The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

vegetarians for LIFE

12 years for me.

every day is better & better

the vegetarian diet turns me on. its never boring. endless vegetables at great restaurants:
italian- caesars salad. green salad. baked ziti. spaghetti. pizza smtimes w. olives or mushrooms

japanese: miso soup. oshinko pickles. salad w/ginger. soba noodles. asparagus. avovado, cucumber, kampyo squash rools w/rice & seaweed.

greek restaurants: greek salad. spinach pie.

side orders: baked potato. corn. string beans. spinach

mesclun salads. radiccio/endives salads

a vegg diet makes you a more considerate person for all living creatures incl animals.

it changes your taste buds so you appreciate greens etc more.

for a year I was vegan but i loved pizza, milk w/cereals, and occasionallly eggs too much.

vegetarianism maybe the key to my life philosophy. I cannot recommend it enough.

if any of you are in manhattan nyc & are veggy I wld like to be friends with you.
Ideally I will only have vegg friends but so far its too hard to find a lot. so I have a prized precious few.

ask me any questions. vegg is my way of life,

and I owe it all to morriseey
yay mouko! design some good clothes for us, 'k?
even though I follow a vegan diet, i'm not hard core about the vegan lifestyle...i.e. wrt all the clothes. I don't have anything leather in my wardrobe...though i think my cleats may be. I guess on the whole, I don't wear leather because it's not really in my budget or my style (i'm still converting from being ultra sporty). Though, when I was in London visiting my sister, I really wanted to get a belt...and all the ones I liked were made of leather. I felt guilty so I didn't get anything. She did make a good point though--if I go thrift store/vintage, it shouldn't weigh too much on my conscience if I do come across a leather item I can't live without. I don't know though... oh well, we'll have to see when I see that to-die-for piece.
Yay vege! I know what you mean lady grey there are so many things to try! I've only recently turned vegetarian but i feel so much better then from when i was a meat eater and i have no idea why. None of my friends are vegetarian and some of them don't understand why i bother and why i don't eat things with geletine in! They just think because it's not meat it doesn't count lol!
I've been vegetarian since I was like.. 10, I guess. I couldn't bear the fact that it was a slaughtered ANIMAL that I was chewing on. I probably spit it out on my plate many times, until my mom allowed me to become a vegetarian. Exceptions where there. I had my off moments, think MacDonalds, ey I was still a kid B) besides, at first I didn't even realize minced meat is meat too, the Dutch word for it doesn't really make it sound like chopped animals. I have my defects :lol: Anyhow, as for now I'm a fulltime vegetarian. Just make sure you replace it with other foods and take vitamins, which is never a bad idea I think.

I feel way better when not eating animals, I'm just not made for it :p I don't care much if the people in my surroundings can't agree with my feelings, as long as they don't go picking those ribthings RIGHT under my nose and make nasty noises.
perlefine said:
I feel way better when not eating animals, I'm just not made for it :p I don't care much if the people in my surroundings can't agree with my feelings, as long as they don't go picking those ribthings RIGHT under my nose and make nasty noises.

lol agreed!
I eat fish, but I don't eat any other type of meat. I know that it's not really vegetarian, but whenever I go somewhere food-involved I always just say I'm vegetarian since its fairly common around here and its easier than explaining the whole fish-eating part. The main reason that I eat fish is because that's the only way my parents don't have a problem for it and I justify it by saying that the majority of Americans eat way more meat and chicken than seafood, so I'm balancing it out :)
i nearly ate meat the other day:ninja: it my boyfriend was eating this sandwich with bacon and melted cheese grilled it looked so delish! i really wanted to take a bite:doh:

thankfully i didnt^_^
DressageChick said:
I eat fish, but I don't eat any other type of meat. I know that it's not really vegetarian, but whenever I go somewhere food-involved I always just say I'm vegetarian since its fairly common around here and its easier than explaining the whole fish-eating part. The main reason that I eat fish is because that's the only way my parents don't have a problem for it and I justify it by saying that the majority of Americans eat way more meat and chicken than seafood, so I'm balancing it out :)

Same here. Fish is healthier as well, unless you're going for our fried mates.

