Transformers 2

Oct 11, 2005
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Well, Michael Bay's Transformers 2, the sequel to last summer's blockbuster is about to start filming in June, and I thought that it deserved its own thread!

I've just found out that they will be filming in Philadelphia, PA, Bethlehem PA, and Princeton, NJ and I am way excited since I live in Philly. I will certainly try out as an extra and if that doesn't work out, I will stalk the set^_^

Well, heery casting just put up this announcement:
TRANSFORMERS 2 in Philadelphia! [FONT=verdana, arial, sans-serif]We are looking for SAG background talent for the new Dreamworks feature film, “Transformers 2”, directed by Michael Bay.

Needed are SAG background men and women, ages 18-65, all ethnicities, for scenes to shoot in the Philadelphia, PA and Princeton, NJ areas. Shooting will take place in June 2008.
We especially need college-age talent for this project.

If interested and available, please e-mail a picture/resume to [email protected]

If your headshot is older than one year, do NOT send it. Instead, send a recent snapshot - that has you alone in the picture – a close-up is preferred (no party pictures holding a beer…)
Your picture must be attached as a “.jpeg” file.
Be sure to include all contact information, height and weight and SAG number in the body of the e-mail. Put "SAG" in the subject line.

We will be announcing an open call for NON-UNION talent soon- stay tuned!

No Phone calls please.

[FONT=georgia, verdana, arial, sans-serif]May 20 2008 [/FONT]

Shia Labeouf has been confirmed to star in the sequel and Theresa Palmer(Grudge 2, December Boys) has been rumored to also have joined the cast.

And to all of you, fellow fashionspot members, if anybody has new info about the movie or specific filming locations in Philly, please do share!!
Sorry no new info, but I can't wait till this movie comes out.
Yesssssssssss, that looks awesome :buzz:
I just saw it last night, and man was it AWESOME!!! Theres not one minute that you're not entertained. And everything is done perfectly. JUST the right amount of action and dialogue. Sam nearly dies though.
Megan Fox...... I was just about to go and lick the cinema screen.
The movie looks awesome but i don't like Starscream looking like some insect alien!!!
Hopefully it will be good. Reviews so far have been far from favorable. I may get a chance to see it today
wow the critics pretty much gave bad reviews but i enjoyed the movie nevertheless
I will try and not give any spoilers.

I still really like Shia and Megan. I think both did well in their roles and Megan was definitely smoking hot at times.

To Michael Bay, I would have to ask, 'Didn't you learn from Lucas the folly of Jar Jar Binks?"

It will do well, not sure if it will do as well as Transformers 1. I put full blame at Michael Bay's feet. I think there was enough here to have a solid and entertaining sequel, but I think Bay tried to hard to have tons of explosions, tons of fight scenes and too many new Autobots and Decepticons.

I found it better than the reviews, was glad to see it on the big screen, but felt it could have been better and more focused
The effects are absolutely stunning, but at the very end I just... I don't know, got used to it, it did not made such impression like the first scene of the movie.
The storyline was a little bit ridiculous and did not make sense at all, but eh, it's forgiveable.
Two characters I mostly enjoy was Alice (played by Isabel Lucas) and Wheelie. The first I find smoking hot, even hotter then Megan Fox and that tail, oh that tail is the hottest thing I've ever seen! However, that fake tan looked really bad.
All in all, I'd give that movie 7/10. because the effects are really fanfreakingtastic.
Two characters I mostly enjoy was Alice (played by Isabel Lucas) and Wheelie. The first I find smoking hot, even hotter then Megan Fox and that tail, oh that tail is the hottest thing I've ever seen! However, that fake tan looked really bad.

Isabel Lucas is a goddess!
Yeah but her acting is useless and her American accent was so bad. But what do you expect from Home & Away cast?
I didnt like it at all. In fact, I found it so boring. I fell asleep and never watched the end of it, and I really dont care.

I didnt like the first one either. I think the fact that the robots talk ruins a lot the story.

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