The Runaways

^i'm the complete opposite, i HATED the movie:ninja: watched it with a friend and we barely made it through it, it was so f*cking boring. i liked the script but they changed it for the worse and i felt like nothing really happened. i was constantly "well, when they finally go on tour it's gonna be interesting...when they go to Japan it's gonna be interesting etc" unfortunately the gripping part never came:(
the only good thing were the costumes, kristen wore some really nice tops (not just the tshirts) and that one dress dakota wore (when she's singing on her bed in the beginning, i think - white with blue chiffon(?) draped around it) was so gorgeous. and the movie made me long for summer and a roadtrip:lol:
Kristen was ok at times, terrible at others (not twilight terrible, but she always fell back into her mouth-acting instead of trying to act more with the eyes). dakota was good, she's not the over-actor that Kristen is, she's so much more subtle with her expressions which makes her look more natural
but yeah, i was looking forward to seeing the movie and i was so disappointed:(

eta: and i liked that Dakota had to change her persona throughout the movie, Kristen just had to be the same from beginning to end
this is what i meant when i said it was inconsistent! ;) it was like: a splash or this and a splash of that, but i kinda liked it that way (i usually like that kind of "storytelling" in the movies). sorry it sucked for you.:doh:

i got the totally opposite feeling regarding K and D, for me it seemed D was either over the top or totally underwhelming and K being the only one constantly throughout the movie - from all the PR for the movie and reading stuff i thought that Cherry was the one that was the rock who got a bit out of hand but JJ as the one loosing her s*** (plus i expected a much tougher and buffer JJ).after actually watching the movie, it is clear why JJ went further music wise/career. :ninja:

agreed about the costumes! loved that chiffon dress too!

it's kinda criminal that Robin didn't get one line and Lita barely two. i like the girl who played Sandy, though. :innocent:
^can't remember the girls' names anymore:ninja:
but the drummer, the first girl to be put together with the set pics i always thought she was ugly:ninja: but she was actually really pretty in the movie, i was so surprised:lol: and i liked her character in the movie.
agree about why JJ went further with her music and that the other girls should have gotten more screentime

and i know the runaways weren't around for a long time, but it felt like they only existed for 3 months in the movie, it was so weird especially because the end came so suddenly

i think i was only disappointed because i expected much more, it wasn't a bad movie, i just don't want to watch it again
Sandy was the drummer. :)
she was beyond cute in it!

...oh and i totally agree about getting the feeling they only lasted for 3 months.
^it really seemed very short! you kind of got the impression they only released one album, but didn't they in fact release three? maybe in between there didn't happen enough interesting stuff to put it into the movie :p

i really liked the movie!! i think you got a good idea how it all happened with the band, what the time was like and why an all girl rock band was something special back then. i just can't believe they really were only 15 years old :shock:

i loved the songs dakota and kristen sang and played themselves! they sounded awesome and really similar to the original songs. i definitely want the soundtrack! i don't know why, but i never would have expected kristen to have such a great singing voice ^_^
her acting was amazing too! there were some scenes when her mannerisms would shine through in her facial expressions, but all in all i thought she was fantastic! and in most scenes she looked really beautiful inspite of the mullet! guess it just needs to be styled properly ^_^

i liked dakota's performance as well. she portrayed curry's changes during their career quite convincingly. i guess there wasn't one big fight or event when they fell out with each other, but it gradually happened over time and that's why the storyline seemed a little uneventful and long at times? no big turning point as such. but i agree that the ending was a bit sudden!
since you mentioned Kristens me Dakotas hair looked so real although it was a wig and Kristens hair looked like a stiff wig most of the times. did anyone else notice that? most of the time i honestly thought "kristen cut her hair, why does it look like a wig?" poor girl, got a horrible haircut and it looks worse than the wigs on the other girls:rofl:
well Kristen wore the wig for the first 30 min of the movie, i think. Dakota's wig really looked like a real thing, tho.
^oh really? didn't know that. maybe it was just the beginning that looked so obviously like a wig, to me it looked especially weird when she picked up dakota to go on their first tour. why did she wear a wig first, completely forgot about that
^there´s a link to download it on the previous page. I think most of us will watch it/have watched it that way :)
Oh, sorry. I didn't noticed it.

