Advice about Starting & Promoting a Fashion Blog - See Post #1 for Thread Rules

How do you feel about bloggers who never reply to comments or comment on others' blogs?
I try and answer all legit comments when people just say genaric things like "I like this" or "this is cool" I dont bother.
What do you think about image crediting? I often make collages from many different sources and they are clearly not my own images because they are often about other peoples style or about designers collection so I usually say who the person is or what the collection is? Should I hunt down all my exact sources? I also have a picture crediting disclaimer on the side bar.
also about average how many comments do you get per post I am just curious? I get anywhere from 0-8 I never really get more than that,

Yes, the generic comments can be a bit tiring...I mean, it's cool, if they like it, but it's nice to expand on that some, otherwise it just comes off like that person is just saying that, in hopes to get a comment on their blog or something in that vein. :innocent:

This is a tricky subject, opinions certainly differ among bloggers, but I feel strongly that bloggers should always, always credit, each and every photographer whose photographs they use, assuming that they're able to find credit. (If I can't find credit, in most cases, I just opt to not use the photos). The thing is, for all the bloggers out there who don't credit, I'm pretty certain they'd be upset if someone copied something they worked on/made/did, and didn't why do that to others? :blink:

And if you find the photographs on a blog or site, not belonging to the photographer, it's nice to credit that source, and the photographer, but if you're only going to credit the photographer, the work truly belongs to them, not the outside blog/site you found it on, who most likely didn't even have permission to use it.

Around 100 +, per entry. I've a lot of people ask me how I get that many comments, and I like to kindly remind them that there was a time when "0 Comments" was the normal for an entry of mine too. For any newer bloggers out there, be patient, building up a readership, takes time. :flower:
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^ I always say if an image is mine or not I would never claim otherwise. I try to post where I get the inspiration for my drawings as well unless they are from my own imagination.

Another question
How many times a week do you post? also how many posts a week/day is too much?
I do 2 bunches of posts a week usually when I do about 3 posts all in a row I really need to learn how to pace myself but i usually come up with ideas in a bunch.
I think I am going to try and be better about my credits. The problem is I am an image junkey and I have about 10+g of just pictures on my hard drive and I can never remember where they came from. I feel bad after going back through my archives about some of my blog posts I think I might go back through and edit all my posts with credits and redo some of my formatting to match what I am doing now. Is this worth it? I dont know if that many people go back in time on the blog.
How many times a week do you post? also how many posts a week/day is too much?
I do 2 bunches of posts a week usually when I do about 3 posts all in a row I really need to learn how to pace myself but i usually come up with ideas in a bunch.

The first question is kind of irrelevant to me, now, since I don't really blog anymore. As for the second: I think this depends on the size of the posts, if they're quick, and easy, once a day, to a few times a week is fine, if they're longer, perhaps just a couple times a week.

Some people crave the daily updates, others prefer entries to be more spaced out...Consider that many people keep up with numerous blogs, these days, and it's easier to keep up with all their favorites, if those blogs don't post too frequently. Otherwise they might end up feeling snowballed, and stop reading some blogs, if they fell they can't manage reading them all. ;)

Also, for those hoping to increase the comments they receive, note that giving some time between posts, will also give time for readers to leave a comment on entries. :flower:
To find out where an image came from, you might want to try searching with TinEye:

Their database isn't very large yet, but sometimes it works pretty well. It uses an algorithm of some sort to fingerprint photos on the web and find matches.
I am really bad at giving credits with images, normally I just hope the reader uses common sense, as when I talk about the image, i normally leave a link, but i guess I should be a bit more consistent and keep it clearer.

I hate music on blogs, would much prefer to have the choice, as I tend to have tv/music on in the background, and numerous windows open, so it gets very distracting. I understand people may want to use it to add to the ambience of a site, but I think it can be intrusive. I tend to mute the laptop, before reading the blog.

I don't really like spammy comments, with nothing relevant to the post, it just reflects badly on the blog and makes me less likely to visit. I recognise it's a worthwhile form of promotion, because people are more likely to click when seeing a URL, but I'd prefer a relevant comment instead of something so blatant.

I understand some bloggers get too many comments to reply, but I think it's worth recognising your readers, as it can make my day to receive a comment. I always try to respond to comments with something relevant eventually, as I think it's common courtesy. My posts can get between 5-12 comments, but there are a few exceptions. I don't tend to get zero comments, as I space my posts out quite a bit. Anyway, it's all about quality over quantity, and I'd prefer to get the nice, friendly comments I do get, over spammy generic ones.

Edit: Oh, and I think it's fine to change the name to something more relevant. My blog name is rather generic, as I know I might talk about fashion, driving or architecture, so I wanted to keep it open.
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How do you delete posts when you use blogger I feel like cleaning out some of the archives?
I think I am going to try and be better about my credits. The problem is I am an image junkey and I have about 10+g of just pictures on my hard drive and I can never remember where they came from. I feel bad after going back through my archives about some of my blog posts I think I might go back through and edit all my posts with credits and redo some of my formatting to match what I am doing now. Is this worth it? I dont know if that many people go back in time on the blog.

