Advice about Starting & Promoting a Fashion Blog - See Post #1 for Thread Rules

I like your blog Agneslo. You have some very interesting photographes on there.
I was chatting to a friend the other day about whether fashion blogs should just sign up for a Tumblr.

After all isn't that was most fashion blogs are? Photos and inspirations they like and have found on other blogs and websites?

I'm curious to know what everyone else's options are? Do you have a Tumblr and a fashion blog, and how do you differentiate the two or don't you?
^ I put less thought in to my tumbler and it is not fashion specific its just random images and some of my own drawings. On blogs I think that it is important to write not just post images and it should be more tailored to the rest of your blog. For example on my tumblr I would post a pic of a cute cat that has nothing to do with fashion on my blog I would not. Sassybella you should make a tumblr because on your site you write a lot and a tumblr would give you a chance to post whateveryou want on a whim.
Thanks Sophia, I would start a Tumblr, well keep updating mine, if it wasn't a whole other thing to update you know. Once you have a fashion blog, you should get a Twitter, then eventually a Facebook page and whatever else is new.

Of course it all helps your blogs "branding" but when does it all stop.

End rant.

And yes, it is definitely important to have words in a blog unless you're a blog like Fail Blog or LOL Cats where the images speak for themselves ;)
Just do as much as you want to do, no one has to get all of these things. When it stops becoming fun to update, the you need to rethink a few things. I personally think a blog and twitter is enough, but i may start a tumblr for more spontaneous things.
This thread is so helpful, thanks everyone for contributing.

I just started a fashion blog and I'm sure I'll get a lot of tips from here.

btw I love everyones blogs!

I personally would not do Tumblr, blog, and Twitter. I would feel I have to compromise quality on one of them b/c it's so much. I would rather put all my efforts to one source.
I have way to many things lol but I try and keep up with them I dont really do much with twitter it is mostly for following other people. updates itself. So really it is just the blog and the tumblr that I worry about.
I think they are all different things entirely. So my blog is for thought-out fashion posts, my twitter is for anything that comes into my head (and my facebook is for friends only). I put far more effort into my blog, but I guess it's just a different kind of effort.
Hi ScarlettLover, I'm a blogger myself and just checked your blog. It looks happy, colorful and nicely edited. Good luck with it!
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I haven't read through all 40 pages of this thread yet...but the beginning first few pages have already been real helpful in terms of expanding my know-how. I'm looking forward to paging through the rest in due time... Thanks everybody!
Do you guys think English language is the best choice, even if you can't always avoid grammar and spelling errors and such?
Is it just me or this could make look you stupid and/or presumptuous?

Or maybe is better stick to the English with stuff worldwide audience oriented, then for the posts which strangers couldn't understand anyway (i.e. people/things unknown outside your state or something) using your mother language?

Ok this probably made no sense... In any case I appreciate your help if you are gonna reply (:
karma for sure!
^^^^^ I just went to your blog....... it was very good. I love to see images I've never seen before, I also like how you've got an emphasis on shoes...... I " favorited it".
i personally visit blogs in languages that i dont speak, since pictures speak for themselves! but i think if you can speak/write a bit of english (don't worry about spelling or grammar!) then it might be useful to do that as well, to keep a wider audience. but definitely write in your native language too! i think including a short english blurb at the end to maybe summarize your post would be cool. just my opinion, best of luck with your blog :flower: (have you posted a link? i'd love to visit it!)
Do you guys think English language is the best choice, even if you can't always avoid grammar and spelling errors and such?
Is it just me or this could make look you stupid and/or presumptuous?

Or maybe is better stick to the English with stuff worldwide audience oriented, then for the posts which strangers couldn't understand anyway (i.e. people/things unknown outside your state or something) using your mother language?

Ok this probably made no sense... In any case I appreciate your help if you are gonna reply (:
karma for sure!

Maybe you could write the main part in ypur native tongue, then summarise at the bottom in English. This will help you connect with readers in your own country, that probably don't see enough native language bloggers. Plus a decent picture can speak a thousand words. I like to learn about the places bloggers come from, so definitely include this, it will help set you apart. I don't understand a word of, and only a few posts have English, but I feel like I'm learning a bit more about Sweden. And from your post, I think your English is fine. :D
thanks both!
I'll def do that way then

I browse a swedish blog too, and it's all written in swedish but still lovely (: and I like nordic european countries

I don't have a blog, but a lot of ideas and stuff in mind so I think I'll start one very soon ^_^
Mine is in both english and french. I guess I alternate between the two.. just depends on what I feel like writing lol. I'll look at blogs regardless of the language because the pictures tend to speak for themselves like rainy_spring said.

I'm not sure exactly what my blogs about.. I guess I just post my favorite models, editorials, and random fashion photos I love. But lately, I've been posting some personal photos. I'm still not sure what direction I want to take. Let me know what you all think. :)
I think it depends on what your blog is about when it comes to languages.

If it's an inspiration/photo blog, sometimes you don't need to be able to speak the same language as your visitors bar a few words here and there. After all a picture says a thousands words and people see different things.

But if you have a blog which is analyzing/discussing/reporting on fashion, depending on how specific your topic is (is it fashion news about specific things in your country?) then language does play a bigger role.
^ yeah I agree with you. I don't go into details in my blog because I'd like the visitor to have their own opinion about the picture/editorial that I posted. And when I do write a caption, it really isn't much.
^I really like your blog. The pictures you post are lovely. I can't say I have any critique.

Speaking of feedback, have any of you guys made magazine layout type spreads to show what your into? Honestly I'm just really into graphic design and of course fashion and it gives me a way to express myself in both realms. Do you guys like that, or should I stick to the typical post with words and photos inbedded?

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