I didn't read through the whole thread- so sorry if this recipe has already been provided! It's just your basic vegetable fajita- but it's one of my favorite quick and delicious/healthy vegan meals.
I generally make this when it's towards the end of my produce supply and things are going bad and running out. I just go to the fridge and gather up all the extra veggies I have- peppers, onions, broccoli florets, zuchini, mushrooms- ANYTHING GOES! I even added some frozen veggies that came in a pack as a stir fry to the mix once.
So once you gather up all your leftover veggies you want to get rid of, wash them (if you already haven't) and cut them into thin strips. It's basically a stir-fry, that's all. So cut them however you want them to be in your stir-fry.
I heat up a large skiller. I use pam cooking spray, but if you want to use oil you can use that. Once the oil and skillet are heated, just add the veggies and stir fry. Generally, this is the mixture of spices I like to add- but I strongly encourage you try different spices/herbs and just have fun!
-lime juice
It's that simple :-) So once that's cooked and ready, it can simmer and just infuse together with the flavors.
Then I make brown rice with black beans. I buy it in a box (i know i know..) and just cook it according to the package. You can make your own black beans and rice and cook them, whatever floats your boat.
Then when everything is done, just pile the veggies and beans/rice on a whole wheat tortilla. I add salsa, that's it. But alot of people like cheese and sour cream.
I'm sure it's a recipe most everyones tried and had, but I thought i'd add it anyway because it's one of my favorite, even though it's so simple.