Whale Rider's 16-year-old actress pregnant with first child!!

i do agree that 16 is young to be a mother not because i think she is not physically ready or that she will be a bad mother but because she is 16...goodness, it is going to be incredibly difficult to grow and love and think and be yourself and be selfish which every woman and man should experience before they commit to having a child or being in a serious life partnership...its sad for her....
^^I won't disagree with you Sienna, I love my friends back home...and I was shocked about Keisha getting pregnant, as I mentioned before my boyfriend saw her in the cinema (he works there) and one of the things he mentioned was how young and normal she looked, in fact he didn't even notice her at first. I think she went to see Pirates of the Caribbean...
wow. I was really shocked when I read this. At 20, I could never imagine myself having a kid. I hope that she and her boyfriend are responsible enough to handle everything.
This story makes me sad and apprehensive but it doesn't change the fact that she's the first and only actress (so far) to make me cry like a baby. She was damn good in Whale Rider.
She's very young to be having a baby. Having said that, I wish her lots of luck. And I hope she continues to make movies. I loved her in "Whale Rider", and she's got tons of potential to be even bigger.
high maintenance said:
What is all this mature s**t? She is 16! Since when is that okay? No, we should'nt judge but everyone has an opinion. And money is not eveything, kathy and rick hilton have money and the result:*drum roll* PARIS HILTON
We don't know crap about this girl to say she is mature or not, this is crazy she is a kid, whatever happen to 16 year olds playing jump rope and barbie dolls and holding hands with boys? The youth have gotten out of control, I don't care what business she is in this is not okay
She is not a kid at 16. I am 14, and I do not jump rope and play with dolls. Age does not equal maturity. Everyone is different.
misssakura, since you have met Keisha's boyfriend, can you please tell us what he looks like so we can anticipate the look of the baby!
Deep Brunette said:
Huh..there goes that idiot's career...
:shock: That's rather harsh :unsure: It must be an ordeal to be expecting at such a young age, it's rather brave of her to go through with it IMO. I know that five years ago at 16 I wouldn't have been ready (lol I'm still not ready at 21! :lol: ) but I do wish her the best of luck and health & happiness for her child of course :flower: It's also good to see that her mum and family are giving her a great deal of support (at least judging from those articles) I'm sure that would help any teenage mother immensely :flower:
Wow, this is going to damage her career, a lot...

16 is too young. Plain and simple, but there have been very good outcomings of women that have gotten pregnant at a young age, but that's not in everyone's case. At that age your minds still developing, your in the 'becoming an adult' phase etc etc. When I was a Junior in high school, three Freshmen I knew became pregnant...I'm now barely 20, and the though of having a child at even this age scares me.

It's great that she has a support system though, cause most people that young and pregnant don't.
Ieva said:
She is not a kid at 16. I am 14, and I do not jump rope and play with dolls. Age does not equal maturity. Everyone is different.

Being a kid doesn't equal jumping ropes or playing with dolls. You're a kid if you still can't make your own decisions whether because of lack of maturity or because you're still legally dependent. She is a kid because she's a not a grown, adult woman, period. She's going to miss the best part of her life and her last chance of being absolutely carefree. One of the things that I realised as I came of age is that the best time to have babies - if I ever decide to have them - is when I'm in my thirties. Of course it only works for me and for those who believe that you have to settle down before growing a family. It's not a matter of right or wrong but of doing things at the "right time" - that being a personal concept. I personally believe that it's stupid to have a kid at such young age, but still I wish her luck - not only at raising a kid but also at successfully building a family.
KhaoticKharma said:
misssakura, since you have met Keisha's boyfriend, can you please tell us what he looks like so we can anticipate the look of the baby!

I haven't...met him :shock: She was at the cinema with a female friend...
There is an interesting song on one of Lauryn Hills album's - The miseductaion album - about the comments that she received when she decided to have her son. There is also a fantastic song about her love for him.

Each person is individual and unique. I am 35 and have a three month old - my first. It is hard but what is hard for me may not be for her. The beauty of individuality.

Regarding the general comments that miss sakura has made about Maori's, about people (women) in NZ could perhaps go some way to reflecting her own attitudes and the people that she has mixed with while there. Personally I know a female Maori Rhodes scholar, numerous artists, lawyers, accountants - basically the whole spectrum of employment.

I'm not racist but..all maori women seem to get knocked up really young. REALLY young. 15, 16, 17 they're churning out children and then claiming benefits from the government because they're "impovrished".

Often prefacing a comment with "I'm not racist..." leaves the speaker to believe they have prefaced their remark with an excuse that allows them to say whatever. It doesn't. Racism (and gross generalisations) are just that. Gross.
It's not 'whatever' and I'm not a racist (although I am rather tired of mindless political correctness), but the statistics are REALLY not favourable, not to mention the fact that every day I just see these young girls walking around with 2,3 children. I am NOT racist but it IS a fact that a LOT of maori women have children very young. I said 'all' but that's more of a typo, I merely mean that there are a lot of these cases, more so than a lot of other people living here. I hate to be mean it's just I never really see very young european or asian women walking around at midday on weekdays with small children and the government has admitted it has a problem with single maori mothers claiming benefits, in fact it's stopping the benefits next year I believe.

It is going to inevitably be a generalisation because it's the reality.

It's more a paranoia of political correctness that people feel they need to preface their statements.
I agree with the excess of PC behaviour that we have in life. NZ is exceptionally concerned about being seen to be PC. But.. What I am getting as is not just PC rhetoric. From the UNHCR HUMAN RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE IN NEW ZEALAND

Institutionalised racism and colonialism does not just disappear overnight (as is being witnessed in Sth Africa). There needs to be on going work done towards changing attitudes and generalisations. I would also question if all the women you see MissSakura with babies are all Maori or could there be other Polynesian groups represented?

Considering Auckland (refering to your profile) is the capital of Polynesia I think if you bothered to talk with some of these women you may find out not only that they are Tongan/Samoan/Maori etc you may also find out much much more that allows you to view them as members of society and not 'impoverished' people taking hand outs from the government.

Besides which I hadnt realised that Keisha was intending to ask for government support.....
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Yay. BITCHFIGHT! I'm so happyyy...

I'm really too tired. You know what i'm not racist and I realise that not all these women are maori. I get very uppity when pregnancy is involved and probably should step back just because I hate population growth and therefore i'm not subjective at all.

But see it from my point of view, if i'm walking around unemployed and around me there are women around town with kids then they're probably not working either, and maori women are entitled to benefit so why not take it?

Keisha most likely won't be taking benefit, just continuing a tradition of young unmarried mothers, but she's lucky to have the support in her family, not every woman is so lucky. I just hope for her sake the boyfriend sticks around.

And i'm talking incoherently in circles, time for me to go and finish working before I pass out for good : P

Blablabla just forget I said anything. I know you want to feel as if you have the upper hand as an example of moral righteousness. Feel free. I'm sure you're a much better person than me anyway.
It's her life and maybe she wants to have a child and it wasn't a mistake, it might be a little controversial in the US though... but she just might be a good mother.

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