US Elle July 2006 - Hilary Duff

My Review

170 pgs

Cover: Hilary Duff in Prada, shot by Gilles Bensimon.

New Ads:
Gucci - 2 pgs
Dolce & Gabbana - 2 pgs

"(Triple) Platinum Blond" Ph. Gilles Bensimon - Hilary Duff's ed. 6 pgs

"Black Angel" Ph. Manuela Pavesi - Model with short-blond hair wears black looks. 6 pgs

"Cinema Verite" Ph. Michael Roberts - Fernanda Tavares? wears black dresses in a black and white shoot. 8 pgs

"Sov-er-eign-ty" Ph. Gilles Bensimon - Lady Sovereign in a studio ed. 6 pgs

"Night Shine" Ph. Gilles Bensimon - Best fall bags and shoes. 6 pgs

"Behind the Music" Ph. Ruven Afanador - Another black-themed ed. 6 pgs

Other Fashion and Beauty:

A lot of black everything, including patent, lace, jewelry.

"Icons of Music and Style" - Fall clothes and accessories based on music stars - The Clash, Ziggy Stardust, Pat Benatar, The Supremes, and Nirvana.

"Label Oasis" - Anne Slowey goes to Damascus for a store opening.

"Cava Women" - Article on Vena Cava.

"Flashback Fever" - The 80s are back.

"Counter Culture" - Six designers - Abaete, Tory Burch, Calypso, Fighting Eel, and White Trash Charms - reveal beach necessities.

"Hot Tea" - Countryside visit at the home of Pearl Lowe.

"Blues Brother" - Interview with John Mayer.

"You're First, Helen" - Interview with White House Press correspondent Helen Thomas.

"Women in Black and White" - Author Jennifer Weiner on chick lit.

"Velvet Underground" - Interview with singer Susan Cagle.

"Marriage, Interrupted" - Interview with blogger Stephanie Klein of "Greek Tragedy" fame.

"The Fight Club" - How to fight better with your significant other.

Q&A with James Blunt.
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^I flipped through the issue at Barnes & Noble and I know Raica Oliveira is in one of the editorials, though I don't remember which one =/ It was black & white though, so that may be who's in "Cinema Verite" rather than Fernanda :flower:
US Elle is indeed 1000x better than US Vogue! Both both, compared to the UK versions, is complete shite.
Larger pic, from ebay.

That's actually a pretty good celebrity cover... it doesn't look at all cheesey and super friendly. I give it a thumbs up:flower:
hm, the cover's not that bad, actually, she just doesn't look like herself on it....
Nice ed too tho she looks like Jlo in some of the pics which isnt necessarily a bad thing. The accompanying article is also hillarious, i also agree with the comment that Elle is the more interestin verion of US vogue
Can anyone I-D the model in the last editorial (Behind the music)? Is that Anne V.?
It does look like Anne V to me (The pout and the chin)! :flower:

I do love Hilary on the cover, but it's too bad I had to cut it off to satisfy my ad collector cravings :lol: (Half of the pre-fall Gucci ad is on the back of it! ;)) Does anyone want any scans of anything?
Hi Faith, can you scan the Manuela Pavesi and the Ruven Afanador eds? Sorry if I'm asking for too much!
I'll scan one at a time:

Black Angel
Ph. Manuela Pavesi

Scanned by me from US Elle July 2006

I'll give my scanner a rest and scan the Afanador Ed later :)
Thanks, I'll give you karma for this! I know this isn't the right thread but you don't happen to have July's Vogue, do you? If you do, could you scan Gisele's ed and Stella's ed as well? Sorry if I'm asking for too much!
Thanks a lot! I'm not sure whether I'm doing a double post because my computer seems to be going wild but do you happen to have July's Vogue? If you do, could you scan Gisele's and Stella's eds? I know this isn't the right thread to ask for this and maybe I am bothering you too much, but asking doesn't hurt, does it?
I knew it! Double post! Damned computer!!! Now, everybody's going to think I'm quite mad! Sorry
I don't have Vogue July in my hands yet, but I have a feeling that someone'll get to scanning those eds before I do -- so check that thread in the upcoming days! ;)
Here's the other ed you requested clo:

Anne V. (?)
"Behind the Music"
Ph. Ruven Afanador

Scanned by me from Elle US July 2006
I love the cover! Hilary looks great, so mature and lovely. Does look a bit like Erin, ok a lot, but I love it all the same!
Yes, that's Anne V. alright. Thank you!!!

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