US Elle December 2006 : Beyonce

Horrible styling, the clothes, hair all suck. I like the larger close up image. I think that would've made a better cover. Beyonce is a lovely woman, but I don't like these photos :(.
eternitygoddess said:

Is it just me or does Elle take the WORST pictures of celebs? Giles Ben-whatever-his-name-is should be fired. The paparazzi can take better pics.

I agree, but it is unlikely he will be fired since he runs the magazine (the US version anyway).
Beyonce is really hit or miss for me, sometimes she looks good but others times such as this she goes overboard with the hair, make-up , etc. I was listening to a morning radio show on my way to class during the time of her birthday and I remember the hosts discussing how she looked so much older than 25 somewhere along 30. I think she should learn to keep it simple with the hair and make-up and she would look so much better.
Can anyone please scan Elle MacPherson's editorial? I'd love to see it. Agree with everybody else about Beyonce, she's beyond tacky!!!
Does this ugly cover really belong to a fashion magazine ? Its' just unbelieveable! :rolleyes:
What's with all the Beyonce hatred? The cover isn't perfect, but Beyonce looks stunning and I applaud her for having talent and drive, and not sticking to the same formula music wise. At least she hasn't starved herself into a lollipop, her body is wonderfully curvy and fit. As for Dreamgirls, let's wait and see. I think both ladies will turn out something amazing. Everyone in Hollywood wears extentions(although no one admits to it) and there have been many talentless, socialite twits who don't actually do anything all over magazines lately. I am happy to at least see a strong, beautiful black woman grace a national magazine, because they have been few and far between.
I don't know about others but I don't hate Beyoncé. I think she is a good singer and she is talented but I just don't like this cover. Anyway, I do agree with you that it is a lot better to have someone like Beyoncé on the cover of Elle than a dull, insipid socialite who has done nothing to deserve a magazine cover.
I just don't understand the Beyonce craze. Michelle Williams is 10x prettier, but she loves Jesus so I guess it is to be expected that she is not as loved as B.
Michelle williams is Pretty,but quite boring and generally not as charasmatic as both her Destiny's Child C-stars. I wouldn't look twice at a cover with her on it. Kelly and Beyonce would attract my attention first. And your right gospel singers don't usually get as much publicity in Hollywood as secular's too bad really, cause that's some good music.
Here are my awful pics of the equally awful Elle MacPherson ed:

The Elle Word
Ph: Gilles Bensimon

Photos by me
Wow Elle is an obvious illustration how boring is world without real supermodels...they should have to put her on the cover...i'm tired tired tired of these all time same looking boring celebrity faces...move them away!!! ELLE COVERS SINCE 90ies are mostly SH>> even 43 and even after the ages in fashion Elle Mcpeherson looks hotter and more interesting than BEYONCEEEEEEEEE... ELLE is an obvious illustration of eternal power of REALS... HOT HOT HOT

peacelover142002 said:
Here are my awful pics of the equally awful Elle MacPherson ed:

The Elle Word
Ph: Gilles Bensimon

Photos by me
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What have they done to her shape and especially her lips! That really sucks, the posing is totally wrong. She looks stiff and dolly, like in commercial with a huge full on smile. Horrible! Beyoncé is an amazing woman but they made her look like a freak. Whoever put that pink dress on her must be shot!
Besides Beyonce and Elle, there is an accessories ed, and this one:

Suite Dreams
Ph: Ruven Afanador

There is also a profile of Senator Barack Obama.

Photo by me
Does this issue have the Project Runway spread in it?
^No. I doubt we'll be seeing that anytime soon. Chloe's (the winner of the 2nd season) spread was just in the September issue.

There are lots of interesting articles as usual, however, including one about male models.
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And there is the article by Ruth Davis Konigsberg "Jobs and Monsters" in which she discusses how alienating it is to make more money than one's husband. If anyone is interested she pays her babysitter--not a nanny--who seems to work about 8 hours a day, Monday through Friday, $650 per week.

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