The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

Vegetarians Are Weird

It's been over 10 years that I have not eaten meat/eggs. I only knew one vegetarian and I was 12 years old I thought she was an obsessive fitness freak and crazy. I am trying to show how close minded I was. I ate steak and hamburgers one or the other every day. Thinking of not eating meat MADE ME SAD AND DEPRESSED. One day**I came across PETA's website by MISTAKE. I never ate meat again I eat a bit of cheese now and then but I want to stop, I'm mostly a vegan. My skin the difference is insane it's so clear and glowing and because I have not ate flesh in so long my skin is glow in the dark white, I like it though anyway to show I'M VEGETARIAN ! Nobody could have convinced me I had to see some awful pictures myself.
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That journalist should have kept the article to himself. Personally I don't want to eat anything that bleeds actual blood,has a CNS and is/was capable of 'going to the bathroom'. Sorry if it sounds immature but if you really think about what animals do eating pieces or drinking what comes out of their bodies, pass.

I was looking through this site called suite 101 where free lance journalists can submit articles on all kinds of subjects, and looked for some on vegetarians. One of them really irritated me. He obviously thinks little of vegetarian diets, but it sounded/is very ignorant: he went on answering why people were vegetarian and vegan. He said that vegetarian and vegans supposebly dont eat meat because of animal murder, but that they still ate fruits which is preventing the trees they come from, from reproducing themselves. So that they were still killing living things, and that animals were just a pretext to orthorexia, an eating disorder.
I mean, eating an apple doesnt friggin kill the tree! And it doesnt prevent the reproduction, you can still plant the seeds after! (god what an i*iot that guy is) same goes with lots of other fruits, vegetables and plants...
That journalist should have kept the article to himself. Personally I don't want to eat anything that bleeds actual blood,has a CNS and is/was capable of 'going to the bathroom'. Sorry if it sounds immature but if you really think about what animals do eating pieces or drinking what comes out of their bodies, pass.

He totally should! I mean I respect all point of views, and if he doesnt agree with vegetarianism/veganism that's his right. But to go on and make that kind of stupid remark is beyond me. Plus the article was of bad taste. (not well written)

Haha! :p Naah, that's not immature, it's just life and how you feel about it. :)
Right, but Chelsea could certainly be gluten-free and still eat meat. Many of my gluten-free friends do. She chose the veg part.:heart:

I think she's been veg for a long time. Again, I don't know if she's vegetarian or vegan, but I think the latter.

And I forgot to mention that Bill Clinton is apparently proselytizing the veg word. My friend who met him said he was talking about his new diet to everyone! And she only met him for like .25 seconds.

Chelsea Clinton's decision to become gluten free was because of a health related issue, not because she choose to become one for fun, however, now she gets to reap the added benefits of maintaining such a lifestyle.
I thought this was interesting and nice, too bad Biz Stone is married :(

The Rise of the Power Vegans

Steve Wynn, Russell Simmons, Bill Clinton and a comparable cast of heavies are now using tempeh to assert their superiority. A look at what gives

