Advice about Starting & Promoting a Fashion Blog - See Post #1 for Thread Rules

^^ Good point about how a blog is meant to express something that 'is' the author. That's very true -- but blogs have become so trendy that the original, really quite fantastic, idea has been somewhat lost. Frankly sometimes the blogger world feels a little overcrowded, but it doesn't seem to be dying down at all yet. It will be interesting to see how things evolve over the next few years: I personally think (fashion) blogs will become more important, the good ones anyway.
He Susanna Cole I just added one of those ad free blog badges to my blog because I am so sick of how many emails I get asking my to advertise for my as much as I like (and need) money I dont want to clutter up my blog to get it also I feel that it is unfair to the reader I hate reading blogs with a ton of ads. And I try not to reblog anything accept Jak & Jil photos because those are stunning and I always credit the source and write somthing new to add to the photo and I try and ad something else about the person being photographed. I feel like tumblrs are the place for reblogging and just doing what you want as that is more like an image search or a random collection I think that blogs need to be better formed and have so sort of consistency.
^^ Good point about how a blog is meant to express something that 'is' the author. That's very true -- but blogs have become so trendy that the original, really quite fantastic, idea has been somewhat lost. Frankly sometimes the blogger world feels a little overcrowded, but it doesn't seem to be dying down at all yet. It will be interesting to see how things evolve over the next few years: I personally think (fashion) blogs will become more important, the good ones anyway.
yeah personal blogs are the best :heart:

i feel it's over crowded too but i guess you have to dig a bit to find the special ones. kind of underground. once you find one it's like a doorway and you see more and more good blogs (links lists) ^^ from my experience the best are the ones that don't advertise themselves as fashion blogs. they're almost unknown, they think they have no audience. they write for themselves. it's just their day to day life.
i've often found good ones from visiting small online communities, where they're connected under one similar interest
^ I feel the same way. And about the re-blogging thing: it really kinda irks me when people do that. I really feel it's a form of plagerism.

The point of having a blog is to express something fresh, new, and that's completely YOU. I don't know, but I don't think I would enjoy making posts like that. I like blogging just to blog and put some thoughts on 'paper', even if hardly anyone comments them. :p

By the way, I really like your blog Susanna-Cole! ^_^

Agreed, once again! ^_^

And aw, thank you so much! :blush: Happy to hear you like it! :heart: I checked out your blog, as well, and it's really lovely! :woot: I like the content a lot, we've definitly got similar taste. ;)

He Susanna Cole I just added one of those ad free blog badges to my blog because I am so sick of how many emails I get asking my to advertise for my as much as I like (and need) money I dont want to clutter up my blog to get it also I feel that it is unfair to the reader I hate reading blogs with a ton of ads. And I try not to reblog anything accept Jak & Jil photos because those are stunning and I always credit the source and write somthing new to add to the photo and I try and ad something else about the person being photographed. I feel like tumblrs are the place for reblogging and just doing what you want as that is more like an image search or a random collection I think that blogs need to be better formed and have so sort of consistency.

Aw, happy to hear you've joined the "ad free blog" force! ^_^ Definitely appreciate blogs who stay away from tacky ads...if you must advertise, at least pick artists/stores/businesses you really believe in, truly support, and would actually recommend to your readers, I hate to see people do it just for the money. :doh:

I also agree about Tumblr, my Tumblr is much more laid back than my blog, don't write as much, or spend as much time on it, and while I still don't do re-blogs even there, I don't mind reblogs as much on Tumblr (there is a "reblog" button after all, it's somewhat just how Tumblr works), just as long as someone doesn't only reblog, that gets a bit tiring.

yeah personal blogs are the best :heart:

i feel it's over crowded too but i guess you have to dig a bit to find the special ones. kind of underground. once you find one it's like a doorway and you see more and more good blogs (links lists) ^^ from my experience the best are the ones that don't advertise themselves as fashion blogs. they're almost unknown, they think they have no audience. they write for themselves. it's just their day to day life.
i've often found good ones from visiting small online communities, where they're connected under one similar interest

Exactly! When I find an exceptionally good blog, after soaking in all it's amazing posts, I usually hit up the link list, because more often than not, I find it leads me to other blogs of similar quality and greatness. :shifty:

The funny thing is, I'm one of those people who doesn't advertiste myself as a fashion blog, I don't think that makes me any better, it's just the funny thing is...I don't advertise myself as a fashion blog, because I don't actually consider my blog, a fashion blog, and yet, my blog has forever been labeled just that: a "fashion blog". :lol: I mean, yes, fashion definitly seeps in, sometimes I use fashion editorials for illustration, but I rarely talk about fashion directly, and have rarely ever had it as my focus, in any entry. Some of my readers are aware of this, but most just refer to it as a "fashion" blog.

