The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

I actually cheated and used a ready mix by this australian company called Orgran, it's gluten free, suitable for vegans and has no artificial flavours or any chemicals in it. this would get a pretty similar result I reckon though. I like to add paprika and extra garlic when I fry because i'm a garlic junkie =]
Thanks misssakura for that wonderful recipe. :D I'll try to make one later. *yum*

I made frech bread today and it was fun. :D lol. (not to mention easy) anyway, if anyone would like to try their hand on baking, here's the recipe:

I like making lettuce sandwich. (sorry, i'm a weirdo. but i love eating lettuce with just about anything.) I just season the french bread with a little olive oil, salt, pepper and minced garlic. Then I put a lot of lettuce... and viola! instant lunch.

Woops totally read that wrong, sounds cool, I wonder if brushing with soy milk would work as well..
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Aimeeeee said:
I got them from Tescos :) Sainsburys do quite a variety too, if you live in the UK. Wow, I just looked on the Quorn website at the product range and there's loads I havent seen before!! Feta cheese and tomato escalops :o! Spinach and cheese sausages?! Lol..
thanks for the link, all of those look so yummy, plus most of them are low calorie and low fat :woot:
So we got a new cat today and its breeder said that we should give it a diet of fresh chicken (cooked) with brown rice. So we bought the chicken (sigh) and then I cooked it up. When I carved it up, I don't know how I resisted from eating it, because it smelled so good. Usually it wouldn't bother me but i've been really off my food lately, and I can't eat something unless I crave it. So i'm cutting up the chicken, biting back drool, just thinking to myself "get it in the damned fridge, get it in the damned fridge". Why did I have to be a fussy eater who craves things all the time :'(
misssakura said:
I actually cheated and used a ready mix by this australian company called Orgran, it's gluten free, suitable for vegans and has no artificial flavours or any chemicals in it. this would get a pretty similar result I reckon though. I like to add paprika and extra garlic when I fry because i'm a garlic junkie =]

Me too, I :heart: garlic!
I seem to have forgotten im a vegetarien :O! I dont know what exactly happened! Ok, i must sort this out.

i thought id let all you veggies know that there are these new rawfood bars sold in places like Sainsbury's (in the organic section) in london and they are really nice for a snack, or a meal on the go. Really yummy, they come in 3 flavours and are all natural!
misssakura said:
So we got a new cat today and its breeder said that we should give it a diet of fresh chicken (cooked) with brown rice. So we bought the chicken (sigh) and then I cooked it up. When I carved it up, I don't know how I resisted from eating it, because it smelled so good. Usually it wouldn't bother me but i've been really off my food lately, and I can't eat something unless I crave it. So i'm cutting up the chicken, biting back drool, just thinking to myself "get it in the damned fridge, get it in the damned fridge". Why did I have to be a fussy eater who craves things all the time :'(

Don't worry!! I tend to do the exact same thing.. especially with chicken.. it's my sin, I try to be vegetarian and I will manage for a few months, and then one day I will smell chicken somewhere and I have to have it.. sometimes I can restrain myself, sometimes I can't :( It's hard I know!
Really? That's interesting. I never have the feeling and I have been a veggie for 12 years. I just gave up meat and never ever tried it again afterwards and didn't even feel the desire to. It's the other way round, whenever I smell meat I somehow feel a little disgusted. It's probably because I have never really loved meat. But I have two veggie friends and they never eat meat in between either.
i've only been a veggie for 2 years and i had the same problem but then when I just ate a teeny piece of meat it made me sick and I got turned off by it. Especially fish:sick:
I've only been a full on vegetarian for 2 months though and i'm a very fussy eater, it's hard for me to find things I like and one of them happens to involve meat sadly, sigh. I can resist, I just get very hungry. Oh well its like a diet I suppose : P
barbiegoesbad said:
Don't worry!! I tend to do the exact same thing.. especially with chicken.. it's my sin, I try to be vegetarian and I will manage for a few months, and then one day I will smell chicken somewhere and I have to have it.. sometimes I can restrain myself, sometimes I can't :( It's hard I know!

at least you try!!:flower:
It's official, i've totally lost my appetite..nothing in my fridge or cupboard interests me at all. I even had to resort to eating my boyfriend's fried potato wedges (even though I generally hate deep fried foods) because I am so hungry. Nothing tempts me at all, it's made even harder because we can't cook any foods that create steam because our landlord never gave us back the steam filter, so it creates humidity which damages the piano and lets mould grow on the walls.