Fish.. fish.. fiiish.. I like that word! :rofl:
I'm a vegetarian and have been since i was 9, I was only eating chicken and fish by the time I was 8 then went the whole 'shabang' when I was 9 after reading a book about battery farmed chickens in class :lol:

I'm now a month off being 18, and have stuck by it all these years except from trying a sliver of chicken twice and having to spit it back out on both occassions, i literally cant bring myself to consume meat anymore.

I dont even realise I'm vegetarian anymore, and reading this thread make me think, omg i'm vegetarian! how odd :lol:

I do, however wear leather (shoes and bags)

It doesnt bother me in the slightest that ppl around me eat meat (someone's gotta keep the meat economy going) it's just that I choose not to, just as long as someone doesn't force eating meat on me, as I would never force vegetarianism on a person. I like that it's my own choice, a bit of self control, and has been for the mostpart of my life.

When I have children I will definately feed them at least chicken and fish, as it can be their own choice as it was mine, I'm not going to deprive them of anything based on the reason that I choose not to include it.

I remember when I was little, other peoples parents trying to sneak meat in my food, and many a time asking ppl if there was any meat in food and theyd be like 'aherm no' and there's me happily munching away thinkin uergh thats an odd tasting vegetable and having to spit it back out.

The cry's of 'you'll not grow properly amy' are now long gone as I'm now 5"11 :lol: showed them ey :shifty:

My mam always supported me in my 'vegetarianism' even though she herself eats meat, and she went out of her way to discover well balanced vegetarian meals to cook. If it feels like your not depriving yourself, I would definately recommend it. :flower:
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fab_fifties_fille said:
I dont even realise I'm vegetarian anymore, and reading this thread make me think, omg i'm vegetarian! how odd :lol:

I do, however wear leather (shoes and bags)

It doesnt bother me in the slightest that ppl around me eat meat (someone's gotta keep the meat economy going) it's just that I choose not to, just as long as someone doesn't force eating meat on me, as I would never force vegetarianism on a person. I like that it's my own choice, a bit of self control, and has been for the mostpart of my life.

When I have children I will definately feed them at least chicken and fish, as it can be their own choice as it was mine, I'm not going to deprive them of anything based on the reason that I choose not to include it.

you share my views.... =)
turning veggie!!!

I have been 99% vegetarian for almost 10 years now (however I must confess to eating the odd fish now and then :ninja: ).

I originally decided to turn veggie because I got really fed up having to eat "dead animals" (aka meat) all the time - especially the 4 legged varieties. To be honest, I find the thought of having a "dead animal" sitting inside my body really quite repulsive! :sick:

The truth is that if all meat-eaters had to actually kill (with their own bare hands) the things they enjoy eating (or even witness this brutal act of killing) - there would definitely be a lot more vegetarians in the world!!!

For most people it's a case of: out of sight - out of mind.

Despite what some meat-eaters may think - veggie food can actually be totally delicious - mmmm!!! My main reason for staying veggie so long is that I really enjoy eating lots delicious healthy "non-meat" food and I feel just gr8 too!!! ^_^

Often the case is that many people would like to become vegetarians but are concerned about getting some sort of mineral or vitamin deficiency (such as calcium or iron). This of course is utter nonsense!!!

For example the best sources of iron (commonly found in red meat) are actually the "non-meaty" varieties - such as beans, lentils and tofu!!! In fact you can get all the essential nutrients you need from eating the right veggie food. Vitamin pills and supplements are just a waste of your hard-earned money!

Another very important point is to eat enough "essential" fats (the fats your body can't produce) particularly Omega-3. You can get these fats from eating certain "cold pressed" oils - such as rapeseed and especially walnut. Many people eat oily fish for the Omega-3. The alarming thing is that most people's diets contain absolutely ZERO Omega-3 but tons of unhealthy saturated fats!!!

For more info check out:

The thing is to try and eat a varied diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables ;) & NOT just exist on pizza burgers and french fries :sick: (as many people do)!

And do remember to drink lots & lots of WATER!!! :shock:
Our bodies are estimated to be about 60 to 70% water. Most people live dehydrated lives as they don't get enough H2O every day! Remember your body needs a minimum of 2 litres - that's 8 glasses every single day!!!

