Which of Today's Models Have the Most Lasting Power?

smartarse said:
^ agreed on Gemma alien-look. That look is a trend. A long lasting one is a classic face. :)

Waif was a trend, and while we don't really remember Penelope Tree and Peggy Moffit, we will always have Twiggy. And Gemma is this generations Twiggy. B)
^ but there are alot of Twiggies in this generation. Gemma's got a look that is the "It" look now and gone tomorrow, IMO.
KhaoticKharma said:
Waif was a trend, and while we don't really remember Penelope Tree and Peggy Moffit, we will always have Twiggy. And Gemma is this generations Twiggy. B)

Twiggy was MUCH more of a cultural icon. Most people outside of the fashion industry don't even know Gemma's name. Besides Twiggy is pretty and universally attractive while Gemma isn't.
It's not about giving Gemma time. Although she is decent model, she is not a fashion icon like Kate and is not everyone's taste. Also, like someone else mentioned earlier she is rather blank in most of her editorials like Hana. However, Hana falls under the classic beauty look which never goes out of style.
Gemma's face isn't universal, that's the point. So for that it is just a trend that will be replaced soon enough. You gotta have a face that's versatile to have a lasting power to stay in this business if you're referring to high fashion status.
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I don't know about Gemma either..I like her now but it took me a long time to really "get" her. I don't think the general public will be as patient as people who follow the fashion world closely. She seems kind of trapped to her innocent child/supernatural girl niche imo. I don't see any grown women being able to relate to her, or the total opposite, men being crazily attracted to her. If there's such a thing as a long lasting high fashion career, model-wise (couture etc.), I hope that she would get her some of that. But I don't think she is going to have that long of a run for example at us vogue..
I feel like putting my two cents into this Gemma discussion.......

When I first saw her I thought she was "yet another" baby-faced girl. I mean that she absolutely didn't seem to be some kind of a new trend, but, rather, a contribution into the already existing and even slightly over-exploited one, at least, to me. However, as some time has passed since she first appeared, now it looks like/as if she indeed was a new trend, something I couldn't imagine she would be considered, back then. I think this might be what it all comes down to. If she was, indeed a trend-setter she is definately here to stay even when her babish looks are gone. The trend-setters somehow do stay around even when what made them those in the first place is no longer relevant. However, if she was, rather, the most obvious example of the trend that started before her, there is a chance she'll be gone either with the trend or when she no longer lives up to it.

I don't think, though, that whether she will or won't be there in five years time depends on the fact that models no longer become famous in the eyes of the general public. I'm particularly good at fashion history, but I doubt Twiggy was famous because models in general were famous at her time. I believe she rather lived in a simular era in the industry to what it is now (although, I may be wrong, so you are welcomed to correct me, if so ;)).

And I don't really know as to whether she's really beautiful or not. Sometimes I look at her pics and she looks classically beautiful or something like that, other times just weird and not as beautiful at all.

Personally, I would probably like Gemma gone, but, as famous and in demand as she is now, it is VERY DIFFICULT to imagine.
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I don't think it is necessary for everyone to "get" or appreciate a certain model's look right away in order for he to last in the industry--for me it is probably the opposite. I feel that models who have a certain appeal that is not immediately evident to everybody are the ones that have the most "star" power.

Personally it took a while for Kate Moss to grow on me and she is definitely considered a style icon imo. I didn't get her appeal for a long time, and the same goes for Karen Elson who after almost 10 years in the fashion business seems to have some sort of longevity imo. I think those with versatility last longest--Gemma is growing on me like some of the others have, but only time will tell where her career will go.
I think the discussion in this thread is very objective. Some say Gemma's look is unversal, others completely disagree. I feel a model's success or lack of it is more down to luck than some of you are suggesting. Plus, some models may activly choose to leave modelling to pursue something else when they still have potential.

I get the point of the thread though:flower:
my hope is: daria daria daria daria daria daria!!
(very articulate post!)
smartarse mentioned versatailty, those or the ones who will make it in the buissness, I collect vogue ( i am using my this to try to make my point) since 1965-2005, starts with jean shrimpton, I have some with twiggy, peneolpe tree but....I would like to take a moment to point out an ICON, and and ORIGINAL their will be no other when she is gone and I dont know possibly we could come up with comparisons to current models of the day, BIG magazine is paying tribute to her, the one and only

she started showing up in vogue around 65-66 but as of I would say 68 thru 1975 talk about "it girl"

the hardest thing to judge this issue is the age factor, agencies ( for the most part) pic these girls when they are very young so they can turn them into a fine wine( sorry could not think of other words) so gemma when she started, she was a baby and one of my fave's now ruslana korshunova on her thread she has pictures with braces:blink: so this is hard to tell what will be her staying power because aging the facical and body structure changes, but the one thing we can no for sure that each year a new crop of girls will come in and try to unseat ( is that a word) the next big model:D
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smartarse said:
Gemma's face isn't universal, that's the point. So for that it is just a trend that will be replaced soon enough. You gotta have a face that's versatile to have a lasting power to stay in this business if you're referring to high fashion status.

Gemma can stand next to Du Juan and look like Du's blonde sister. Ie, Gemma is vaguely Asian looking. At the same time she is blonde, tall and rather Northern looking. So in that sense, Gemma has a lot of appeal in different camps - so much so that you may call her universal.

But if you by universal mean Miss Universe pretty - Gemma is not your girl, I don't think. That contest is more for SI pretty.
Well that's mostly my point. I define universally appealing as in conventionally pretty. Gemma is big now but other than her unique look which I still deem trendy, I can't think of any other redeeming (style a la Kate Moss) qualities that would keep her under fashion's radar for too long.
iluvjeisa said:
Gemma can stand next to Du Juan and look like Du's blonde sister. Ie, Gemma is vaguely Asian looking. At the same time she is blonde, tall and rather Northern looking. So in that sense, Gemma has a lot of appeal in different camps - so much so that you may call her universal.

But if you by universal mean Miss Universe pretty - Gemma is not your girl, I don't think. That contest is more for SI pretty.

A classic look doesn't have to be Miss Universe or SI pretty. Take Valentina Zeliaeva, Aurelie Claudel, and Paulina Porizkova: they all have classic faces that manage to be unique and sophisticated. They would look out of place in an SI spread. SI goes for a cheap, trite, low-brow kind of beauty that I don't consider classic.
marqueemoon said:
A classic look doesn't have to be Miss Universe or SI pretty. Take Valentina Zeliaeva, Aurelie Claudel, and Paulina Porizkova: they all have classic faces that manage to be unique and sophisticated. They would look out of place in an SI spread. SI goes for a cheap, trite, low-brow kind of beauty that I don't consider classic.

Aurelie Claudel and Paulina Porizkova have both done SI . . . :innocent:

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