The London Sunday TimesApril 23, 2006
Sex and the city girl
Having killed Bill and divorced Ethan, Uma Thurman finds single life has all sorts of romantic possibilities says Jeff Dawson
Note: Prime is released in the UK on May 12
Is it just me, or does Uma Thurman always come over a bit on the cool side? Maybe it’s her statuesque, Scandinavian-spawned beauty; perhaps it’s the bohemian/intellectual upbringing; possibly the fact that, in Kill Bill: Vol 1, she eviscerated an entire army of ninjas while issuing barely an icicle of perspiration. How does it go again? “Those of you lucky enough to still have your lives, take them with you.
However, leave the limbs you lost. They belong to me now.” When, in 2003, Thurman’s marriage to Ethan Hawke collapsed after the foolish boy was caught with his Y-fronts down, the public outcry seemed less an exercise in pointing up a crack in Thurman’s marble facade, and more the divine retribution that would befall a mortal with the temerity to wrong such a certified goddess, one whose very name, after a Hindu deity, means “bestower of blessings” (or fork in Swahili, or horse in Japanese).
Entering a Manhattan hotel room for our rendezvous, I find Thurman, as expected, immaculately bedecked in a neat cardie-trouser ensemble (Balenciaga and Gaultier), her flowing pre-Raphaelite tresses crimped to perfection. Her face, with its clear blue eyes, seems prettier in person than on screen — a look paid for handsomely by the likes of TAG Heuer, for whom she currently reclines with Nordic splendour to flog their fashionably chunky watches. But there is also something wonderfully askew in this vision of chilled elegance. Sitting knock-kneed and hunched at the table is a woman gleefully stuffing her face with not one but three bags of crisps (two packets of Fritos and one of something called Madhouse Munchies), foil ripped open, their contents spewed across the surface. “Oooh, hello,” says Thurman, exhaling a little orange dust cloud (a Madhouse Munchie being akin to a cheesy Wotsit). “Will you forgive me chewing through this thing?” “Only if you let me have one,” I venture, at which she giggles, unfolds her 6ft frame and skips off, with gangly purpose, to the ensuite kitchen. “Napkins,” she says. “Here we go. Go crazy.”
So much for the fabled body-obsessive, women’s magazines being awash with Thurman dietary guff. “Two per cent of your daily calcium. That’s impressive,” she mocks, reading off the side of a packet. “And six per cent of your vitamin E. Mmmm. And phosphorous.” She pulls a face. “I didn’t know you were supposed to
have phosphorous.” So much, too, for the cool customer. “The ice blonde. Tall, blue-eyed. It’s just a cliché,” she shrugs. “Before Kill Bill, people would have said I was an ‘ethereal actor’, never somebody who would run around with a sword. Now people ask me if it’s a problem that I’m thought of as such a tough person. To me, it’s absurd.”
The official excuse for Thurman to share her phosphorous today is to talk up her new film, Prime. Ordinarily, one would give this only the most cursory of mentions, not least because (whisper it softly) her résumé contains its share of stinkers. She is blessed with an unerring knack for blowing her critical credit on a clunker of a follow-up: after Pulp Fiction, The Avengers; after the Kill Bills, Be Cool, a film that amplified its own failings by trying to re-create the iconic Thurman-Travolta dancefloor slink of a decade before. But Thurman knows she is not an easy fit. “You know, I didn’t really want the job Hollywood offered me,” she explains. “I didn’t want to be some vamp for hire, and all the offers that came weren’t the kind of things I was looking for.”
Prime is Thurman’s first romantic comedy since The Truth About Cats & Dogs, 10 years ago, an identity-swap yarn in which, mystifyingly, she made Janeane Garofalo look the sexier option. Its significance comes with the fact that it seems an uncanny case of art imitating life. In it, Thurman plays a fragile, divorced, 35-year-old New Yorker charged with taking her first tentative steps back into the dating pool, the joke being that she cops off with a toyboy, unwittingly the son of her shrink, overactive Jewish mama Meryl Streep. “Coming out of marriage in your mid-thirties, it’s an interesting place to be,” Thurman offers, especially now with her children, Maya (seven) and Roan (four), in tow. “And so it kind of excited me to play with that in a movie.” She goes on a bit about being able to trust people again, all that sort of stuff. “You know, I haven’t been single since I was 25,” she adds, “and all of a sudden, you’re 35 and your life has taken a different turn.”
The use of the word “single” here is interesting, for, prior to a press announcement confirming the latest kink in a tortuous tale, it was the first hint of her possible split from the “wealthy hotelier” (as they always prefix him) Andre Balazs — she refers to him as “the gentleman I was seeing”. At the Oscars, they elected to stay at separate hotels, despite the fact that Balazs owns the Chateau Marmont, one of LA’s best appointed, prompting a PR edict pronouncing the renegotiated status of “close friends”.
Since then, the couple have been seen in public again. On Thurman’s ring finger sits an antique silver and diamond ornament that looks like a giant cockroach. Not sure what signal she is trying to send out there, but she has never been a conformist.