The truth is you will become much heathier and keep your beautiful looks longer if you decide to turn veggie!!! :D

^ Wicked post madame! One of the reasons i stopped eating meat was because i knew i would never be able to kill an animal especially not for food!
Reseneace said:
^ Wicked post madame! One of the reasons i stopped eating meat was because i knew i would never be able to kill an animal especially not for food!

I think the way 99.9% of meat-eaters let other people do their killing for them - must be one of the great perversions of our society today.

But somehow our society finds this dreadful practice of animal mass slaughter totally acceptable!
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blingbling said:
Vitamin pills and supplements are just a waste of your hard-earned money!

Sorry I have to disagree with that. I think vitamins and supplements are well worth the money. I take alot of vitamins and not only can you tell a difference outwardly and the way you feel but you know they are doing all kinds of good things for your body
I'm 100% vegan (have been for about a year now). By the way, I recommend you all a book called "Animal Liberation", by Peter Singer. It's a great, great book, very educational. It will make you realise very simple things, that were right there before your eyes, only you couldn't see them.

Well, anyways, is a good site to get you started. It has great tips and recipes and all that.

What about your "Vegetarian Starter Kit", Bonchic, has it arrived yet? Tell us what you thought of it!

Oh, and, just wanna clear something up here^_^ : there's no such things as what vegans are allowed to eat and what they're not. It's ALL a matter of personal choice, it's not like veganism is a "cult" or something :D I'm saying that because people do tend to think that vegans are not allowed to do this or that, as if someone was dictating rules. It's a matter of personal belief and ideals.

Fish is healthier as well
Not really. "The flesh of fish can accumulate toxins up to 9 million times as concentrated as those is the waters they live in, and the flesh of some sea animals, like shrimps and scallops, contains more cholesterol than beef. Fish on farms are also fed antibiotics that are passed along to humans, impairing the immune system. And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 325,000 people get sick and some die every year in the U.S. from eating contaminated fish and other sea animals." Dr. Neal Barnard, author of "Foods That Fight Pain".

Anyway, I would never eat meat, eggs and dairy ever again :sick:. I feel so much better since I became a vegan! I lost weight, my skin is way better... I actually feel healthy! ;)
I got the kit maybe 5 months or more ago... I liked it, I can't remember what all was in it now but I think I got alot more help on here.. :blush: I felt soo sick today because I ate breakfast tacos that had sausage in them :sick: But my grandma had fixed a big breakfast and I forced myself to eat them. I wish I could throw it up tho.. ughh. I've gotten into actually just drinking a glass of soy milk. I never drank just a glass of regular milk but soy is good. I use it in fruit smoothies too and it's great :woot: I'm going to start weeding more things out of my diet too tho like how much bread and stuff I eat starches....
I really wish I was a vegetarian (just for animals sake b/c i do like meat). I avoid it as much as possible, but I give in sometimes. My mom is a vegetarian (almost 40 years now), and shes a big inspiration at times but when shes not around, ITS OVER. I wont eat KFC (big scandal with their chickens) or eat anything of that sort, but I'm a SUCKER for like ham, turkey, or even STEAK! :( How do u guys do it?! Congrats to all of you guys!
Bonchic said:
Sorry I have to disagree with that. I think vitamins and supplements are well worth the money. I take alot of vitamins and not only can you tell a difference outwardly and the way you feel but you know they are doing all kinds of good things for your body

i'll agree with you. i go in and out of anemia depending on if i take the proper amount of iron suppliments.

i've been a vegetarian for 5 years, no red meat since i was a small child. i'm building up to vegan, but i'm very time constricted right now and can't devote myself to it.

after those years of no meat, and being a college student and not eating super properly all the time, i have to take nearly 300% more iron than most people on the average day. i met with a dietician and he told me all about iron suppliments.
unless you have signs of low iron be VERY careful with it.

back to my main point... taking supliments helped me avoid a blood transfusion.
ta da.
I tried so hard to be a vegetarian for a while, but I grew up around a LOT of seafood, so I gave it up. But I rarely eat red meat any more. Jsut becuase my body doesn't seem to like it as much. I do have to have a good burger now and then, but Boca burgers do the trick most of the time.

Like everyone said, I would really really watch your vitamins. One of my friends is a vegan and she has to take a multi-vitamin and iron every day to help get the nutrients that are hard ot come by in veggies. Then again, everybody should be taking vitamins.

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