The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread


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Oct 9, 2003
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Okay I'm really considering becoming a vegan! :woot: But I'm not exactly sure how to get started! I have access to good vitamins to get what my body needs! I'm not exactly sure what kind of vegan I wanna be.. I think I wanna eat fish still just not any other meats! I am 16 so this will be a pretty big change but one I think would be worth it! Are there any vegans on here or anyone with advice? I'd really appriciate it! :flower:
Eee awesome! Being vegan is such a good thing. Although I am only vegetarian now for certain health related reasons, being vegan is such a great thing and I highly recommend it.

Definately try and talk to other vegans! And try to start slowly weeding out all of the animal derived food from your diet. For instance meat after one week, dairy after the next week, refined sugar after the next week.

Recipe-wise, definately search online. As far as books go, I highly recommend "How it All Vegan" and "In the Garden of Vegan". Try to look at ethnic foods. For instance a lot of Indian food is vegan/vegetarian because Hindus don't eat animal (I believe). Thai food also has many options.

Ultimately, the best advice I can give you is to do your research and to not let other people affect your choices. If you eat cookies from time to time, that's okay. If you just can't give up crab rangoon, that's okay! It is on your terms. Don't feel like you have to live up to other people's standards. Any effort is a good effort and should be commended.

Good luck!
thanks! Actually my mom is totally thrilled with the idea (she's not a vegan but would love to be! She tries to juice carrots and drink that and stuff like that) okay I'm not really a red meat eater anyways it just grosses me out :yuk: Yeah I'm not sure if I wanna be a total die heart vegan (like you said a cookie once in a blue moon) thanks for the advice though! I'll defiently look for those books (I'll look around the library for them)! And I don't think I'm going to tell anyone except my mom for a while that way I don't get any negative stuff! Cause it'll be hard at first I know! I am soo excited actually! :buzz: Maybe that's because I just drank 2 energy drinks! But hey they are vegan friendly ;)
Vegetarian or vegan? I hate to be Miss Semantics here, but eating fish doesn't really fall under either category. Maybe trying good ol' ovo-lacto vegetarianism (that's no red meat, no fish, no fowl, but dairy and eggs allowed) first would be a good way to get used to not eating meat before taking the vegan plunge. Or, if you're currently an all-out meat eater, you might want to eliminate just red meat for a period of time, then move to vegetarianism (I did that for two years, then gave up all meat altogether).
well I guess not a vegan but I want to eat veggies and like no dairy etc.. But I do want to eat fish like Salmon or Snapper.. But I dunno what that would be considered? And I am not a big meat eater thank god so that won't be hard to eliminate
i was vegan for awhile but i've loosened up a bit too expand the nutrients i get. i eat lots of salmon for the health benefits. definetely try and cut out dairy as much as possible its horrible for you. switch to soy milk, and try and start using soy cheeses. i still eat eggs but i get the free-range veg-feed kind ;)
I got some soymilk today I've had it before! Luckily I'm not a big milk drinker so it's not like a hard thing for me to let go
Check out Whole Foods Market. They have a wide assortment of products for veggies (I still eat fish myself, no meats though). It can be an educational experience and some of the staff is quite knowledgeable. You can check out the vast selection of organic products as well. They will be able to recommend some veggie dishes for you and you can purchase the ingredients there.

goto and they have some great recipe ideas. start out with these and then tweak them to your own liking!
Originally posted by smashinfashion@Sep 29 2004, 02:48 PM
i was vegan for awhile but i've loosened up a bit too expand the nutrients i get. i eat lots of salmon for the health benefits. definetely try and cut out dairy as much as possible its horrible for you. switch to soy milk, and try and start using soy cheeses. i still eat eggs but i get the free-range veg-feed kind ;)

I think that's just called being a healthy eater. :unsure: If you eat fish, you are not a vegetarian. Generally speaking, if it had a heartbeat and you eat it, you're not a vegetarian. :flower:
thanks everyone for your advice! I love whole foods stores! Omg they are soo awesome I haven't been to one in a couple of months but they have a good one here in Houston and another good one in San Antonio (weekend home)
Go to They have a free pamphlet you can download that you might find helpful!!

Good luck!!
omg not peta :innocent: Okay I don't wanna eat meat (besides fish) but it's not because I'm a save the animals person... :rolleyes: No offense to those who are :ninja:
Originally posted by Bonchic@Sep 28 2004, 11:15 PM
Okay I'm really considering becoming a vegan! :woot: But I'm not exactly sure how to get started! I have access to good vitamins to get what my body needs! I'm not exactly sure what kind of vegan I wanna be.. I think I wanna eat fish still just not any other meats! I am 16 so this will be a pretty big change but one I think would be worth it! Are there any vegans on here or anyone with advice? I'd really appriciate it! :flower:

it's so cute i love the way you say this. it's like. fun and games aw! makes me want to be a vegetarian too..
Originally posted by Bonchic@Oct 1 2004, 01:50 PM
omg not peta :innocent: Okay I don't wanna eat meat (besides fish) but it's not because I'm a save the animals person... :rolleyes: No offense to those who are :ninja:

then why do you not whant to eat meat? just for healthy reasons?

peta is a very good orginization that can help you with vegitarian diet wetehr you are intrested in there cuase or not. has many recipies
yeah for health reasons thanks I'll check peta out anyways!
I checked out the PETA website and liked it! I ordered the vegetarian starter "kit"! :woot: I love their shirts and accessories they are soo cute maybe when I'm a vegan for a year or so I'll buy one!
Originally posted by Bonchic@Oct 1 2004, 05:06 PM
aww thanks :blush: that's a good thing right?

definetely a good thing, sorry if i sounded sarcastic, really, i'm not..
Do realize that you don't have to "BE" a vegetarian and put that label on yourself.

If you don't want to eat red meat, don't eat it.
If you want fish, eat it.

Just because you won't fit the dictionary definition of being a veg, that doesn't mean you can't reap some health benefits by just improving your eating habits.

Make your own diet... don't think you have to be vegetarian or bust..

I agree with PREP - I'm not really a vegetarian. I stopped eating red meats and stuff when I was 13, but I still eat fish because my parents were worried and I ABSOLOUTELY HATE vegetarian food like tofu & soy stuff.

The only stuff I eat is fish - and dairy, and I'm happy. I know that if I had to kill a pig and eat it - I wouldn't be able to, but if I had to kill a fish and eat it - I could.

I stopped for animal as well as health reasons. Yeah, people always ask what is so superior about mammals and why fish is in the "lower category" and I don't have an answer. I just love fish too much and it's healthy, unlike pork and stuff, so I just eat it.

I got the peta starter kit when I first wanted to become a veg, so yeah, it's pretty good. I just eat more veggies and carbs and fish stuff, it rocks.

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