By Joel Stein
This Issue

November 8, 2010
Obama’s Tormentor

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It used to be easy for moguls to flaunt their power. All they had to do was renovate the chalet in St. Moritz, buy the latest Gulfstream (GD) jet, lay off 5,000 employees, or marry a much younger Asian woman. By now, though, they've used up all the easy ways to distinguish themselves from the rest of us—which may be why a growing number of America's most powerful bosses have become vegan. Steve Wynn, Mort Zuckerman, Russell Simmons, and Bill Clinton are now using tempeh to assert their superiority. As are Ford Executive Chairman of the Board Bill Ford (F), Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, venture capitalist Joi Ito, Whole Foods Market (WFMI) Chief Executive Officer John Mackey, and Mike Tyson. Yes, Mike Tyson, a man who once chewed on human ear, is now vegan. His dietary habit isn't nearly as impressive as that of Alec Baldwin, though, who has found a way to be both vegan and fat at the same time.
It shouldn't be surprising that so many CEOs are shunning meat, dairy, and eggs: It's an exclusive club. Only 1 percent of the U.S. population is vegan, partly because veganism isn't cheap: The cost comes from the value of specialty products made by speciality companies with cloying names (tofurkey, anyone?). Vegans also have to be powerful enough to even know what veganism is.
"CEOs are smart. There just hadn't been enough exposure for people to glom onto this trend," says Ingrid E. Newkirk, president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. "The information is everywhere now. Instead of 'Better buy this blue chip,' it's 'Better eat vegan.' " When Newkirk learned Wynn had become a vegan, she didn't think the news was crazy. "Having dolphins in a small tank outside a casino is crazy," she says. "Ordering vegetables is not."
Wynn agrees. The self-described "animal nut," who included the Humane Society of the U.S. in his will, sold the Mirage Hotel—and its dolphin tank—in 2000, and gave up meat and dairy this June. Wynn was converted when his friend—telecom mogul and recent vegan Gulu Lalvani—made him watch Eating, a documentary in which director Mike Anderson explains his strict meat- and oil-free diet. "I watched it, and I changed the next morning," says Wynn. "Bang! Just like that." The transition was eased by the fact that Wynn happened to be on a yacht with a personal chef. As soon as he got home, he began spreading the gospel as only a mogul can—like buying 10,000 copies of Eating, one for each of his employees. "I'm providing the *** for the insurance. If they're sick, we're picking up the tab," says Wynn. "If I can keep them healthier, I'm acting like a smart businessman."
Though he swears it's not a condition of employment, Wynn has persuaded most of his senior management to go vegan. And since the majority of Wynn's lunch companions ask his assistant in advance what he likes to eat, he's got the upper hand at lunch before even sitting down. He can also suggest one of his own joints—Wynn now offers vegan menus at his restaurants in Las Vegas and Macau, including the steakhouses. "Last night I had dinner with Terry Semel, and we were eating at Wing Lei, the Chinese restaurant," Wynn says. "They couldn't believe the stir fry wasn't in oil. Everybody switched to my food."
Wynn's a convincing salesman, but a decade ago even he couldn't have given away free seitan. Being a vegan then was so weird that pundits listed it as a reason Dennis Kucinich couldn't be the Democratic Presidential nominee. "People weren't sure if it was another political party or an ethnic group they'd never heard of," Kucinich says. While the Ohio representative failed to win the Democratic nomination in 2004—and in 2008—Kucinich's diet has become so accepted that he was able to persuade Representative Robert A. Brady (D-Pa.), the head of the Committee on House Administration, to include vegan options in the congressional cafeteria. When Bill Clinton announced his dietary epiphany—"I got back to basically what I weighed in high school," he told Wolf Blitzer this September—Kucinich decided to finally finish his own diet book, whose working title, The Cleveland Diet, will probably be changed by its publisher. Kucinich, however, did not go vegan for power, but rather for love. Fifteen years ago, he says, "I met someone who was vegan when I went to the state senate. This was someone I was very fond of. This was kind of a courtship strategy."

This is how most guys go vegan. According to Bart Potenza, co-owner of Manhattan power vegan restaurant Candle 79, the rise of the power vegan coincides with the rise of the vegan second wife. As the Four Seasons of seitan piccata, Candle 79 regularly hosts not only Zuckerman but also News Corp. (NWSA) CEO Rupert Murdoch and former Viacom (VIA) CEO Tom Freston, who both have pro-vegan wives. "I live in the shadow of a power vegan," says Freston, whose wife, Kathy, got Oprah to convert for a three-week trial. "I'm well on the way myself. It's pretty clear the benefits are undeniable and many." In other words, as Potenza says, "I think she has him pretty much handled."
For others, veganism is a moral imperative. In 2000, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone went to visit Farm Sanctuary, an animal rescue organization with a location in upstate New York, and returned a vegan. So far it hasn't hurt business. "My meal companions are sometimes curious at most," says Stone, "but never judgmental." Though that tends to happen when you run a company with an estimated value of more than one billion dollars.
Farm Sanctuary's board includes a number of powerful vegans, including Tom Anderson, a former partner at McKinsey and CEO of college financing company Upromise. As an associate at McKinsey, he kept his veganism quiet for fear it would make him seem like a hippie. However, as he's climbed the corporate ladder, he's become increasingly eager to share the gospel of his eating ethics. In fact, he's bonded with a few executives over their shared anti-meat-and-dairy proclivities. The only times it hurts him, he claims, are when potential business partners tell hunting stories. "I'll have to say, 'I don't want to hear about that.' Then someone is on the defensive, and you don't want that in a business context," he says. Though as one associate of Dick Cheney can tell you, it's less uncomfortable than getting shot in the face.
Veganism's image, however, could still use some updating. While it remains associated with indie rock stars, such as Moby, and people with pixie haircuts, such as Ellen DeGeneres, it also counts among its newest converts ex-NBA star John Salley, Atlanta Falcons tight end Tony Gonzalez, former National Hockey League brawler Georges Laraque, professional poker player Daniel Negreanu, and, less recently, pop star and amateur bodybuilder Madonna. Ultimate Fighting Championship mixed martial artist and vegan Luke Cummo says that he drinks his own urine.
And herein lies veganism's appeal to moguls: It affords them the opportunity to control their own health with the same manic id with which they control everything else. Wynn says his new diet has allowed him to get off Lipitor (PFE). Clinton's diet made him a fashion darling at his daughter's wedding this summer. "It's probably a good thing in a CEO," says Freston about veganism. "At least they won't be toppling over like those McDonald's (MCD) CEOs." This latest show of power, in other words, gives them all the more time to enjoy the Swiss chalet and the private jet.
Thanks for that article. Power Vegans?!

