Whale Rider's 16-year-old actress pregnant with first child!!

Wow, I can't believe that some people here think that there's nothing wrong with the fact that she's pregnant at 16. :shock:

Being a parent is a HUGE responsibility. Even people who are in their 30s and 40s will think twice about having a child because they know that being a parent entails a lot of responsibility.

I bet she didn't plan this pregnancy. I bet she's just pregnant because she was an irresponsible 16-year-old.
Not once did I say every young parent is kathy and rick hilton, where and when did I say that? Iam hearing alot of this she has money thing so I guess that makes it more okay, and Iam pointing out that having money has nothing to do with it (although it helps) 2, your right this most def won't be the last time, it just kills me to see this all time, 3 I don't know what goes on and Whats okay in England, I don't live there, and to me in my opinion this isn't okay, 4 I wasn't responding to your comment alone just my general thoughts

understood :flower:
I clicked on this thread from the main page of the forums (seeing only the "Whale Rider's 16 year old..." part) and thought "I don't care what it is, that girl's amazing, it doesn't matter. She's so talented!"

Then I saw the pregnant part and thought, WTF?

She's only a year older than me. :shock: And I couldn't even imagine having a baby... I find them cute, but I've had enough of them after ten minuets. Hopefully she's got more dedication than I do...
Does anyone else find it ironic that she's playing the Virgin Mary in a movie? :rolleyes:
tiamaria said:
its only 3 years .. its not a big deal at all. Shes probally more mature then he is 19 year old guys are generally so immature.

okso i guess im totaly biased on this subject but still .. we shouldnt judge her so :)

In some places it's considered statutory r*pe for a minor (-18) to have sex with an adult (18+). The ages may be different where she lives.
tiamaria said:
Ok i dont understand why people are judging her .. im probally making a wild guess in saying non of us know her personally .. if someone was to prejudge me and say i wouldnt be a good mother id be heart broken. I believe as long as your a good mother age does not matter. At 16 you could be a better mother then someone who is 30.. depends on the individual person. and she is going to have one advantage over your typical young mum .. money.

its only 3 years .. its not a big deal at all. Shes probally more mature then he is 19 year old guys are generally so immature.

okso i guess im totaly biased on this subject but still .. we shouldnt judge her so :)

I didn't see any comment that was really bashing her. No one is judging her character. I'm saying that she's just not emotionally ready to care for a kid at her age. I don't care if I don't know the girl or not. And agreed, she may be a better mother than someone who is 30, but it that just cause for her to get pregnant? That dosen't make the situation seem any better.

And if she were my daughter, 3 years would be a big deal, regardless of his maturity level. This is just a guess, but I HIGHLY doubt he wanted kids at 19 years old.
My mum was preggers at 16. She's still married to my Dad, and it'll be their 48th anniversary next spring. Three of my sisters did the same--married with baby before 18--and they're all together happy and still together with their spouses. The kids are no screwier than any other kids, perhaps even less. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins have always been at hand to help with childrearing, though. The concept of family is larger than the American nuclear ideal in most cultures in the world, even though I'm ostensibly white-bread Anglo myself.

Being the youngest in my family, I thought 16 was a really worldly, sophisticated majority to reach, until I got there myself. All I could think then was "I sure as hell don't want to be pregnant and married at this age!"

I'm sure she'll do just fine!
As a teenaged girl, I have to agree with the people that say that she is emotionally immature... I look around at all the girls my age, and they all seem to be moody, emotional, and just plain babies in developed bodies.

That said, it has been done before, and it will be done again- by her. She'll live. It's just a shame that she won't get to "discover" herself in her twenties like the rest of us; she'll be too busy taking her kid to school and packing lunches and kissing boo-boos.

If she thinks of herself as mature enough to have sex- unprotected sex at that- I suppose she finds herself mature enough to raise a baby.

Well...for what it's worth....many girls I know in NY have had abortions when they got pregnant. But secretly because it's kinda...uh...frowned upon very heavily in our social circle. Anyway...she's very brave for having it. I was extremely shocked because I liked her in whale rider and sorta thought of her as this little girl but I hope she can handle the responsibility of being a parent
I'm not racist but..all maori women seem to get knocked up really young. REALLY young. 15, 16, 17 they're churning out children and then claiming benefits from the government because they're "impovrished". I expected better from Keisha. My boyfriend saw her at the cinema just a few weeks ago.
Amazing...not in a good way either. Good luck to her. I couldn't even stand the pain of giving birth. Shoot, I can barely handle tummy cramps.:ninja:
Annabel said:
Does anyone else find it ironic that she's playing the Virgin Mary in a movie? :rolleyes:

Well then that explains it...she was really into her role and is pregnant through "immaculate conception." :lol:
cosmogrl5 said:
Well then that explains it...she was really into her role and is pregnant through "immaculate conception." :lol:

:shock: :blink: ... :lol: :lol: i didn't see this one coming. i guess she's been busy since whale rider ... hope all works out for her.
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Oh this is golden... Keisha's mom just had a baby!

Not a typical teen
Castle-Hughes, who just turned 16 before filming began, might have a thing for Cokes, but she's also got a thing for this role. "She's taking it incredibly seriously," says Rich. "She's quiet, reserved, and mature beyond her years. She's not the type to run off to the mall, like other teenagers."
"At some points," adds Bowen, "she seems like a regular teenager. But at other points, she seems like a mature young woman. The gravity of what she's doing is coming to her more and more every day."
The young Kiwi says she feels the weight of responsibility in playing this role.

Keisha Castle-Hughes plays Mary

"When I got the part, it didn't hit me at first," says Castle-Hughes, nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress at age 12 for her role in Whale Rider, one of 2003's best films. "But on the plane over here, I was writing in my diary, and then it hit me: Ohhh! I'm playing Mary!
"The biggest thing, you never think that she was just 14 and carrying a child. She was just a girl, and then the next day, she's a woman and married, and the next she becomes like the mother of the world."
Castle-Hughes, who says she adheres to "no particular religion," says she has received some good tips from her mother about what it's like to carry a child within.
"My mum's 8½ months pregnant right now," she says, "so she's going through exactly what my character is going through. She's giving me great advice." Castle-Hughes, who'd endured 90-plus-degree heat for that day's filming, laughs and adds, "All I know is that after this, I'm never having a child!"
Still, she says she likes "the way the story is told from a human point of view." Her co-star, the 26-year-old Oscar Isaac, agrees.
"In past films," he says, "the story has felt very 'representational'—they were walking icons. For me, it was very important to learn as much as possible about what these people were like and how they lived, so that when we played the parts, the characters would be as authentic as possible."

June 2006 article

And if anyone is interested, I believe this is the babydaddy :innocent:

^ Having a baby does not affect one's ability to act. However. I do agree that this might affect a casting director's perception of her.

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