I commend you for wanting to work harder on keeping up with credits, I really respect bloggers who take the time to do this, and I think others do too. :flower:

What sites do you often search for photos? If you use sites like Flickr and Deviant, this helps, because you can save the photos you like, and might use in future posts, as favorites, and then go back through your favorites, if needed, to find credit.

I've noticed that those who use sites like WeHeartIt and FFFFound, often only credit those sites, when there's actually a link to where each photo was uploaded from, on these sites. See if that link doesn't lead you back to the photographer's/artist's site, and use that for credit instead of just WeHeartIt or FFFFound...crediting those sites, in general, doesn't help anyone. The chances of someone being able to find the photo you used from there is slim, and the photos don't actually belong to these sites. ;)

Here's some ideas/tricks I use to keep track of/find credits:
  • Save the photo with a file name that includes the credit. You can use the photographer's name (and then quick Google search can lead you back to their site for a link to credit, if you choose to blog that photo).
  • Use the photographer's flickr name (or Deviant name, or whatever the site may be that has unique names for it's users) in their URL + the site name. You can just use the URL (for example: and insert the unique URL name/ID you saved, into that link (in this case, after "photos/"), to get back to their photostream. Or, even easier, just favorite their photo, (if the site has that feature) and sift back through your favorites, to find the photo, and photostream/user's page again.
  • If you find an editorial, chances are, the title page, if large enough to read, or included, will have the photographer's name printed. If it's been cropped out, or not there, try finding the name of the model/one of the model's in the editorial. Look up the model on tFS, or a similar site, do a title search for the editorial, in the model's thread, and see if somone posted scans with a credit for the photographer. Don't know the model(s)? Might I recommend the Model ID thread on tFS, the members in that thread are geniuses at idenitifying models. :shifty:
  • You could also just look up the magazine name + editorial name (in parentheses), if it's a popular enough magazine, chances are, you can find the photographer's name that way.
  • If you find photos on another blog or site, with no credit, consider briefly contacting the site owner and ask if they know who the photographs belong to? Surprisingly, they often do, even though they didn't give credit, when they posted them. :innocent: (It's also possible, the photos just might belong to them, but it's not made clear. ;))
  • Number your photo files as you save them, and have a seperate word document, with a name and/or link credit for the photo, listed next to the number that adjoins that photo. It's easy to remember what credit, belongs to what photo, that way.
  • If you save numerous photos from a photographer's website or photostream or what not, you can bookmark that link, on your Internet browser, so you can find it again.
Okay sorry, that's a lot. :doh: But hopefully that can help some. :blush: :flower:
How do you delete posts when you use blogger I feel like cleaning out some of the archives?

Go to your blogger dashboard, click "edit posts", don't click on the actual post, just find it, in the list, scan over to the far right, and there should be a blue "delete" button, click that. :flower:
Does anyone know how to verify your blog on Bloglovin?

I've pasted the code into a post and I have 1 follower, yet it still says unverified. from: sophia is having the same problem as I am.

Any help?
Does anyone know how to verify your blog on Bloglovin?

I've pasted the code into a post and I have 1 follower, yet it still says unverified. from: sophia is having the same problem as I am.

Any help?

Wait, you posted the code into a blog post? When I did it, which was granted, a while back, so maybe they're changed it, I think it had to go in the sidebar, like under layout, in a new HTML/JavaScript box, but I could be wrong. Is there any other way to verify it? :unsure:
^ Thats what I did I will check back maybe it takes a while for it to work because me and Scarlett are both following each other but it says that we are still Unverified.
I verified on Bloglovin' through a new post. I just posted to code in a new post and published that post. Then a little post came up on my blog that said "Follow my blog with bloglovin" in really small letters.
^Hmmm...I did that and I did get the link and everything but it still says unverified. I don't know why it's being silly, I'll prob just have to tinker around with it a bit to get it working.

Thanks for everyone's help so far. :flower:
  • How do you feel about auto-play music on blogs
Oh god, i absolutely hate it! :shock: especially when it just randomnly blasts through my headphones upon clicking on the terrifies me then puts me in a bad mood for about 20 min :lol: i usually just mute the volume on my computer if i visit a site with music on it again, though i'd try to find any excuse nto to go on the site again haha.
  • If you see that a blog has music that is not on auto-play, do you ever click to listen to it or just keep on browsing?
Never. I just keep on browsing.
  • How do you feel about bloggers who leave comments that either only ask you to check out their blog, or end their comment exclaiming, "Check out my blog!" with a link? Too much shameless self-promotion or not a bother at all?
I don't really see the point in posting comments like that on other blogs, because you just look silly and i can't imagine many people actually going on it in the's better to just leave a link at the end of your comment.
  • How do you feel about bloggers who never reply to comments or comment on others' blogs?
It's nice to respond, because you feel acknowledged.
There's a link to my blog in my signature, does anyone ahve any ideas/criticisms/ comments or anything about it? I'm fairly new to blogging...have been meaning to start a blog for ages!
you're taking all those photos yourself? :o

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