The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

I stopped for ethnic reasons #1. And then it totally fit in with my Health. Meat is nasty. And beef is what's rotting in people's colons. Bleh.

Hope you give Veganism a shot though... even if its for Health reasons only
yea there was this vegetarian workshop in my school and I was like the onyl meateater in the class along with a friend and lemme tell you...listening to a bunch of treehuggers go on and on about how 16 billion chickens die a year is enough to make anyone give in lol
callisto said:
I stopped for ethnic reasons #1. And then it totally fit in with my Health. Meat is nasty. And beef is what's rotting in people's colons. Bleh.

Hope you give Veganism a shot though... even if its for Health reasons only
Have you been looking inside peoples colons to prove this....its this kind of elitist ridiculous, talk that actually discourages me into considering vegetarianism.:shock:
J'aime_la_mode said:
I thought macrobiotic meant that you eat foods that were grown locally so all the nutrients are still intact?

Yes, that's right. :flower: Not only so the nutrients are intact but because they come from the same environment as you, and thus are considered best suited to your constitution. But there are many facets to the macrobiotic philosophy, one of which is eating local, in-season foods, another of which is cutting out meats and certain sugars and refined grains, another is balancing yin foods and yang foods, another is not using the microwave, etc. It gets so complex when you follow everything so I just did what was the most effective for me, and believe me, effective it was!
I never knew much about macrobiotic Melisande thanks for that, sound like it could be rather tricky to stick by though.

No matter what you eat there's always going to be something against that way of eating...otherwise we'd all be eating the same thing if there was only one answer ;)
Ive been a strict veggie for over a year now.
Unfourtunatly, I have a HORRIBLE diet.

I eat extrememly unbalanced.
One week I will eat nothing but salads.
The next week I will pig out with greasy foods.
The next week I wont eat at all.

I ultimatly feel the best with the first option, and am trying to stay on that track.

Its probably the only thing keeping me 135lbs at 6' 3" ;D.
Ariez said:
No it's a known fact that red meat rots in your colon over time:sick:.

Check out this site


oh oprah yesterday (:ninja:) there was a dr. on talking about the colon. he said meat DOES rot in your colon.
and said the best foods for you are whole wheat and green veggies, the corner stone of a good veggie diet.
SuperWalker said:
NO, this is just a couple studies that are quite a few years would you expect on a vegan website? Nothing but meat bashing.:shock:

Yea I knew you'd say that but the post above me seems like more recent evidence and there are other websites (non-vegan) that show the same studies.
fugfashion said:
^ I have the same problem .. what should I eat instead and what not ...

I dont know.

But this year I promised myself I would compose a healthy diet.

I go about a week.
See someone eating dorritos, and pig out.

I hate myself :p
fab_fifties_fille said:
I never knew much about macrobiotic Melisande thanks for that, sound like it could be rather tricky to stick by though.

No matter what you eat there's always going to be something against that way of eating...otherwise we'd all be eating the same thing if there was only one answer ;)

You're welcome, Fab fifties fille! It's tricky if you do everything, but it's pretty easy if you just remember it as eating the most natural, unprocessed foods possible, and no meat and little fish.

It's so true what you say about different theories of eating. What I've found is that one should learn to listen to their own bodies. HOWEVER, this does not mean "Oooh I feel like an icecream I think I'll pig out", since there is a big difference between our bodies speaking and our addictions speaking. Listening to our bodies is a learned skill, the first step of which is going raw vegan or macro, and then adding various foods while monitoring closely how we feel. After a while when you totally stop *wanting* sugars and meat and highly processed foods etc., and start wanting fresh veggies, and feeling very energetic and in control; and that's when you know you're on the right track.

Oh, and about the meat in colon debate: whatever scientific evidence says, from my experience it is sad but true that the five people I've known who have suffered or died untimely deaths from colon cancer...were all big meat eaters. Please be careful, it's so not worth the risk.
Melisande very good info :) I agree with all of what you have said, and I also try and keep everything macrobiotic. I just have to stop using the microwave! (not that I use it much)

(I don't tell people this) My gran died from bowel cancer, thats why I really decided to give up all processed foods and meats etc. Is that wrong? Because most people give up meat because they love animals so so so much, I feel odd that I gave it up mainly because of my gran. :(
Thanks for that Melisande...I agree with what you say about listening to your body. Sometimes I don't feel hungry at all until 4 o clock in the afternoon and i'll just eat one big meal with all the nutrients I need and then a couple of snacks at night. I don't think you should force yourself to eat if you're body isn't hungry. It's a mental thing.... but I don't think i'll ever be able to give up sugars lol
oh and Ladie Panties, I love animals but I gave it up for health reasons only. Personally I don't see how me not eating meat is gonna seriously effect the meat industry. There's still millions of people still eating meat lol
I also agree melinsande, I really need to cut down on sugar and processed food, I do eat alot of fresh fruit and veg, seeds, pulses nuts etc but I still feed I need to cut down on the sugar because I know when my body doesn't want to be fed that stuff, other than for the instant energy rush. I can tell in my hair and skin at the moment that I need to take more of a control of what I eat.
Aww, thanks Fab Fifties, Ariez and Lady Panties!

Lady Panties (...feels so weird calling you that... :ninja: :lol: ) I'm so sorry about your Gran. I'm with you. No, I don't think it's wrong at all. I believe the earth, animals, humans, environment, our own bodies and souls are all one and connected. Vegetarianism is so great because what is good for our own bodies is good for our loved ones, the earth, and animals as well. If we truly, truly love one, we cannot help but love and respect all the rest. Vegetarianism is all about peace and love, not about blaming (others or yourself) and self-righteousness, so don't feel bad if anyone tries to make you feel different.

Also, I love animals and don't eat meat, but feel that when animal lives are necessary for our survival and are taken with utmost reverence and not put to waste, it can be quite in keeping with nature, so it's not all or nothing.

Ariez, I'm like that too, it's so strange! I feel the best when I eat one nutritious meal in the afternoon.
I want to become a vegetarian - does anyone have any good websites?:flower:
I'm a vegan - Greatest Decision I Ever Made. I

It's really not that hard. I'll demonstrate.

Chicken Stir Fry - Tofu Stir Fry
Beef Weiners - Veggie Weiners
Beef Hamburgers - Veggie Hamburgers
Cow Milk and Cereal - Soy milk and cereal
Whey Protein - Soy Protein
Vegetables and Fruits - Ditto! :p

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