So yeah i'm hungry and I feel weak and theres nothing I want to eat T____T; I'm trying to nibble on some cold brown rice that I cooked a few days back but i'm really having to force it down and its not very filling. Sigh...
I've been a full vegetarian for the last 8 years , I'm 18 now . Everyone I knew was OK for me te become a vegetarian . This decision was quite ridiculous . I mean, I'm proud of being it ( because it's not always easy , sometimes people look at you like you're an alien or have fun about you ) , but it was/is dangerous for my health. I don't eat meat, fish , and eggs . When I was a child, I always was the tallest one , now I'm just 5'7 , and I'm sure it's because of my food :cry: . Now I'm quite worried about myself, I'd like to take proteines or things like that , but I think it's too late and useless . Things won't change , and meat totally disgusts me ... I should have thought about it before .
I don't understand the problem o_o

The best sources of calcium and protein are from plant sources! Green leafy vegetables, tofu, miso soup etc. The only thing you need to be concerned about is getting enough B-12, which you can get with multi vitamins (although they say that it isn't absorbed as well as the B-12 body spray, recently released in America).

I'd love to be 5'7, I'm 5"2 and i've eaten meat for most of my life, I can't believe you're complaining about being 3" taller than the average woman!

I don't know what you're eating but I find it weird that you've been a vegetarian for so long and don't understand anything about proteins etc. I suggest maybe you go to which explains everything very well.

It must be difficult being a vegetarian in France....I say congratulations for sticking it out so long in a country that does not embrace vegetarianism!
So anyway, my appetite has returned! Huzzah! Last night Oliver and I collaborated with our culinary efforts and came up with vegetarian sausage and chips, all made from scratch at home. While this example isn't vegan, it can be made vegan.


The sausages are made using:
Organic SPCA Certified eggs (x2)
Wholegrain breadcrumbs (white just won't be as flavoursome, try and get a brand that has mixed seeds in it too like poopy, sesame etc)
Fresh basil, rosemary and parsley, chopped finely
Finely chopped onions
Grated Parmesan (preferably organic, or from a small farm, although this can be hard to find)
Olive Oil
Canola/Vegetable oil (for frying)
Flour (I used white flour in this case, plain)
Pepper for seasoning

Basically you mix them all up in a bowl until you have quite a firm mixture, then heat up a pan with a decent covering of canola oil (not too deep, this isn't deep fry, very shallow) and roll the mixture into little elongated shapes, then fry , turning onto each side for about 7 minutes, making sure that the egg is cooked. If you don't eat eggs, then the best alternative imo is a blended chickpea base with vegetable stock, as this does bind the mixture together quite well, although it will give it a different flavour.

This was served with Spiced Apricot Chutney, my personal favourite is peach but this works really well!

The chips were soaked in a sugar and water solution and then baked in the oven for 30 minutes at 200C. It makes a very creamy chip.

The sausages actually taste just like british meat sausages, maybe even better! The olive oil makes the mixture more moist, but you can do without it if needs be.


Really good for dipping snacks, takes about 10 minutes to prepare, its best to mix up all the herbs into a cup in advance and grind them up.
I think i'm allergic to dairy chocolate. I stopped eating it for about a month, then my boyfriend bought home some and immediately I came up in hives, I got a headache and I felt bloated :/

We've been having spinach and tomato pasties, with baked beans. Really good.

Tomato soup with brown bread today plus a fruit smoothie and kumara hummus.
^^ Mmm that sounds really yum! Sorry to hear about the hives! :(
Misssakura, didn't know you could make something that tastes like sausages out of eggs.... looks great! :heart:
I had the best tofu once when I was overseas - it was in a stir fry and was golden brown and I swear to goodness it tasted EXACTLY like chicken! Tofu can taste so awful if it is not prepared properly but it can be great!

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