Vogue Italia January 2025 : Damiano David by Steven Klein

The "Specchio Reflesso" fashion editorial by Priscillia Saada is beautiful.
I have no idea who this guy is, and the cover isn't selling it to me either. A few shots from the editorial are nice, but Klein was not inspired for this story. If they wanted to put a man on the cover, it should have been someone interesting and sexy, like Bill Skarsgard. I think he would have gone wherever Klein took him.
Tou guys know if the big photographers are paid? Thats why we dont have the
enough? I always imagined klein shooting for Vogue CS
Just kindly asking, i really dont know

Photographers are absolutely paid, as are the rest of the creative team. Not sure if someone like Klein gets the same rate he was paid in the past nowadays, as there’s never an industry standard for a famous name like Klein's. But once upon a time in the golden age of fashion presentation that was the 90s, even Ashley Heath bragged that Klein had snatched up a huge chunk of Arena Homme Plus’ budget for a shoot and only returned from Spain with some shots of the model on a sofa… And we’re far far far from the golden age. I’m just pleasantly pleased he’s wearing DSquared2 on the cover, and not the big advertising usual suspects Gucci/Vuitton/SL...

It’s a decent enough shoot (except for the green Versace select that has a sloppy facetune quality). Nothing memorable, nothing new, nothing exciting that we haven’t already seen from Klein before— and shot much superior in better days; he’s just going through the motions here with this PG-rated version of his L’UOMO days. Except for the DSquared2 suit, the 40s-styling just looks and feels lazy, dated and budget: If they wanted bondage mixed with 1940s debonair, they could have gone with Clark Cable x Tom of Finland. But Vogue Italia is for children that shop outlet these days, so I’m sure the kidz will find this… edgy. Eh.

Steven Klein
Styling: Matthew Ellenberger
Hair: Ward Stegerhoek
Make-up: Mark Carrasquillo
Model/Celebrity: Damiano David
Credits @Zorka

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Vogue Italia January 2025
I love it! Damiano would be my crush if he didn't had so many tatoos. lol

The colors are rich, good angles, something of a narrative. Thank GOD we still have Klein doing atmospheric photos that evoke something.

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