The Official Harry Potter Thread

I'm SO excited about this new book!!! I'm sure J.K. has some tricks up her sleeve and I cannot wait to read what she's dreamt up. Also, I have to admit when I first read the title of the towns name I totally read it as "pigford" and was like well that's a crap name for a town. :lol: I think I read it that way because it reminds me of A Very Potter Musical and Draco wanting to go to "pigfarts." Yeah.... major HP geek here.:magic:
I'm excited for this too! Debating whether to pre-order or ask for it for Christmas.
Pottermore is finally open for everyone so if you missed the sign up process in July you can finally access it.
Thanks for letting us know! :flower: I ended up getting sorted into Gryffindor! I hoped that I'd be in this house but I thought that it would most-likely end up being Hufflepuff.
I thought I'd get into Ravenclaw but I was sorted into Slytherin. I don't mind though as we're in the lead house points wise at the moment.

Has there been any announcement as to when Chamber of Secrets will be ready?
I hope that the book will be good. :flower:

pixiedust1603: they said that they'll be releasing each book on Pottermore every year. So... six years later. :doh:
Ewwwww! I got sorted into Sytherin! I'm so grossed out. Yeah, I like old lineage families like royalty and powerful people, but I'm also all for the equal rights, feminism, and worker rights. And I hate damp, musty basements!

My inner Ravenclaw doth protest.
^I'm sorry but you should be proud of the house you got sorted into. The things you mentioned are typical Slytherin stereotypes which most Slytherins break so yeah. ;)

I'm a Ravenclaw btw. So happy I got in during BETA testing back in August. :D
But Slytherins aren't for equal rights, feminism or workers rights. I AM. And I care deeply about those. Yeah, I like royalty and presidents, but I certainly don't think they are the be-all, end-all. Just because she's royalty doesn't make Queen Elizabeth better than anybody else. Just because he's the president doesn't Barack Obama more right than me. I trust the people more than I do those in power. But Lord Voldemort and old blood families would say "it is our heritage that makes up important...commoners don't matter and never did." Which is racist, sexist, and demeaning on so many levels.

And I don't think power and popularity are the be-all, end-all like as so many Slytherins are portrayed as being. I don't even like Severus Snape and everybody and their mother in this fandom is like "oh, poor Severus....the poor, misunderstood anti-hero." So, no, I'm not proud. I'm pissed.

But I found that quiz to be extremely ****ty anyway. Not that many questions on it and not that in depth either. I would have expected more from the official site. I've taken many random ones on the web that are much more probing (and the probing ones always stick me in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor so.... JKR and Pottermore can suck it.)

Yes, the more I think on it, the more upset I am. It's enough to make me want to leave Pottermore for good. Because I don't feel I should be sorted into a house whose values I don't believe in and whose founder I detest.
^I do see where you are coming from and I feel your pain. However, I hope you don't mind me pointing out that not all Slytherins are bad. They just get a bad rep because of certain people. One good Slytherin was Regulus Black but when he realized what a monster Voldemort was he defected from the Death Eaters. And Regulus also tried to destroy the horcrux in the locket. This shows his bravery and selflessness. Plus, he saved Kreacher's life at the expense of his own. And this shows that he respected Kreacher, even treated Sirius the house elf terribly.... so good Slytherins do exist (and this also points out that even good Gryffindors have flaws too).
I ended up deleting my account. Too many of the values that that House values I don't. Yes, I'm cunning and manipulative...but I know why I am ,and am working on not being so (over petty stuff, but there it is).

And I know there are good Slytherins but I don't like what the founder stood for. I don't believe in pure blood or old lineage. Nor do I enjoy cold, damp basements (shivers) or snakes (screams).

To put it another way, it's like the Sorting Hat said "oh, you like rich, privileged, white people, therefore you must share Dick Cheney's values." Well, no. I like elite people, but the ones I like were/are about spreading culture to the masses (Jackie Kennedy, Diana Vreeland) or equality for all (the Kennedy brothers).

