ahhh I am so going to cry all the way through this movie![/QUOTE
i'm not a weepy chick but i think i too will lose it in the theater. don't get me wrong, every time i see a trailer poster or article about the movie i get super crazy person excited but then i think i'm gonna be sad when it's over... i mean it's officially the end of an era!!! i have amazing memories about saving up for months just so i could buy the books to read them first or saving to be one of the first to go see the movies opening day. harry potter, the books and movies have been a part of my life for 14yrs!! that's literally my teenage yrs to almost my mid-twenties!! that was the first book i ever was interested to read & got me into the habit of reading. this would be embarrassing to anyone who wasn't a potter fan but i STILL have the books downloaded onto my mp3 & listen to them every time i need to escape what's going on in my life... my friends would call me a loser & a baby for this but i'm not ashamed... i've never yet found anything that resonated soooo powerfully. it was just soo good, charming, witty, funny, noble, spiritual, uplifting but mostly just plain... COOL. now i'm getting a lil depressed thinking about it but i will say this; i plan to treat all the books like a precious treasured friend & if i ever have kids they'll be reading him for generations
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