?
I really adore Zi. I was hoping Stephanie would be sent home because I don't like any of Team Coco's girls at all. I don't like Sandra or Jocelyn on Team Naomi. I like Devyn a lot as well. Zi and Devlyn are my faves. I am rooting for Team Naomi though I love that b*tch. :lol: Coco's voice is super annoying. She's just annoying.

thanks, PinkCouture!! just watched the episode.

Naomi is RUTHLESS.

truth be told, i actually prefer Stephanie to Madeleine, as well. but only in video and on the show. in photos her inexperience really shows through and it's evident that she's the weaker link. Madeleine is pretty but pretty forgettable. however she always delivers in her photoshoots. so she's the more learned model. but she doesn't have that *spark* that Stephanie has.

either way - Naomi, in her own words, says that she chose to keep Stephanie BECAUSE she was the "weaker girl" and thus easier competition. hahaa. she's a tyrant!!

i love this show.

KK needs to stop playing so nice, though. she needs to be more firm and get a bit of a backbone when it comes to leading the campaign shoots and also when talking with Naomi or Coco. but, then again - she IS a lovely person. that's just her nature. and that's part of why we all love her so much. so mayhaps it's best that she stays the way she is. stays true to herself.

i feel like clearly someone on Team Naomi is going to win. each time they have one of these campaigns, you can tell that the representatives for the company are themselves completely intimidated by her. haha.
Is that your opinion or a spoiler?

He said "my guess is that" so it's an opinion.

But real spoiler is: There will be double elimination in the second-to-last episode, leaving 4 models in the final episode, so probably a Top 4 finale instead of Top 3.
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Is that your opinion or a spoiler?

Naomi knows Yue-Sai Kan who is the representative of the Miss Universe pageant in China. It was Yue who picked Zhilin to compete the the Miss Universe world competition, she brought Zhilin into her home in NY and trained her before the international competition. My guess is beyond the obvious potential of Zhilin they all know one another.

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