Which is why I deleted my account.

I'm sure I'll probably make another account eventually, but as of right now. No. I wasn't that impressed with the site anyway. Most of the "new" site only information has been gleamed elsewhere: it's only more detailed. I didn't run across anything that was like "OMG I can't believe I didn't realize this until now!" as far as the HP book extras goes.
It's okay, to be honest, I'm not that impressed with Pottermore either. It's actually kinda lame. The only thing I cared about was finding out what house I was in and what type of wand I would have. Otherwise I don't think the info reveled was that interesting or that noteworthy. Plus, seriously, who wants to join a website and have to wait 6 years to finish all seven books. That kinda annoys me.
JK Rowling wrote a book under a pseudonym that got great reviews when it was released. The internet is obviously going crazy.

JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books, secretly penned a crime novel which became a rave-review bestseller without readers realising she had written it.

The Cuckoo’s Calling, a story about the mysterious death of a model falling from a balcony which is probed by a war veteran turned private investigator, won universal praise from critics when it came out in April.

It was released by Sphere, part of the Little Brown publishing, and marked as a debut novel from ‘Robert Galbraith’.

Ms Rowling told the Sunday Times that she had hoped the true identity behind her pen name ‘Robert Galbraith’ would have been concealed for longer.

“Being Robert Galbraith has been such a liberating experience,” she said. “It has been wonderful to publish without hype and expectation and pure pleasure to get feedback under a different name.”

The book’s listing on Little Brown’s website confirms that Galbraith is a pseudonym. The biographical details say the writer spent seven “several years with the Royal Military Police”.

The 450 page novel has been likened to the works of prolific crime fiction writers Ruth Rendell and PD James.

Ms Rowling was under pressure after the worldwide success of the seven Harry Potter stories when she published her novel for an adult audience, The Casual Vacancy, last year.

It received a mixed critical reception, but claimed good sales and has been chosen for a BBC adaptation.
The Independent
Emma Watson interviewed J.K. for Wonderland and some excerpts are out:

J.K. Rowling regrets Ron and Hermione’s relationship

In a new interview conducted by Emma Watson, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling drops a bombshell: She regrets putting Ron and Hermione together.

The shocking revelation came in the new issue of Wonderland which Watson is a guest editor of this month. The comments were obtained by The Sunday Times.

Rowling says that she should have put Hermione and Harry together in the Harry Potter series instead of Hermione and Ron.

“I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment,” she says. “That’s how it was conceived, really. For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione ended up with Ron.”

“I know, I’m sorry,” she continued, “I can hear the rage and fury it might cause some fans, but if I’m absolutely honest, distance has given me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people’s hearts by saying this? I hope not.”

Watson didn’t seem shocked by these comments and agreed with her. “I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy.”

Rowling also says that Ron and Hermione would have needed “relationship counseling.”

We obtained these comments via a preview The Sunday Times posted on Twitter. More may be shared in the full article.

This is the first we’re hearing about Watson interviewing Rowling for Wonderland, and we’ll be sure to keep an eye out for the full interview.

As fans are aware, Ron and Hermione raised two children: Rose and Hugo.

In 2011, Rowling revealed that she “seriously considered” killing Ron. Poor guy hasn’t had good revelations come out about him in this post-Potter world.

Thanks to The Sunday Times’ Twitter and Marine for the tip.

From The Sunday Times:
^Yep, I was really crying by the end. I'm going to have to locate a box of tissues now. Gosh lol
Open at your own risk is right.
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I shouldn't have opened that! :cry: The Weasley twins get me every time. I still can't watch the final film without sobbing like a mad woman through the whole thing. :lol:
I cried, but to be fair, I have feels about Harry Potter every day. It's about time for my yearly re-read but I admit, I haven't watched the movies for a while. I think once the buildup for Fantastic Beasts starts, I'll do it.

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