Why is Vogue Australia so bad?

^ Will definitely get the DVD! Thanks for tips! :flower:

...and oh, I think one of the other reason why it's bad is because they don't pay their interns anything... :innocent:
Really?! :shock: That's not very er.. nice! You sure it's true?!

The Australia Vogue March 2008 is able to be purchased on Februay the 6th :flower:
SO MANY other ... magazine publications overseas use repritns like vogue greece and mexico and a heap more..

I believe Vogue ES also recycles covers and/or editorials sometimes, but they do it so well. They always pick the best of everything they have seen from all Vogues and put it together and present it in such an dazzling way.

It has a defined structure and style of its own. Everytime I flip it, it's so fresh even if it has reprints and even if I have seen all the runway and editorial pics before. In addition to the reprints, they always have some of their own editorials, which I think are always of better quality in terms of photographic style, clothing choice as well as concept than Vogue AU. As someone said, Vogue AU is all about lying on the beach and/or around the pool or posing in front of a simple background. :innocent: I guess that's the Australian style. :doh: :( :ninja: But I don't want to see that every month. :shock: I want to see different styles of everything!

...and oh, I must say, the ads in Vogue AU are quite sad. Nobody even bothers to advertise in Vogue AU, other than the big houses and they only pay for like one and a half page :blink: , whereas in Vogue US or Vogue IT, fashion houses are willing to pay to advertise on 10 pages or even more. :crush:

Life is unfair!

Vogue AU seriously needs some major changes to convince advertisers and magazine buyers that they CAN sell, so that they can actually afford to hire creative people to make original creative work, but that's going to be so hard, because Australia is so isolated and even our designers are going to New York to show their collection (i.e. Toni Maticevski and etc.)...
Really?! :shock: That's not very er.. nice! You sure it's true?!

Yeah... I saw an ad on seek.com.au 2 months ago!

It said "Position will not be paid" and they expect their interns to survive three months without pay. :innocent:

^ that's what I was thinking. So many people who want to work in mags usually have second jobs while they intern. Not ideal, but it's the things you gotta do.

- did the VA beauty intern ad really say it was unpaid? Gosh... they would have worked them hard too since they only have one beauty ed.
^ Yeahhh... Did you see the ad, too?

It was for their beauty section apparently and it did specifically say it will be unpaid.

Life is unfair, isn't it?
I saw the ad and thought "well the intern will be from a well to do family then", sort of in the tradition of the o/s vogues and they're 'debutante' staffers back in the day.
^ :lol:

I will include it in mine, too!

Amen! -_-


Yeahhh... I wonder how many people can afford that job, sassybella :cry: and actually, I want to know who was that lucky person! :innocent:
As others have said magazine publications, particularly fashion (and fashion in general) don't pay their interns so that's not really a point to criticise them about.

However I think Vogue Australia are poorly informed about their readers, I'd go so far to say that they really don't know them at all. They're also far too inconsistent - you'll get really strong issues, and then you get some issues which are completely beyond bad because it just feels like garbage.

As others have said also other Vogues reprint articles and editorials, however I think Australian readers are very appreciative of home grown features and they have proven themselves that they are capable of doing it - the Mischa Barton covers and editorials are very beautiful, I'd go so far to say the best Mischa has looked, and the Kate cover in the Alex Perry dress was equally breathtaking, to name a few. The Sophie Monk one was risky (not only choice of celebrity, but the layout, subject, etc) but it was very effective and memorable.
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I love how the Australians try so hard to defend their magazine :lol:

I probably am biased as I'm from Australia but judging from this thread and from other Australian people I know, I think we are quite measured in our opinions. Of course there are some people who are going to be defensive but there are just as many people who can easily lambast the magazine for all its worth.

Btw I thought the Alice Burdeau cover was absolutely stunning. Reality tv contest winner or not, she looked great. Australia's Next Top Model is very different to America's Next Top Model (in both good and bad ways).
I'm an Australian, and I think Vogue Aus. is..... so so. The quality of Aus. Vogue varies from month to month.. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it falls flat. I agree with the above poster that most of us aussies are reasonable and won't fight for a magazine just because it's australian :lol:

What I like about it: Some of the editorials and articles are good, models (particularly aussie ones) are increasingly on the cover instead of celebs.

Compared to US Vogue:
Not as many ads... Someone said this is a bad thing, but I like it because ads taking up half the content of the magazine is a bit much (last year's US Vogue with Sienna Miller.. whoa). The paper quality in Aus. Vogue is better, mainly because we don't have as many ads/pages. I also like the layout better, maybe because I'm used to it.

What I don't like about it: Too much recycled material... stale recycled material from 2-3 months ago. Some articles I just don't get.. Like this month's story of this woman taking adult ballet lessons.. What?
Not enough local designers featured.
And the fact that Kristie Clements always looks constipated

I was really disappointed with Aus Vogue again with the latest when flipping through the UK Vogue I saw the Camden Cool article on Lily Donaldson was part of a set UK Vogue did on top models. I loved this article in Aus Vogue and had (foolishly) assumed it a one-off. Duh, Frankie. :rolleyes:
I flicked through Vogue Aus and even though there are some reprints, there are also some new editorials.

Other magazines like Vogue China do this too occasionally; print their own and print eds from other publications. However, Vogue China has original covers whereas Vogue Australia doesn't always.
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Is it just me or is the March issue simply beyond horrible? :ninja:

[P.S. Liked the Lagerfeld Confidential feature though.]
I can't even remember the last time I bought an issue of Vogue Australia!

They need to step back a bit and try to grasp some fresh ideas. Opt for 'up-and-coming' or lesser known models rather than the hottest Hollywood celebrity, write articles on topics that the reader can relate to (which means no recurring plastic surgery articles!) and try not to copy other international editions of Vogue.
Oddly enough ladies, people from Vogue Australia do read these comments we make. One of the staffers emailed me through my site to give me feedback.

One of the points we we often complain about - re prints - are reportedly done because the team thinks the story or shoot is so good an Australian audience should be shown it too.

I guess they have a point on that one, after all not ALL Aus Vogue readers read the international Vogue right?
no i assume not. but still it doesn't hurt to look at those amazing editorials and use them for inspiration (not copying). I'm sure aussies go to a book store and see vogue US with so-so on the cover. they might not buy it. Then next month they see the exact same cover on aus vogue. Even if the picture is amazing it doesn't come off well for the mag. It jus makes seem lazy, or without budget to do their own work.

it doesn't hurt to be original.
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I completely agree, it doesn't hurt to be original.

I'm also really sick of fashion mags in Aus either taking beach editorials, or bland editorials in front of a blank wall. Probably why I don't buy them anymore.
I hardly ever by Australian Vogue either. I cancelled my subscription like 2 and half years ago. Now, I subscribe to Russh Australia, which is great. The only reason I bought Vogue Australia March was to get Lagerfeld Confidential; I flicked through the mag in like 10 mins and haven't touched it since. It's really disappointing to the cut-and-paste job they do every month (with all the foreign articles, eds, etc.)
I think its worth buying a foreign import fashion mag every second month rather than getting Aus vogue every month for the same cost; i like either Vogue Paris, Harper's Bazaar UK or Vogue UK.

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