Now, THAT is more like it. Finally a look that shows off her rockin' body and does her justice! She looks terrific, the color is just as flattering as the fit. Face and makeup are also perfect, but that's never not been the case.
Holy moly in that green Versace! And her face: she is glowing. [aside: is she is a relationship right now? Who is she smooching with in those candids above?? Sorry out of the Uma loop. ]
Actress Uma Thurman attends the NBC Entertainment & Cinema Society with Volvo premiere of "Smash" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on January 26, 2012 in New York City.
Uma Thurman holding the crime novel, The Silver Swan, by Benjamin Black as she arrives on the film set for movie 'Smash' in Brooklyn New York City, USA - 30.01.12
She is very tall and can pull of cropped silhouettes that cut her slightly shorter, such as the green dress - the extremely long line of the dark, full-lenght dress and blazer just looks heavy on her.
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