And now that I think about it, this is a thread for fashion blogs. :blush: Hadn't thought about it too much, but since I don't really run a fashion blog, I'm probably not even qualified to be talking or handing out any advice in this thread. :ninja: Oops! :innocent:
I'd love to get my blog off the ground, I honestly am not sure as to where to start, so if you're interested in helping a poor soul like myself then please do send me a PM as I'll gladly receive and critique (given it's constructive, ha).
susanna-cole i just checked your blog^ and i can see why people would think it's a fashion blog.. i have seen a lot of blogs that could be called fashion too, but i dunno there is really something "else" there, that stands out.. it's maybe more about inspiration, but it can still count as a fashion blog.. personal style is fashion, isn't it.. a mood, personal style, personal taste, ideas (for personal blogs)
those ones hit me the most ^^

but are hard to find.

beautiful imagery by the way. and i like your choice of type and size

changing topic.. tbh i got sick of my blog when i started feeling like i had an audience. i started to feel like a reporter, looking for interesting things to post for viewers, and it was also when i started getting comments and good feedback on my blog. but it somehow sucked the life out of me
i think whatever way you choose to make your blog, go ahead . it's great as long as you're enjoying it ^^;;
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^ I agree. It's like when you feel that some people are actually waiting for your next post, you suddenly become more conscious of what to put on your blog. My blog is not actually that popular, but I can feel the pressure now. Haha!
susanna-cole i just checked your blog^ and i can see why people would think it's a fashion blog.. i have seen a lot of blogs that could be called fashion too, but i dunno there is really something "else" there, that stands out.. it's maybe more about inspiration, but it can still count as a fashion blog.. personal style is fashion, isn't it.. a mood, personal style, personal taste, ideas (for personal blogs)
those ones hit me the most ^^

but are hard to find.

beautiful imagery by the way. and i like your choice of type and size

changing topic.. tbh i got sick of my blog when i started feeling like i had an audience. i started to feel like a reporter, looking for interesting things to post for viewers, and it was also when i started getting comments and good feedback on my blog. but it somehow sucked the life out of me
i think whatever way you choose to make your blog, go ahead . it's great as long as you're enjoying it ^^;;

You make some really relative points, about fashion and style. I usually use "fashion" as a term directly relating to clothing, shoes, etc... But as far as style, yes, as you said it's definitely more of an essence and mood, and not necessarily something visible to the eye, like a piece of clothing is.

And aw, thank you so much for your kind comments about my blog. :blush: :heart:
Sorry, to double post, but after my last comment, I was still thinking about what gius said, about personal style, and wanted to say...

I think a mistake some bloggers (or people, in general) make is trying to either imitate someone else's personal style (which you can't really do, but so well, as it's their style not yours), or decide, oh, I want to have this style and this look.

With my blog that I ended up discovering that personal style kind of finds evolve into it, and it's a process, not just a quick decision. Don't force it, don't try to fit yourself into the mold of a certain style, because I think it ends up being seen through as fake, and in the end, may only restrict you from evolving into something even better. ^_^

If you were to go back to the earliest entries of my blog (um, please don't though, you don't want to go there :lol:) in retrospect of it, it definitely feels somewhat haphazard and forced (in my eyes, anyway), and I've concluded that's probably because one, I was still getting my footing, in the blogging world, but more importantly, when I started blogging, I had predetermined what kind of style I wanted to have for my blog, and was therefore forcing myself into a box. It wasn't until I decided to step out of the restricting boundaries, I had set for myself, and starting experiment, that I ended up inevitably finding and falling into the particular style that my blog has now.

And funny thing is some of my favorite blogs - who often do have a very specific style now - looking back at their earliest entries, those entries seem worlds away, which I feel goes to show that style is really something that evolves and that can't necessarily decided upon. :flower:

P.S. Loving all these discussions, tFS members are such a fabulous and intelligent group to discuss things with! ^_^ :heart:
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Honestly, I re-blog all the time. My blog probably wouldn't exist if it wasn't for re-blogging. But then again thats the nature of my blog.

I originally started it because my friends never knew what the hell I was talking about, so I decided to start a blog in order to put my inspirations in one place. And I wanted to share my favorite spreads with my friends, so they could get their greasy hands off my magazine collection.

So I think re-blogging is fine, if there is a reason...
To the post before last, I think reblogging for inspiration is more understandable. But I think that all falls into the whole 'theme' of your blog. I think in an inspiration focused blog it would be difficult not to reblog in some shape or fashion at least every once in a while.

And I couldn't understand that guy in the video you posted. He has an accent that makes his english hard for me to understand. :blush:

I would like to know what it was about though. :flower:
Just checked out your blog and really like the graphic design elements it makes reading it more fun!

^I really like your blog. The pictures you post are lovely. I can't say I have any critique.

Speaking of feedback, have any of you guys made magazine layout type spreads to show what your into? Honestly I'm just really into graphic design and of course fashion and it gives me a way to express myself in both realms. Do you guys like that, or should I stick to the typical post with words and photos inbedded?
I just redid mine what do you think??? any ideas for layout improvement. And are the images to big?
I just redid mine what do you think??? any ideas for layout improvement. And are the images to big?

