Trends You Are Sick Of #2

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fur,No.6 clogs,all black,the grunge rehash,those boob bra tube things...
I'm puzzled by the clog's return. Nothing chic about it! Clogs with Chanel symbols on them won't make it any better, although some people will be all over the Chanel ones anyway just because of the brand.
I can't get myself to like denim blouses or denim bags, denim overkill!
Tights that are being worn as leggings, which are combined with a top that is too short. A double whammy that has scarred me for life now.
^ Agree. I quite like the style, but adding "chic" to another word in order to name a style makes me cringe.
Everyone who has mentioned leggings, I completely agree. Sometimes I see girls at my school wearing them as pants and, oh god, it looks horrible. The last thing I want to see is every single movement of their legs when they walk.
I like leggings and jeggings when people wear right clothes with them...that mean shirts that go over your butt and dresses. leggings and jeggings only as pants is disgusting look. once I was in london and I saw girl who wore leggings and we could see her uderpant lines(!!!) and short white t-shirt and huuuge nerd was one of those moments I tought ``whatthef are you wearing!?!?!?!´´
There is a serious epidemic here in the UK...
Teenage girls across the land seem to have been infected by the highly contagious Luggings disease....
(main diagnostic criteria is the inabilty to remove leggings and uggs boots from ones body, while other symtoms can include the excessive wearing of tight tunics and floral dresses, flat ironed hair and the skin turning an unusual shade of orange...)
Scientific reports now claim that Luggings disease has spread to the global sheep population, resulting in death and slaughter on an unprecedented scale...

Other things I am sick of...
Jack Wills :sick:
Cheap looking waist Belts worn with everything
Links and pandora bracelets
Brand overkill (Note to Chanel etc...please let the quality of your brand speak for itself - we dont need to have CC burned onto our retinas forever)
In agreement with the Luggings disease research, especially when you live in a university city and it's full of students who think this is what fashion is about. I can sit people spotting and every student who goes past seems to be a victim...a little variety please!

The geek/nerd look on men. Black rimmed glasses, grey cardigan, bow tie, skinny jeans. We get that a lot round here too.
Animal prints, it's something that comes to my mind... Most of the people CANNOT use it! :innocent:

Then again, I see style this way: some people were born with it and can wear whatever they like, that they'll look awesome, but others...don't dare leaving your house like that... :lol:

why the heck does EVERYONE wear them?

I don't know why everyone wears them, but I can understand why some people to wear them. Like, I have arthritis in my toes, so I need something warm, comfortable, and spacious. And even without the toe problems, they're comfier than the average shoe. I'll be the first to admit they're hideous, but if you look at them long enough they begin to look hideous in a really endearing way, if that makes any sense. (Stockholm Syndrome for shoes, maybe? :blink:)

Leggings, on the other hand... ick. Even if you absolutely have to wear leggings, there's nothing to stop you from pulling on a pair of pants or a skirt over them. People are gonna look back on their pantsless pics 20 years from now and die of embarrassment.
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Footless tights: I love 80's fashions but this one needs a long brake before we see them again.
Lumberjack print: I think lumberjack print is cool but it is starting to get old and annoying.
Iphone/smartphone/smarttoilet/iPad: I appreciate technology, but we are getting to the point, where SkyNet could become a reality.
Also, harem pants.

I wouldn't mind them if someone is walking their dog or running to the store but out on a date or somewhere like a mall?
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