I opened the link, but I've no idea how to download it. Could you please help me?
here are links where you can watch it online. if your link should get you to a LQ stream click another link, there's def the DVD quality one uploaded.
^oh really? didn't know that. maybe it was just the beginning that looked so obviously like a wig, to me it looked especially weird when she picked up dakota to go on their first tour. why did she wear a wig first, completely forgot about that
she wore the wig, i remember when the pap pics from the first few days of the shot came out. she had a much shorter hair (when she cut it) and i think they wanted to "show" how she too changed a bit in regards to her image so she had (at first) a bit longer hair (wig). :flower:
^Download: hotfile (1&2), regular download, type the code wait and click download. Or click torrent search and then the link after torrent search result.

Hope it´s clear :)
Just saw it. imo, it´s not a bad movie but after reading the script I expected more. It felt like things were happening, like it was a long video clip but it lacked better narrative.

I like the photography -very 70s-, the soundtrack and the costumes.

Kristen´s performance was nice though like you guys said she fall back to her mannerisms (esp when she´s talking to Fowley on the phone during their first tour, ouch!). I was a bit dissapointed at Dakota, her performance felt a little overacted.

I think they cut some interesting stuff from the script, wtf with the sex scene between Joan and Cherie?! lame, guess they needed the pg13 rate or something lol

And I know the movie it´s about J&C and that Lita didn´t want anything to do with it but shame on them for not mentioning at the end that she also had a music career after The Runaways! ask any heavy metal fan about Lita, she sure had interesting songs...

btw, who else was happy to see "Half Sack" from Sons of Anarchy playing the roadie? lol
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Just saw it. imo, it´s not a bad movie but after reading the script I expected more. It felt like things were happening, like it was a long video clip but it lacked better narrative.

I like the photography -very 70s-, the soundtrack and the costumes.

Kristen´s performance was nice though like you guys said she fall back to her mannerisms (esp when she´s talking to Fowley on the phone during their first tour, ouch!). I was a bit dissapointed at Dakota, her performance felt a little overacted.

I think they cut some interesting stuff from the script, wtf with the sex scene between Joan and Cherie?! lame, guess they needed the pg13 rate or something lol

And I know the movie it´s about J&C and that Lita didn´t want anything to do with it but shame on them for not mentioning at the end that she also had a music career after The Runaways! ask any heavy metal fan about Lita, she sure had interesting songs...

btw, who else was happy to see "Half Sack" from Sons of Anarchy playing the roadie? lol
movie was R rated so they could've done it, but i don't think they were allowed due to Dakota's age.:unsure: and yeah, i agree..Lita had one sentence in the whole movie, it really sucks to see bands in general going that road....:doh:
btw i didn't really understand the r-rating. the f*cks could have easily been cut out, i don't need to hear JJ say "we f*cking have a f*cking record contract, so f*cking amazing!" to understand that she's ~badass~. and i don't know how far you can go with the implied dr*g use but i bet they could have send the message that they were on drugs without an r-rating. the kisses aren't even worth mentioning and although some outfits showed a lot of skin i doubt it was enough to get an r-rating (or is it different due to dakotas age?) ...i think a few different camera angles and using others words than f*ck and sh*t it could've easily gotten a pg-13 rating and maybe some of the twi-fans would've gone and seen it.
i think it might be due to dakota's (and the other actresses in the movie) age. i think the only reason for it was the drug use in the movie. PG-13 allows few f*cks and the kiss/sex was done in the PG-13 way.
I just love Dakota in this movie. Sje was great. Kristen also wasn't bad, but she couldn't compare to Dakota.
I just downloaded it today, I'll watch it in the evening.
I posted nice images on my blog, Im not sure if to post the link bc it would be against the rules right? anywaaaays LOVED THE MOVIE!

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