There are few actors — indeed, people — with an upbringing as unusual as hers. She is the daughter of the renowned Buddhist academic Bob Thurman (lampooned by Dustin Hoffman in I heart Huckabees); her Swedish mother, Nena, is a leading psychotherapist (and former Vogue model) who was once married to druggie counterculture guru Timothy Leary (they were introduced by Salvador Dali; you know how it is). Throw in grandma Brigit, a Scandiwegian stunner immortalised in a nude public statue (“Trelleborg, in the harbour,” she says), and the genes seem a classic collision of brains and beauty.
A wealthy childhood in Massachusetts was complete with home visits from the Dalai Lama and, er, Richard Gere. Wasn’t it a bit weird? “I think kids actually absorb their reality as if it would be everybody’s reality,” she muses. It didn’t prevent the usual teenage neuroses that, she confesses, she still has today — “That gawky, lanky awkwardness,” she calls it. “Most actors are neurotic, in one way or another, about their appearance.” I feel compelled to mention her famously big feet (about a UK 9), which actually seem perfectly in proportion. I only bring it up because they seem to have been fetishised quite a bit on screen, not least by Quentin Tarantino. “I don’t know why everyone keeps wanting to film them and do weird things to them,” she mock-howls. “I want them to leave those damn feet alone!” I imagine her father, in his orange Buddhist robes, berating his denim-attired adolescent daughter: “You’re not going out dressed like that, young lady!”, and such like. “Hahahaha. Nooooooo,” she says. But it was enough to drive her towards the shallow, unworldly trade of thespianism. “Shouldn’t we all oppose our parents?” she asks. And so, at 15, she headed to New York.
Landing her first film part within a year seems to have sent Thurman on an accelerated passage through life. She got her breakthrough in 1988’s Dangerous Liaisons and won notices in Henry & June, anointing her as a sort of lesbo-nubile. At 20, she embarked on a short-lived marriage to Gary Oldman (like Balazs, 12 years her senior). But she peaked early. By the time she pulled on the black bob of Mia Wallace for 1994’s Pulp Fiction, her only Oscar-nominated role, it was already seen as a comeback from duds such as Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Jennifer 8 and Final Analysis. She was only 24.
In 1996, while making the sci-fi film Gattaca, Thurman met Hawke. Suddenly, she seemed settled. Pregnancy led to a 1998 marriage and children. But in summer 2003, while filming in Canada, Hawke was caught red-handed with a 22-year-old model, citing an ingenious defence that creative men “suffer from infidelity” and causing Thurman’s brothers (the impossibly named Dechen, Ganden and Mipam) to put enlightenment on pause and, allegedly, brand him “a piece of sh*t” , threatening to kill him. A nasty legal wrangle ensued over child access. But, she says, the anger has gone. “Bitter is a choice. Who would want to be bitter? I’d rather be dead.” Good karma, girlfriend. “I don’t think love ends, actually,” she adds. “I wish it did, but I don’t think it really does. No matter how much I dislike them, I still love everybody I ever did love in my life.”
There is probably more here than meets the eye. Noticeably, the break-up came while Thurman was away in China for 10 months, working with Tarantino again, getting into tiptop chop-socky shape for the Kill Bill films. “It’s what led to it,” is all she will say, issuing a rather enigmatic Mona Lisa smirk. A rumour had it that she and the director were having an affair, but she is not going down that road. No two ways about it, though, she is certainly Tarantino’s muse. “Sure, why not? I have been. What is a muse? It’s someone who helps you with your creativity. And I don’t think that’s unfair.” She was also co-creator of the character of the Bride, Kill Bill’s avenging angel. “I don’t think I’ve gotten any royalties from that,” she laughs. “I think I’m supposed to.” She should have a word with her collaborator. She will, she says. They
are good pals.
Home for Thurman these days is in Hyde Park, a sort of chichi hamlet just north of New York City. Most of her time, naturally, is preoccupied with her children — so much so that, beyond a grumble that she can’t get to evening classes any more to brush up her knitting or her French (she was recently made a Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres), she refuses to work more than 90 minutes beyond Manhattan. “I wanted my kids to stay still, to try to get through this divorce,” she declares.
Her non-Hollywood credentials have put her in the unique position of being a sort of super-sub of the film world, jumping in to fill the slingbacks of other actresses who, for whatever reason, have dropped out of various Manhattan projects. Last year, she replaced Nicole Kidman, flaunting it with an outstanding Ginger Rogers turn (plus the splits) in the new film version of The Producers. In fact, given all that’s said about Prime, she came off the bench here too, trotting on for Sandra Bullock mere days before shooting began. “In not wanting to leave New York, I did some of the movies I liked the best, by accident,” she says. “It just goes to show you how crazy life is.”
Her next film is predicted to be one of the big hits of the summer: Ivan “Ghostbusters” Reitman’s My Super-Ex Girlfriend, playing, opposite Luke Wilson, a dumped, needy girlfriend who also happens to be a rather miffed superhero. Then again, with Thurman, you never know. “You know how to make God laugh?” she says. “Tell him your plans.”