The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

i'm veggo b/c meat is unhealthy
honestly don't care much about animals
sorry if that upsets anyone, but its honest, and hey! i'm not eating any!
^^my point, right? Animal lovers creep me out. But organic meat is an option if its the health that concerns you.
BaroqueRockstar said:
honestly don't care much about animals

I'm the opposite - I care about the animals, though I wouldn't say I'm an 'animal lover' in the activist sense, feel terrible about (and thankful for) whatever animal I'm eating, think the meat industry's practices are appalling (though I try to eat local/organic/free range as much as possible) but still eat the meat, because I like it. I even eat veal on occasion. I'm a horrible person.

The one animal I won't eat anymore is lobster, because of an extensive article in Gourmet several years back on how much pain they feel when you boil them. Oddly, cute baby cows tied up in dark, cramped quarters don't illicit the same strong response. As I said, horrible person.
^ oh wow! the one thing i couldn't give up was lobster!!! i absolutely love the taste of lobster

^^ i don't think kateelle was referring to anyone in specific. it's just that with all the disgusting behavior of PETA, it gives animal lovers a bad name. it's very admirable to believe in what you believe in, and it's fine to feel bad about animals being eaten, but do you really need to dump flowers on fur coats and cut them up? i think not.
Oh, I know it's nobody specific but I'm an animal lover so I suppose I'm included. Hehe..

(Just expect that when someone come into a thread about vegetarianism, it's likely to come across people who do have strong feelings for animals, and so to jump in and start parading around how much 'animal lovers' are creepy is a tad insensitive)

I agree that Peta is completely using the wrong tactics, I understand why they do it, they're stuck in a very frustrating field. But with all the sensitivity regarding terrorism and terror tactics they shouldn't keep adopting their own 'unique' brand of terrorism, it's a complete turn off for anybody regardless of their affiliation.

I've only had lobster once in my life. This chinese restaurant cooked one up for the New Year's party and it was absolutely delicious...I have a funny video somewhere of me holding this giant crayfish which was supposed to be 'inactive' and then all of a sudden it started thrashing around like crazy, I squealed and then my boyfriend ran away from the camera and Jeremy hid behind a door, while i'm still trying to hold onto the bloody thing which was heavy! Men are such p*ssies. Then Oliver's mum shoved it in the freezer. Still feel a bit guilty about that. We wanted to get icecream out but it was scrabbling around and ...yeah I think it tainted my view of both icecream and crayfish in one swoop haha
Can I ask if anyone's who's a vegetarian here is a Christian? Because when a friend was asked if she was a vegetarian, this was what she said, "That would be too ungrateful to God for all the food created." Err, so if animals eat humans, that's ok, too, right? Because they are eating God's creation. Amen.

BaroqueRockstar- Thanks for responding for me how it was meant. (When love for animals makes you turn away from people with malice and contempt, it’s a bit ridiculous in my book) Its when these activists who supposedly are compassionate, sweet empathetic people because of their high concern and love for animals diminish whatever credibility they have as a caring group by being so consumed with hatred and intolerance they exhibit, that I find hypocritical...I just think to myself, what is throwing soy pie on someone’s face going to accomplish as far as educating someone of your cause? They are seemingly such an irrational self-righteous group; I do not even take them to heart anymore.
kare2711 said:
Can I ask if anyone's who's a vegetarian here is a Christian? Because when a friend was asked if she was a vegetarian, this was what she said, "That would be too ungrateful to God for all the food created." Err, so if animals eat humans, that's ok, too, right? Because they are eating God's creation. Amen.


I have a few born again christian/christian friends. Basically their interpretation of the bible is that Man has Dominion over animals and that in the Garden Of Eden, God made animals and instructed Adam that these were his to enjoy and eat. They see vegetarianism as unnatural and almost blasphemous as man was intended to eat the animals that God provided.

I wonder if the Garden of Eden had battery coops too..:innocent:
i never liked the taste of meat since i was a small child and can remember. i remember sitting in a high chair and gagging up meatballs. gross!
so, i just stopped eating it and it's been 12 years now.
kare2711 said:
Can I ask if anyone's who's a vegetarian here is a Christian? Because when a friend was asked if she was a vegetarian, this was what she said, "That would be too ungrateful to God for all the food created." Err, so if animals eat humans, that's ok, too, right? Because they are eating God's creation. Amen.


it's funny you mention that
i went vegetarian about the same time i went atheist. i don't think they're related, but it's a fun coincidence
Even if that would be the christian perspective, im pretty sure that an all loving god would not encourage anything as disgusting or brutal as the way that meat is "produced" in this day and age.
^ exactly. eating meat that originates from factory farming is quite different than hunting and killing your own food.
Sweets said:
Even if that would be the christian perspective, im pretty sure that an all loving god would not encourage anything as disgusting or brutal as the way that meat is "produced" in this day and age.

Well my friends believe that PETA are effectively spreading lies and that animals are treated well in order to feed them.
: P Tofu steaks maybe. Maybe i'm a total idiot but I can't tell the difference between modern faux and real fur nowadays....well the cheaper brands are quite coarse and look synthetic but expensive faux fur is pretty danged good..then again this is coming from somebody who can't tell the difference between real diamonds and fake ones.

FYI an animal 'activist' is far different from an animal 'lover'. Just thought i'd point that out ..... PETA falls into the former category.
Since animal activists are not animal lovers you must be right. O-kay, that makes total sense.
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Sorry to break up the debate but does anyone have any good recipes that include tofu? It's something I've never cooked myself but I have eaten it out quite alot and I really like it!
kateelle said:
Since animal activists are not animal lovers you must be right. O-kay, that makes total sense.

You were so happy that somebody had interpreted your post regarding animal lovers to mean animal activists.

Well I'm sorry but i'm an animal LOVER but i'm not an animal ACTIVIST. So your post didn't just dig at PETA or similar groups, it digs at people who care about animals at animal welfare. Do you understand? So please don't be snarky. If you wanted to be specific about certain groups who go overboard on protecting animals then please do not broaden the group to all those who give a damn and expect me and similar people to interpret it as you intended.

I'm sorry but you know...I'm not really feeling your vibe in this thread. There's lots of other threads for you to post in, this thread isn't supposed to be negative but the past two pages, that's all it's been. Sorry. :innocent:

I thought this was the one place I could get away from all those people who give me a hard time about my choices and who don't feel the same way I do. But obviously not so


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