What Vitamins do you take ?

Rachel, you should take a whole food multi. You can buy synthetic vitamins or ones made out of real foods. The whole food ones are much better. I can give you a really good brand that makes them if you are interested. They sell them at any good health food store or Whole Foods etc... :flower:
i take calcium, zinc, vit C, salmon oil and a multi. i guess they work pretty well- i never get sick!
i take a chewable centrum
swalling those huge multis makes me gag :X
I like to take a multivitamin tablet that you put into a glass of water and it just dissolves in it. it has several flavors (i prefer orange) and ya just drink it! i love it!
LucindaMay said:
Rachel, you should take a whole food multi. You can buy synthetic vitamins or ones made out of real foods. The whole food ones are much better. I can give you a really good brand that makes them if you are interested. They sell them at any good health food store or Whole Foods etc... :flower:

yeah spill the beans, whats the brand? thanks for the info, you're a peach:heart:
I take Centrum multivitamin, they don't smell funky. Most multivitamins smell. I also take Vitamin E gel caps, zinc, folic acid, vitamin D, Calcium and Vitamin C. I have a pill cutter, so I cut the bigger ones in half.
Sweets said:
yeah spill the beans, whats the brand? thanks for the info, you're a peach:heart:

Ok, well the brand is called "MegaFood". These are a couple of sites that have it, but they also sell it at Whole Foods, and I think most health food stores.

I believe that the cheapest place to get ANY vitamins, including this brand is vitacost.com (see below). Much cheaper than at Whole Foods anyway.

Here are some of the sites that have the MegaFood brand...

This site seems to have the whole range of supplements that this brand makes... You can just browse through them and see which one you like. When comparing prices don't forget to look at the amount of tablets you get per jar.

This is the cheapest site to buy from I think...

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I normally take vitamin c and zinc supplements. I up it if I think I'm getting sick. Like right now, I'm all sniffly, so I'm loading myself up with zinc tablets and vitamin c drink mixes. :sick:
My mom claims that taking too many vitamins is bad for you, since it's harsh on your liver. So she's making me take a "break" and won't let me buy any new ones while I'm visiting... heheh... parents :rolleyes:
Anyways, she might of course be right.. I'll have to do some research, but if anyone knows anything about this let me know :flower:
omega 3 fish capsels
&currently on b-vitamin cure
its been like a year since the last time i took my vitaments
they stink, plus they're no good for my digestive system either :x
anywhoooooo :D
i take zinc and some weird stuff mom got me from gnc the other day..
LucindaMay said:
Rachel, you should take a whole food multi. You can buy synthetic vitamins or ones made out of real foods. The whole food ones are much better. I can give you a really good brand that makes them if you are interested. They sell them at any good health food store or Whole Foods etc... :flower:

Actually, what brand are they, id really like to know because my tummy just cant take the synthetic ones, i get and upstet stomach and i get dizzy...:cry:
:blush: oops, i guess im so lazy that i didnt read to see that you had already answered my question ages before i asked it...
I take those Centrum pills and they seem to work; my skin seems a lot healthier.
Whenever I feel the need to (which isn't all to often) I take magnesium capsules.
epa/dha (fish oil)
vit B complex
milk thistle
chaste tree
vit c & iron occasionally
Nature's Plus Vitamin C with Rosehips (2 grams a day, more if I'm sick)
Source Naturals Zinc
Solray Calcium/Magnesium
Jarrow MSM powder
Vitamin Shoppe Vitamin E complex
Solray Selenium
Nature's Way Vitex(chaste tree berry)
Solgar Vitamin D
Jarrow Biotin
Vitamin B Complex (when I remember)
Natron Megadophilus (sp?)

Also I drink The Republic Of Tea's GET GORGEOUS tea (3 cups a day. Really tastes good!) and drink a large glass of ginger tea (freshly made) everyday.

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