Hi Everyone,
I'm new here so please help me out. In case you want to flame or call me a n00b, please do so through e-mail. I'm not trying to get under anyone's skin or be an idiot and therefore I'm seeking advice.
I started a blog about a month ago. It was online for the public until yesterday, it is currently set to private. Why is it now private? Please read on.
I'm at a crossroads and I don't know what to do. My blog is much like many blogs but two specifically which I'm sure many of you know of.
www.fashiongonerogue.com and
www.jeremydante.com. I love to post (about) Editorials, upcoming industry creatives, etc. The blog was starting to do very well as far as I'm concerned, especially for the short time it's been up for. Now someone on Model Mayhem was linked to the blog from my page there and wrote me a message. In the message this person pointed out that I was going against copyright law posting what I was posting. Basically, the editorials I post I get from other blogs, The Fashion Spot, Bellazon, etc. I post editorials in their entirety. But every time I post I cite the source where I found the content and I credit the photographer, model, agency and publication. I also had a Disclaimer up in which I put that I do not own any rights to any content posted on the blog and that all rights to the content belong to the respective owners. I was under the influence that this was enough and that I was doing nothing wrong. According to this guy who wrote me the message, I was wrong.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction with this?
What do I need to do in order to keep my blog up?
I really love posting about editorials and sharing my thoughts with people.