The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

lostinemotion said:
Are you not into roasting them?
I like steamed asparus, with rosemary crushed over it and lemon.
A little olive oil too. Don't over cook, tastes gross and mushy...
What are yellow beans? Do you mean navy beans? The big whitish yellow one's you see in italian dishes.

I'll try that... I think its navy beans then, sorry my English is not always perfect.

I made a "recipe" today that tasted REALLY awful : put a bit of salt over steamed beans and melted mozzarella cheese on top of it....

Looked great but I think I didn't put enough cheese....

I made some for my best friend and she was laughing the whole time because it was really dreadful to eat... :lol:
I didn't read through the whole thread- so sorry if this recipe has already been provided! It's just your basic vegetable fajita- but it's one of my favorite quick and delicious/healthy vegan meals.

I generally make this when it's towards the end of my produce supply and things are going bad and running out. I just go to the fridge and gather up all the extra veggies I have- peppers, onions, broccoli florets, zuchini, mushrooms- ANYTHING GOES! I even added some frozen veggies that came in a pack as a stir fry to the mix once.

So once you gather up all your leftover veggies you want to get rid of, wash them (if you already haven't) and cut them into thin strips. It's basically a stir-fry, that's all. So cut them however you want them to be in your stir-fry.

I heat up a large skiller. I use pam cooking spray, but if you want to use oil you can use that. Once the oil and skillet are heated, just add the veggies and stir fry. Generally, this is the mixture of spices I like to add- but I strongly encourage you try different spices/herbs and just have fun!

-lime juice

It's that simple :-) So once that's cooked and ready, it can simmer and just infuse together with the flavors.

Then I make brown rice with black beans. I buy it in a box (i know i know..) and just cook it according to the package. You can make your own black beans and rice and cook them, whatever floats your boat.

Then when everything is done, just pile the veggies and beans/rice on a whole wheat tortilla. I add salsa, that's it. But alot of people like cheese and sour cream.

I'm sure it's a recipe most everyones tried and had, but I thought i'd add it anyway because it's one of my favorite, even though it's so simple.
I make really good brussel sprouts, just toss with olive oil, seal salt and black pepper.
Then roast them on broil..toaster ovens are fine too!
kim-the green beans sounds awful! lol..
I bet it would be good roasted, with parmesan sprinkled on it..
Not sure what it is with me and simple. lOl
Brussel Sprouts are like my new obsession..lately I just can't get enough. But my favorite quick and easy vegan thing to make is just a simple stir fry. In mine I just toss tons of veggies and water chestnuts in a pan with soy sauce and its done in 4-5 minutes. I use frozen veggies sometimes and other times fresh but thats my all time favorite lunch.
You should try to stir fry it with a little water and hoisin sauce. It is not as salty as soy sauce..and has more of that restaurant taste.
I like to first take a tsp of olive oil and stir fry, chopped onions, snow peas, brocoli,eggplant then add in the Hoisin sauce.
If you stir fry the veggies first, they have that nice sautee taste.
Thankyou lostinmotion, thats a great idea. Can I get Hoisin sauce at any grocery store? And is it low cal?
A little goes along way, but yes, it's fat free on the bottle I have. They don't promote it that it is fat free. I think it is just a seasoner.
In most markets, I'd say they have it, in the asian food section..probably called the "ethnic aisle"--- is that politically correct? lol..
It's yummy!
My sister uses mushroom sauce..though I have not tried it yet. She is a chef, so she knows where to get all of these things that make that restaurant style taste.
Yay other veggi people! I've been vegetarian since I was 14 (I'm 18 now) I was Vegan for about 6 months, but being at college in dorms makes it super hard, so at home I am a strict vegan, but at college I eat mostly vegan, but I have some things with dairy sometimes. I love animals, and it makes me sad to think of all those animals who are slaughtered, or even hooked up to machines for milk! I also feel sorry of chicken's in battery cages! They conditions are HORRIBLE. That's why I try to avoid any animal product as much as I can.
sharing a few "recipes" that i also posted in what are you eating right now:

-Pita filled with eggs mixed with mayo and lettuce

-Noodles mixed with steak seasonning, garlic margarine and feta cheese

-Small whole wheat baguette filled with this mix : chopped steamed spinach + olive oil + a bit of sall + tiny tiny bits of feta cheese + sliced tomatoes (VERY VERY good, ate that yesterday...!)
cardboardboxed said:
Yay other veggi people! I've been vegetarian since I was 14 (I'm 18 now) I was Vegan for about 6 months, but being at college in dorms makes it super hard, so at home I am a strict vegan, but at college I eat mostly vegan, but I have some things with dairy sometimes. I love animals, and it makes me sad to think of all those animals who are slaughtered, or even hooked up to machines for milk! I also feel sorry of chicken's in battery cages! They conditions are HORRIBLE. That's why I try to avoid any animal product as much as I can.

i was vegan for about that same amount of time... fell off the wagon in tokyo because well... you just arent going to be doing much label reading seeing which byproduct you are consuming... and now that i've rediscovered my love for cheese i dont know if i'll ever be vegan again, although like cardboardboxed i hate the conditions of egg and milk farming... recipes above sound delicious!! thanks!!
I think it's important to note that one can consume dairy products ethically, it's just more expensive. There are a lot of great farmers out there who believe in healthy living conditions for all their animals and they produce milk and other dairy products in the most natural way possible. You just usually need to go to a market or go to local or specialty shops to find it.
Yay for everyone! :D :D

I just wanted to say congrats and big hugs to all of you for keeping it up the best you can; you all seem to be doing great. Thanks for all the recipes too. :flower:

I have been vegan for so long now [well it feels like it anyway] and I am really proud of myself for sticking to it.....everyone I know eats/uses animal products so it can become hard.
My health has improved heaps too, I have been able to come off some medication :woot:

For those vegeterians who don't mind dairy products...... feta cheese is great to spice up any meal!!! :woot: :heart:
I have a recipe..
You just take feta cheese and spoon on some honey and broil!
also, sliced eggplant ( salt before hand to remove the bitterness)
crumbles of feta and olive oil. broil ( i use a toaster oven)
and then spoon on tomato sauce and heat again.
It's amazing...add basil if you like that.
lostinemotion said:
I have a recipe..
You just take feta cheese and spoon on some honey and broil!

thanks for the tip....:heart: but honey and feta cheese.... won't it clash together?! :unsure: :flower:
Meg said:
I think it's important to note that one can consume dairy products ethically, it's just more expensive. There are a lot of great farmers out there who believe in healthy living conditions for all their animals and they produce milk and other dairy products in the most natural way possible. You just usually need to go to a market or go to local or specialty shops to find it.

That's right ... in the US, organic guidelines also specify humane conditions. Just avoid Horizon Organics--they don't follow the rules--see documentation by the Organic Consumers Association. (And it shows in the taste.) I like Organic Valley for a national brand, and Central Market's private organic label for a local brand.
^ maybe you could also use goat cheese with the honey?? I like it with sweet stuff ...
Kimkhuu..I got the idea from a coffee shop here.
It doesn't clash, the saltiness of the cheese, and creaminess once it's cooked goes really well with the sweetness of the honey.
I love feta cheese and honey but I never thought to mix the two. I'll definatly have to try that! Thanks for the tip!
I think I posted on this thread about my vegetarian past, but I've been trying to limit my dairy intake. I don't want to commit to being a vegan because I go to school in small town WV so it's hard to get organic products. But this might be a dumb question, but is there such a thing as organic or vegan (or whatever) cottage cheese? For some reason, I've been eating the fat free like it's my job lately. :blush: Anywho, I've never seen around here but it is out there?

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