Nemova said:

That's why a 16 year old is still a kid. At that age people think they are really smart and mature but once they grow up they realise that life is nothing like they used to think it would be - it is harder and way more complex than they can fathom at such young age.
Now I think your being quite rough. I'm fifteen, and I don't think I'm smart. The opposite. I'm ashamed of my age. While I am at times maybe a little bit more mature than some of my peers (ie my world does not revolve around makeup-boys-The OC-drinking, I do not enjoy dumb giggling...), I do think I have a lot to learn.
I lived three weeks on my own abroad last summer. I'm not saying it was easy, but the way it was harder was more "physical"; bills, place to stay for a night, eating, money...not that much "mental". Still, it brought freedom, which was better than the "teen life".
But if my life is going to be even harder than it is now when I'm adult, then thank you very much but I'd rather shoot myself. I don't think my life can be anymore complex than it is right now (I cannot trust my mind, I'm pondering whether to *********** or not). Maybe even this is only teen-angst, but it is complex as hell.
Have to say, that being a 20-something does not mean you're mature at all. Judging from the people that age around me, there's nothing else in their life except booze and sex, sometimes studying.