I have no clue how Adrian's Moschino is financially sustainable, the brand completely went off the radar as soon as Jeremy Scott left.
Moschino was never part of the fashion conversation, but at least under Jeremy had viral moments with the stellar campaigns from Meisel, the top castings and the fun runway gimmicks that at least made the brand gain a little bit of relevancy.
The brand marketing was also good and on top for a brand that was trying to cater / lure gen Z and young spenders: you had the easily marketable capsule collections, the viral gimmick accessories (remember the Mcdonald's iphone covers?), the biker bag...with Adrian you have an ugly tie bag that looks like a rejected design update from Prada's belt tote and that's all, no accessories, no capsules, no items that are appealing to aspirational / low spender customers.
I remember Rossella Jardini stating that Moschino was "the biggest from the small brands and the smallest from the big brands" but under Appiolaza the brand turned into a cheap looking version of Loewe with comparable prices. Ain't no one buying a Moschino piece resembling Loewe at 2k when you can get the original at a small price increment at 2,3k.