Artemis said:
That's one of the reasons why my mom because a vegetarian. She had constant headaches, fevers, and could barely get through the day. Yogis say that meat, comming from a dead animal, has negative energy which lowers you "life force" if you eat it and also contains toxins (who know WHAT they feed farm animals these days); all of this slows down your metabolism and vitality and makes you feel lethargic. So yes, cut out the red meat and substitute it with something else. Fish is a good alternative but be careful with all the mercury and pesticide poisoning going on
Thats one of my reasons for a vegetarian diet, i'm glad you brought that up
It's something most people don't talk about as much of as they should when discussing vegetarianism; I suppose because it's a product of your beliefs. I wholeheartdly agree- I believe when we eat animals that have been tortured and killed, we are consuming all their negative energy, which like you said, lowers your "life force." I'm mostly a vegetarian for moral reasons. I love life, I won't eat it or kill it unless it's required for my survival. I feel VERY strongly on the matter, just like some people feel strongly about the yankees or w/e, my thing is vegetarianism. Health is part of it, because I respect and love my body so I don't want to put total toxins and chemicals in it, but all in all it's a moral thing. I know "vegetarians" who don't eat meat because their just being vain, all concerned about their weight and image, and I laugh at them. They have no sense of true vegetarianism. If you don't eat meat or animal products for the health benefits, call yourself a healthy person, because you are, no denying that, and I commend you. But a vegetarian, IMO, is someone who is morally opposed to eating meat. I mean some people just don't like the taste of meat, so they don't eat it. Are they vegetarians? No, they are essentially healthier people, but really just people who don't like the taste of meat. A vegetarian believes in the cause, loves the animals, isn't just in it for their own selves (health benefits)
That said, I think it's great so many people have adapted the vegetarian "lifestyle"-- It shows a higher consciousness of people who care about their bodies and other who care about life.
That said, why am I not a vegan? I'd love to be, and it's probably the healthiest diet out there (though some have argued with me that it's not, the healthiest diet would be eating all raw foods). But at only 16, my mother (who's fully supportive of all my decisions) doesn't feel "comfortable" with eliminating all dairy, and quite frankly, it'd be quite a hassle. I mean everything in our house is vegetarian, but to ask my parents to switch their lifestyle to VEGAN? It won't happen, so I just make sure the animal products I eat are organic. Eventually when i'm on my own, a vegan lifestyle will be more practical.
And as for leather and fur, fur= 0. Never will. I don't like it, not even faux. I do buy leather products if they are vintage or consignment. Eventually, I would hope to weed off all animal products (as associated with a vegan life) but at this point, just buying leather products that are consignment/vintage is good enough for me. At least my money isn't going to the manufacturer who has to pay a company to slaughter animals. it's just going to the boutique/store owner. I feel guilty alot of times, so i'm guessing my *no-leather at all* will end up coming before vegan.
Phew. That's that.