That makes me think of that scene in "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" - did they all attend the Vegan Academy too? :lol:

(I did not and that's why I don't have super powers. *sigh*)
Thanks for that article. Power Vegans?!

That makes me think of that scene in "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" - did they all attend the Vegan Academy too? :lol:

(I did not and that's why I don't have super powers. *sigh*)

Nope, but they're super smart just the something must be working there;)
:heart: that movie and that scene in Scott Pilgrim :lol:

Anyhoo, holidays are approaching and even though I find Christmas to be extremely commercial and highly depressing a la Charlie Brown, it will be my first vegan Christmas!

And I was just wondering what are your guys favourite vegan treats for the holidays? I found this delicious vegan peanut butter truffle recipe that sounds easy and amazing! Perfect to whip up and give as gifts! Here is the recipe, enjoy ^_^
^ :flower: Thanks so much Ashcottmanor, those photos look mouthwatering! I suspect that I will be doing a lot of holiday cooking and baking this winter since I'm pretty sure I'm the only vegan in my whole extended family. Yet I cannot wait to cook up a storm and having my family say with delightful surprise "this is vegan?!" :D
^ :flower: Thanks so much Ashcottmanor, those photos look mouthwatering! I suspect that I will be doing a lot of holiday cooking and baking this winter since I'm pretty sure I'm the only vegan in my whole extended family. Yet I cannot wait to cook up a storm and having my family say with delightful surprise "this is vegan?!" :D

You're very welcome! I'm sure they will turn out wonderful and your family will be very happy. I've been doing a lot of baking too. I made vegan rum raisin shortbread cookies, shortbread jam cookies, pumpkin pie bites and pumpkin spice cookies. So far they're a hit.;)
Most of my vegan cookies fall apart slash are too soft.

Ashcottmanor, do you use agave nectar?
Most of my vegan cookies fall apart slash are too soft.

Ashcottmanor, do you use agave nectar?

Yes I do just not too much of it because it's sweeter than regular sugar.
HAve you tried using Xanthum Gum in your cookies? They add an elasticity so they batter sticks together better. You can also use Arrowroot for lift :)
I buy mine at Costco because I bake with it so much, so it's a bit more expensive but for me it's worth it. I'm not sure how much it is at Whole Foods but Safeway might carry Agave now or Trader Joe's.
Has anyone read The China Study book? It seems like a lot of people have and it's encouraged them to change to a vegan diet.
I need to "rejuvenate" my vegan diet. ^_^ I am doing more careful research so that I am not starving to death nor complaining of having nothing to eat. :lol:

With the new year coming up and for those that might decide to go vegan, hopefully these next few posts will be of some help. :flower:

Vegan Meal Ideas:

In the meantime, here are some simple and healthy meal ideas to start with:

cereal/granola with soy/rice milk (don't forget about almond milk too!)
oatmeal or other hot cereal
bagel/toast with jelly
soy yogurt
fruit smoothie

pretzels, popcorn
peanuts, almonds, walnuts
sunflower or pumpkin seeds
chips & salsa
banana, apple, orange
raisins, figs, dried apricots
pie, cookies, cake (careful! be aware of what is put in the crusts, mix, etc.)

peanut butter & jelly
grain/soy burger
vegetarian hotdog
veggie lunchmeat sandwich
baked/mashed potatoes
french fries
tofu, tempeh, or Seitan stir fry
Seitan casserole
pasta with tomato sauce
tofu lasagna
bean burrito
seitan casserole
tofu lasagna

Replacing eggs:

There are several options, depending on what they are needed for. You may want to experiment. Here are some possibilities (each quantity is equivalent to 1 egg):

• Ener-G Egg Replacer (follow directions on box)
• 1 banana (for cake recipies)
• 2 Tbsp corn starch
• 2 Tbsp arrowroot flour
• 2 Tbsp potato starch
• 2 Tbsp soy milk powder & 2 Tbsp water
• 2 Tbsp mashed silken tofu

Here is a list of companies who have been certified with the Certified Vegan logo. (It's only certified. This isn't to say the organization has or has not overlooked or updated their records of these companies still being vegan.)
^ Omg dried fruit is my favorite! I think I eat too much of it sometimes. You also have to watch out for sulphur dioxide which is basically poison. It's put on a lot of dried fruit to preserve it but it's really bad for the body.

Is a vegan diet healthy? As with any diet, a vegan diet requires planning. However, when properly planned, a vegan diet can be considerably healthier than the traditional American diet.

