Trends You Are Sick Of #2

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Animal prints, it's something that comes to my mind... Most of the people CANNOT use it!

Animal prints can be OK when done in moderation or used as an accent piece. What's really nasty is when they use multiple items of different prints that don't match. :angry: :blink:
I went to the mall/cinema tonight and saw about 30 girls my age or younger wearing the dreaded combo of XL sweatshirts, shorty shorts, and Uggs. Do people just not even try anymore?
About leggings:

I like them! I disagree with people who wear them as pants where the crotch and rear is completely visable and with people who do not have the "right" body type for it, but I find them to be quite cute when paired with booties and a long shirt that covers the bottom.

I think you should teach the younger girls this.

Leggings are awesome during the winter when you have to wear a dress or skirt but just as pants? Can you say trashy?

About leggings:

I like them! I disagree with people who wear them as pants where the crotch and rear is completely visable and with people who do not have the "right" body type for it, but I find them to be quite cute when paired with booties and a long shirt that covers the bottom.

Geek Chic...
I've embraced it and worked it into shoots... but now there are Geek chic clones everywhere. It's not so chic anymore.
It is not chic anymore because the overweight girl in your class is pairing it up with the hoodies she always wears
It is not chic anymore because the overweight girl in your class is pairing it up with the hoodies she always wears

Not to be rude or anything, but I've seen overweight people who actually no how to dress themselves for what suits their body type.
Just saying.
I think if one does the geek chic just right it can look good. :)
-Horse Riding Boots
-Uggs (Who isn't?)
-Leggings worn by themselves
-Blazers worn over basic t-shirts
Not to be rude or anything, but I've seen overweight people who actually no how to dress themselves for what suits their body type.
Just saying.
I think if one does the geek chic just right it can look good. :)

I agree on that, but I mean the ones who pair it up with hoodies etc

huge brown faux/fur coats (kate moss type) they scream cheap to me

True :shock:

My list of "It has to go":
- studs
- big shoulderpads a la Dynasty
- leggings used as pants
- those pants with hanging crotch - it's just so unattractive :yuk:
- I'm not a big fan of velour, either, I must admit...
Prints other than florals. I've never been a huge fan of non floral patterns and prints but I'm especially fed up of them now.
I'm tired of all the current trends and it doesn't seem to get any better. I feel as though it's time for a new fashion movement or something. Just something fresh and new and unique.
- The whole indie/hipster look. :yuk:
- 80's. Let it die already!
- Those fat waist belts.
I can't stand the ill-fitting trousers that are half baggy half tight. I don't mean harem pants but don't like those either!
STRIPES. They are literally everywhere on the high street. :doh: I also really hate 'jeggings' (leggings that are made to look like jeans). They're unflattering, sometimes tacky and pointless (especially in this weather), just wear a pair of jeans!
uggs, crocs and ray bans.

uggs b/c they are UG and FUG!

crocs b/c well, some things should not exist - them being a PRIME example.

ray-bans - theyre everywhere and its getting boring now.
i feel like at this point, uggs aren't a trend anymore. they've been around well before they became popular, and are here to stay. they are soft, comfortable, warm, and practical. and yes, they're unattractive. i've seen stylish people wear them with otherwise flawless outfits in snowstorms and on cold days. i've seen people who just don't devote themselves to the bible of vogue wear them frequently. and its ok by me. do i wear them? no. i think they look awkward and make me feel sloppy. but i understand their function and i'm not holding my breath for their demise.
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