Looks great! :flower: And no, I don't think they're too big, at all. In fact, I love when blogs post images in large formats! :woot: However, I must also point out that I have a newer computer, and high speed internet, so while they load rapidly for me, for some they could take an enormously long time to load. :doh: (But, I think most should be able to load them okay. ;))
Random questions, and things I'm curious to hear opinions about. :shifty: Don't feel you must answer them all, though, I'm just throwing them out there for discussion. :flower:
  • How do you feel about auto-play music on blogs?
  • If you see that a blog has music that is not on auto-play, do you ever click to listen to it or just keep on browsing?
  • How do you feel about bloggers who leave comments that either only ask you to check out their blog, or end their comment exclaiming, "Check out my blog!" with a link? Too much shameless self-promotion or not a bother at all?
  • How do you feel about bloggers who never reply to comments or comment on others' blogs?
-How do you feel about auto-play music on blogs?

-Please don't. I do love players, but I prefer to click play myself. It's the worst when you're already listening to music and you visit a blog with auto. It almost automatically makes me leave. ha

-If you see that a blog has music that is not on auto-play, do you ever click to listen to it or just keep on browsing?

-I usually do listen. But then again I'm a music junkie, I love hearing new stuff.

-How do you feel about bloggers who leave comments that either only ask you to check out their blog, or end their comment exclaiming, "Check out my blog!" with a link? Too much shameless self-promotion or not a bother at all?

-I HATE comments that simply list another blog with no relevant comment attatched. My site is not your personal billboard. But I don't mind if they leave a thought out comment and include a link with it. I do like discovering new blogs. You just have to go about it politely and non-aggressive.

-How do you feel about bloggers who never reply to comments or comment on others' blogs?

-To each their own. But I do love getting comments and communicating with others. It's supposed to be a blogging 'community' right? Otherwise, you're just talking to yourself.

Now I have a question of my own. ;)

How do you feel about blog name changes?

I changed the name of my blog b/c I felt the name was no longer relevant to what I was creating, which was not all about fashion. BUT my blog is new, so it hasn't really gained much readership, so I figured it would be fine.

Annoying, or for the better?
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Yes, same here. Most the the time, I already have music playing, so it's frustrating to have unwanted music interrupt it, and sometimes if I have nothing turned on, at all, it'll just make me jump, when it suddenly starts blasting. :wacko: But I must admit, I've found quite a few great songs, due to auto-play music on blogs, some people do have great taste in music, but still prefer the option of choosing to listen or not. ;)

Agreed, once again. ^_^ The thing is, I return almost all the comments I receive, meaning I already will check out your blog, without being asked...the only thing that makes me not check out someone's blog? If they just post a comment, saying to check out their blog. :rolleyes: Actually even if they do add something else to their comment, if it's just like, "great post!" I suspect they didn't even look at it/read it, and may not reply to them because of that. The worst are the ones who not only post, something like, "CHECK OUT MY BLOG!" and then post the link over and over. As if I couldn't have noticed it the first time...:blink: :rolleyes:

Exactly, I've always thought of it in the same way, a "community". To me, it seems kind of pointless to just blog and never communicate with other bloggers, but I guess this works for some, who are able to get attention with their blog anyway, and don't feel like wasting their time commenting on anyone else's blog. I think bloggers like this are kind of self-serving, though. :innocent:

If your blog is new, I think a name change is fine. ;) Especially, if you feel that name will better suite/serve your blog and its content. I made the mistake of choosing a restricting name, it fit, when I began my blog (I was going to live in NYC, for the first time), but now I'm not even in NYC, and I'll be traveling over the world for the next couple of years or so. Should have made it, "Girl Meets World"! :lol:
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How do you feel about auto-play music on blogs?
I hate it I just leave as well.
If you see that a blog has music that is not on auto-play, do you ever click to listen to it or just keep on browsing?
I really like this I think music is a great thing to have as long as you can decide to listen to it or not
-How do you feel about bloggers who leave comments that either only ask you to check out their blog, or end their comment exclaiming, "Check out my blog!" with a link? Too much shameless self-promotion or not a bother at all?
I actually do check them out but only because I am curious person.
How do you feel about bloggers who never reply to comments or comment on others' blogs?
I try and answer all legit comments when people just say genaric things like "I like this" or "this is cool" I dont bother.
How do you feel about blog name changes?
I did it for the same reasons you did actually you made me want to change my blogs name.
I have questions as well (p.s. I love how everyone communicates on this thread its so thought out)
What do you think about image crediting? I often make collages from many different sources and they are clearly not my own images because they are often about other peoples style or about designers collection so I usually say who the person is or what the collection is? Should I hunt down all my exact sources? I also have a picture crediting disclaimer on the side bar.
also about average how many comments do you get per post I am just curious? I get anywhere from 0-8 I never really get more than that,
What do you think about image crediting?
This is a really tough one. I'm a photographer, and a while ago I was flipping through an indie magazine and lo'and behold I came across one of MY photos in an ad for a vintage store. I had no clue it was being used and they even did further edits on it. I was absolutely furious. Had a real pickle calling publishing offices and sending flames to the store owner.

BUT I think it's sometime impossible to remember where everything is from. This is how I see it: If you know the source, post it. Photographers like getting credit. If you don't know the exact source, say so and be open to crediting the source if it is found. For inspiration or personal use I think it's just fine. Just don't claim it's yours.

also about average how many comments do you get per post I am just curious?
0-5, so far. :blush:

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