Advice about Starting & Promoting a Fashion Blog - See Post #1 for Thread Rules

^ oh yeah i went outside the shows. hahaha they are pretty crappy i know hahahaha the weather was awfulll
One thing I would advise is do not delete your blog if you're getting a bit disenchanted with it. I was getting around 50 comments per post but I got so bored of the whole commenting thing (i.e. people leaving meaningless comments on yours so you feel obliged to reply even if you have nothing to say) that it kinda sucked the joy out of blogging so I ended up deleting my blog. Of course a few months later I wanted to start again and so undeleted it (you can do that on Blogger) but now I only get a few comments per post as obviously everyone thinks its not there anymore, although I'm getting a steadily increasing amount of hits per day now and more followers as people are finding it again. Deleting it is definitely a last resort.
Also I'd recommend updating as regularly as possible. The most popular blogs generally post daily (e.g. Style Bubble) and once they've become established they can afford to post more infrequently.

My blog is linked in my signature if anyone has any suggestions
new blog

hey everyone i've just started a new personal/fashion blog. the link is in my signature and any comments are welcome. thanks :)

My blog's here ( I'd appreciate any critiques/comments...

One big issue I'm running into is keeping on top of new stuff and posting daily. I'm trying to post each day now, sometimes multiple posts, but it's like a second job! Does anyone have any suggestions on keeping on top of posting?

I'm thinking I gotta change the content so there's less emphasis on 'fresh news' cuz I can't compete with fashionista/fashionologie, etc. out there. Any advice would be greatly welcomed! Thanks!
^^ i really like your blog. maybe something that you could add (since i agree, its hard to compete with other fashion-news sites) would be to add in a bit of street style or personal style. or maybe focus on local (vancouver or canadian) designers, shops, etc. i know i'd certainly be interested in learning/reading more about!
i do really like your blog though, i will definitely be back :flower:
^^ Thanks for the kind words Rachel!! My plan is not to stop posting but transform it as I go along. Want to work on creating less time-sensitive posts...

Checked out your blog and I guess you're in Toronto if you're under threat from Hurricane Bill? Btw, Hunter Boots are the greatest thing to me, they're a godsend and they're great quality! Don't know why they didn't come out earlier in Vancouver. Love all your celeb style posts!
Thanks! :flower: I'm in the Halifax area, but I do visit Toronto a lot, as I have many friends and family there (which is where I picked up my Hunter boots!).
And Hurricane Bill (luckily) turned out to be no big deal! Phew! But all the rain did give me an excuse to wear my boots around! haha
Is it possible to make money with fashion blogs?


well, I'm new here and I hope to make many new friends and share some ideas..

I'm also new to blogging and I'm really fascinated!
I started my blog for fun... but friends told me I could earn money. But I'm not sure yet how.

I would like to know from other fashion blogger here from TFS if they blog just for fun or if they want to earn some money with the blog.

If they earn money... how does it work? Sponsors? Google links? Job offers...?

Is it difficult to find sponsors?

Of course it's possible to earn.
You need to first of all, to have a successful blog, and then I believe you get offers from sponsors.
It's like youtube, you can earn money as well, but you must have really many subscribers.
hi antonio, welcome to theFashionSpot :lucky:

i merged your thread with this one... the answer should be here. just try the "Search this thread" link near the page numbers, at the top of the page.

There is also some mentioning of it in Blog design technique & Tips in art&design forum
Hey guys. I've had a failed attempt at blogging this year and just now decided to restart my blog and update more. Mainly for a creative outlet. I'm starting to revamp it, after a discussion with a friend. It's name is the Manifesto and I want it to be sort of like a mini magazine with photography, literature, music, prose....whatever. All done by many of my friends. Sort of like a joint aesthetic venture. I mainly decided to use my blog because webspace seemed really expensive but the blog seems really hard to customize and I know very little about tech things. Can anyone give me some tips on design with Blogger? You can check out my blog in the signature. Critiques are greatly welcomed. P.S remember its a work in progress.
Hi everyone

Im new on TFS I have recently started my own blog, right now i do not feel like there are many people reading or seeing it. Does anyone have any advice on how to get more people reading it? (admittedly it is a little bland right now as i am only just getting the hang of it and would also like to make the whole design more appealing as it is basic right now) Also when those of you who have blogs first started how long did it take until you began to get a decent amount of readers and feedback?
One of the easiest ways to get people to read your blog is to join social networking sites. Also visit other bloggers and comment. there is also a website. Independent fashion Bloggers that can give you alot of pointers on design other things. its a network of bloggers from around the world.
^ Agreed.

Comment on as many blogs as possible. That's what has helped me the most (unfortunately I'm too lazy to do it very often :P). Also posting on sites like chictopia and lookbook.
Hi everyone

Im new on TFS I have recently started my own blog, right now i do not feel like there are many people reading or seeing it. Does anyone have any advice on how to get more people reading it? (admittedly it is a little bland right now as i am only just getting the hang of it and would also like to make the whole design more appealing as it is basic right now) Also when those of you who have blogs first started how long did it take until you began to get a decent amount of readers and feedback?

I quite like your blog. I think you have the potential for many decent outfit posts, and I'm sure you can build a following by showing your personal style. It's not an instant thing to get more readers, I had 2 followers for ages, but now after commenting on blogs, link exchanging and twittering, things are looking up (only in the last few months really), and more people are finding it now. You have to accept that some blogs grow at different rates, and accept it for what it is. Just stay committed.
Hi guys, I'm new to TFS. Well, I got an account long time ago but haven't actually done anything more than lurking until now. :)
I just started a streetstyle blog for my city of Toronto. I would appreciate your comments and opinion on it:
Thankyou everyone for your advice I have seen results from commenting already! Also Kbella I think you may be right about showing personal style as it makes the blog more original.
I didnt even know you were linking me! I like your blog a lot ! The font & the layout color is very complimentary too. I think your writing style is very good and it brings a personal touch to your entries, which I think is important.

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