In its 1996 position paper on vegetarian diets, the American Dietetic Association reported that vegan and vegetarian diets can significantly reduce one's risk of contracting heart disease, colon and lung cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension, obesity, and a number of other debilitating conditions. Cows' milk contains ideal amounts of fat and protein for young calves, but far too much for humans. And eggs are higher in cholesterol than any other food, making them a leading contributor to cardiovascular disease.

Vegan foods, such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans, are low in fat, contain no cholesterol, and are rich in fiber and nutrients. Vegans can get all the protein they need from legumes (e.g., beans, tofu, peanuts) and grains (e.g., rice, corn, whole wheat breads and pastas); calcium from broccoli, kale, collard greens, tofu, fortified juices and soymilks; iron from chickpeas, spinach, pinto beans, and soy products; and B12 from fortified foods or supplements. With planning, a vegan diet can provide all the nutrients we were taught as schoolchildren came only from animal products.

Will I get enough protein? Virginia Messina, MPH, RD, and Mark Messina, PhD, recommend that vegans receive 0.4 grams of protein per day for every pound of healthy body weight. If a vegan consumes adequate calories and eats a variety of foods, it is very difficult not to get enough protein. This is true for athletes as well. One need not combine foods at each meal to get "complete protein."

The most important plant sources of protein are legumes, soy foods, and nuts. Grains and vegetables also contain significant amounts of protein. Eat a variety of protein sources throughout the day: e.g, a legume (such as beans, tofu, or peanuts) combined with a grain (such as rice, corn, or whole wheat breads or pastas).

How about B12? There has been much debate as to what plant foods supply an adequate source of B-12. Many products that were once thought to be adequate, such as tempeh, are no longer considered so. Fortunately, there are easy solutions for vegans. Vegetarian B-12 vitamin pills are available at most drug stores; the 'sublingual' form is preferable. In addition, some foods are fortified with B-12, including Red Star Nutritional yeast. We recommend that all vegans use one of these two methods to insure that they receive the proper amount of B-12.

How about calcium?

Adequate intakes of calcium vary according to one's age:

1200 mg for age 50 or above
1000 mg for ages 19-49
800 mg for ages 4-8
500 mg for ages 1-3

A number of vegan foods contain high levels of calcium per serving:

calcium-set tofu (120-200mg per 0.5 cup)
fortified soymilk (200-300 mg per cup
dried figs (50 mg per fig)
fortified orange juice (250 mg per cup)
collard greens (180 mg per 0.5 cup)
sesame seeds (180 mg per 2 Tbsp)
baked beans (130 mg per cup)
broccoli (90 mg per 0.5 cup)
almonds (50 mg per 2 Tbsp)
kale (50 mg per 0.5 cup)

Hidden animal ingredients? Labels often include unfamiliar ingredients that may or may not be derived from animals. If you are concerned about a particular ingredient, you can consult a comprehensive animal ingredients list. Our Vegan Certification Program is working to label many vegan foods in order to make shopping easier for vegan consumers. However, most vegan foods are not yet labeled as such. In general, we recommend that vegans concentrate their attention on the most obvious animal ingredients.

Is refined sugar vegan? It depends on how you define 'vegan.' Refined sugars do not contain any animal products, and so by an ingredients-based definition of vegan, refined sugar is vegan. However, some refined sugar is processed with animal bone char. The charcoal is used to remove color, impurities, and minerals from sugar. The charcoal is not 'in' the sugar, but is used in the process as as a filter. Thus by a process-based definition of vegan, refined sugar may not be considered vegan. For those who would prefer not to use refined sugar, there are several alternatives: raw, turbinado, beet sugar, succanat, date sugar, fructose, barley malt, rice syrup, corn syrup, molasses, and maple syrup.

However, if one accepts a process-based definition of vegan, then many other familiar products would also not be considered vegan. For instance, steel and vulcanized rubber are produced using animal fats and, in many areas, groundwater and surface water is filtered through bone charcoal filters. So, is a box of pasta that contains no animal products, but has transported to the store in a steel truck on rubber wheels and then cooked in boiling water at your home, vegan? Under a process-based definition, possibly not. But according to such a definition, it would be difficult to find any products in this country that are vegan.

There is another point about definitions that comes to mind. Perhaps, in the above example, the pasta maker also makes an egg pasta. The same machinery is used, and traces of egg are in the 'vegan' pasta; would the pasta not be vegan?

Again, we recommend that vegans concentrate their attention on the most obvious animal ingredients. In our experience, concentrating on processing or on trace ingredients can make a vegan diet appear exceedingly difficult and dissuade people from adopting it.

Organic or non-organic? Although 'organic' foods may be preferred for many of the same reasons that vegan foods are (animal welfare, environmental quality, and health), a food is usually considered vegan regardless of whether or not it is organic.

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