The Hair "Down There"

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I have a little tip for everyone who shaves and wants to avoid razor burn, rashes, ingrowns etc...
i have VERY sensitive skin, that i can't even wax because i break out in hives and pimples everywhere... so i shave my legs and "down there" but i don't use shaving cream... i use baby oil!!! it really works, the razor glides smoothly over the skin, and afterwards, ,my legs are fine!!! i have been using this for ages, so i suggest you give it a go if you shave...:flower:

Interesting.. I may try this. Do you still shave with the hair around your bikini area or against? Because the former never gives a close enough shave.
Wow. I love this thread! My BF has always wanted me to get waxed but I've been such a chicken. I guess for me it's more about the person that's gonna wax me.. I feel weird letting someone see me so privately. I don't mind shaving, but it is a pain to do it like every week.. hair grows SO fast down there, it's unbelievable. I will have to try the baby oil trick. The itchiness is annoying too!

So can anyone share their first experience with waxing? I'm pretty ashamed to admit that I'm 21 and haven't ever gotten one yet.. I want to try it ASAP
How long does it take until the hair grows out (so that it's visible) when you wax [in a salon]?

i waxed almost 2 months ago and it s still not fully all back.

am goin for another one soon however
So can anyone share their first experience with waxing? I'm pretty ashamed to admit that I'm 21 and haven't ever gotten one yet.. I want to try it ASAP

It will hurt like hell :lol: But it gets a lot easier with time. Don't be embarrassed, the person waxing you is a professional, and has 'seen it all' I'm sure :flower: It's not so much intimate as clinical IMO, and you'll hopefully build up a comfortable relationship with your beautician to the point where you won't even think about it anymore. My beautician and I just talk about Dermalogica products when I go in there now :rofl:
^ Best advice ever. Don't get stressed about it, because i'm pretty sure they do have seen it all! Just try and feel comfortable with your beautician; if she's a cool lady she'll keep the conversation going so you'll be distracted and less conscious about what she's doing ;)
I think I would also say - don't be put off by your first experience if your person isn't great. I went to a woman once and she was horrible - like it wasn't done in a uniform manner or anything :lol: :shock: So don't be afraid if you aren't satisfied to try someone new. And also 21 is definitely NOT bizarrely young to be getting waxed, so don't worry about it.

Sugaring at home - oh my. My best friend created a big pot of sugaring solution once, and never used it, and left it in a tub in her room for two years :lol: I had a really bad sugaring experience so I would never be inclined to try it at home
I've taken to just shaving around my bush. No more at-home Brazilians. I don't want the gyno to think I'm a p*rn star if I shave it all off. :rofl::rofl: I just shave the bikini line and that seems to do the trick. Less maintenance that way. :D
WOW^ i wish i could do that but man i gotta go all bare... hair is so irritating down there for me. Especially in the summer.. not just by wearing bikinis, lol but because of how hot it gets. Sweat + hair = gross.

Thanks Belowen, solg, and Meg for the advice.. I'm goin in on Friday for my first time. It will be fun times and I'll report back here after.. :lol:

Also my friend told me not to workout 24 hours after waxing.. anyone here done that with drastic consequences?
^ i really want to get waxed to but im scared of the pain.. just make sure the hairs are long enough to grab, cause a friend of mine went n the hair was not long enough and the lady had to go over the spot a few times. OUCH! i dont like having hair down there either. i feel more clean without it. once i fully plucked my bikini line! lol it took ages but didnt hurt that much...
Getting waxed really doesn't hurt as much as you'd think. BUT take a couple of painkillers beforehand, because I forgot once and it did hurt more.
i want to get a brazilian wax but i've never done anything like that before so i dont really know the etiquette...are you supposed to trim before you go or do you just let it all grow out??
hautechild- how far in advance do you take painkillers... like an hour? or 30 mins? tomorrow's the big day! lol

monstar- my friend told me to grow it out 1/3 or 1/2 of an inch. the longer the better so it can be easily removed. she said it will be cleaner if it's longer.
WOW^ i wish i could do that but man i gotta go all bare... hair is so irritating down there for me. Especially in the summer.. not just by wearing bikinis, lol but because of how hot it gets. Sweat + hair = gross.

Thanks Belowen, solg, and Meg for the advice.. I'm goin in on Friday for my first time. It will be fun times and I'll report back here after.. :lol:

Also my friend told me not to workout 24 hours after waxing.. anyone here done that with drastic consequences?
Definitely adding to Meg's advide. Don't be put off if your first experience isn't great. It's important to find the perfect person for you, since everyone has their own preferences and wants things done a certain way.
Pain-wise, you might find it painful the first time, but that's just because the first time tends to be painful because of the length of the hair. The best of luck :lucky:
@ PinkPrincess113 I used to go to the gym right after I got waxed and I've never had any problems. I recommend you a baby powder, I used it when I changed my clothes and after shower, just in case.:flower:
Interesting.. I may try this. Do you still shave with the hair around your bikini area or against? Because the former never gives a close enough shave.

I shave against, because you get a closer shave.
I usually have a shower, then shave after i get out, because the water "softens" the hair... hope it is successful for you :flower:
i normally just shower, then exfoliate down there to release stubborn hairs, then shave while im in the shower.
I shave in the shower most of the time, but if I know I am going swimming or to the beach I wait til I get out and I do it in my room, where the lighting is way better and I can make sure to get every hair.
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